
zhōnɡ yānɡ xiàn
  • median line;medium line
  1. 这里的商品琳琅满目,从竹制抹茶筅到印花手帕应有尽有。逛完商店,沿旧楼梯拾级而上,看着往来的中央线(Chuoline)列车隆隆驶过,而屋顶咖啡馆N3331就开在两条轨道中间,距轨道仅一步之遥。

    After browsing the handful of shops selling everything from bamboo matcha whisks to printed handkerchiefs , ascend the old staircase to watch Chuo line trains rumble mere feet from either side of the rooftop cafe N3331 , set between the tracks .

  2. 他注视着中央线,驾车径直向前驶去。

    He drove straight by sighting along the center line .

  3. 你一定是乘的中央线地铁。

    You must have been on the Central Line .

  4. 也就是船下最深的那条中央线

    the centerline and the deepest part of the ship

  5. 改善针织坯布布面起毛和中央线的生产实践

    Practice on Improving the Fuzzing and " Central Line " of the Gray Knits

  6. 紧凑型线路档距中央线(相)间距离的选取

    Selection of Line ( Phase ) Spacing in Span Centrality of Compact Transmission Line

  7. 乘都会线,到利物浦街,再转中央线。

    Catch the Metropolitan to Liverpool Street and then change to the Central Line .

  8. 从新宿搭中央线到东京。

    Take the Chuo Line from shinjuku ( Station ) to Tokyo ( Station ) .

  9. 你要乘维多利亚线到牛津广场,再转中央线。

    You want the Victoria to Oxford Circus and then you change on to central .

  10. 中央线是加护病房里发生严重感染的常见源头。这份工作清单包括一些简单的措施,例如在做静脉注射之前的洗手和消毒皮肤。

    The checklist includes simple things like hand washing and disinfecting the skin before the central line is inserted .

  11. 感染的高频率与侵入设备的使用,特别是中央线,导尿管和通风设备密切相关。

    High frequency of infection is associated with the use of invasive devices , in particular central lines , urinary catheters , and ventilators .

  12. 题目的关键是在每一刀之间的长方形以及与穿过中央线平行的线。

    The key was the area of the rectangular strips lying between each cut and a parallel line passing through the centre of the pizza ( see diagram ) .

  13. 对针织坯布生产中常见的布面起毛和中央线疵点产生的原因进行了分析,并从机械、生产及技术等角度提出了一些改善措施。

    This paper analyses the reasons of facing and " central line " fault in producing gray knits and puts forward some countermeasures from the aspects of machine , production and technique .

  14. 用酒精为基础的洗必泰溶液可作为首选消毒剂,特别是中央线插管的病例。

    Chlorhexidine for skin antisepsis Use an alcohol-based chlorhexidine ( > 0.5 % ) solution as the first line agent for skin antisepsis , particularly for central line insertion and during dressing changes .

  15. 调查结果显示,在使用中央线导管,或者是放置在病人的颈部或胸部大静脉管相关的血液感染减少33%。

    The findings showed a33 percent reduction in bloodstream infections associated with the use of a central line catheter , or a tube that is placed in a large vein of a patient 's neck or chest .

  16. 目前国内采用的单回路紧凑型线路相导线分裂根数多,线(相)间距离小,因而档距中央线(相)间距离的选取就成为决定紧凑型线路技术参数的关键问题之一。

    Since the multi-split conductors are adopted in domestic compact transmission line of single circuit , the selection of line ( phase ) spacing in span centrality becomes the one of key problem of deciding the technical parameters of compact transmission line .

  17. 两国关系是世界经济的中央断层线。

    Their relationship is the central faultline of the world economy .

  18. 板块的中央构造线把板块的主应变场分为东、西两个区。

    The principal strain field of the PHIL is divided into the eastern and western areas by the central tectonic line .

  19. 一连数小时注视着中央分道线这样一个单调、几乎能催眠的过程是被严重低估的威胁生命的重大隐患。

    The monotonous , almost hypnotic process of staring at the center diveder for long hours is a grossly underestimated , lifethreatening hazard .

  20. 其次,分别利用层次分析法和语言分级评价法,对城市道路中央双黄线、中央护栏隔离和中央绿化隔离3种情况的景观进行分析;

    Second , the road landscape is studied for double yellow stripes , median fence and median green belt with AHP ( analytic hierarchy process ) and language classification evaluation method .

  21. 安保公司高管里斯说,他认为11月纽约马拉松赛的安保工作对象将是聚集在中央公园终点线附近的庞大人群。

    Looking ahead , Mr. Reese , the security executive , said he believed security would be imposed on the large crowds that gather near the Central Park finish line of the ING New York City Marathon in November .

  22. 在基于快速公交巴士BRT专用道设置中央道路跟踪导航线的特殊性基础之上,进行车辆对道路跟踪导航线进行跟踪导航控制。

    This dissertation is based on special road rights of Bus Rapid Transit and road tracking navigation line 's particularity , at condition of the self-driving speed that 's under 60k / h , carry through vehicle to road tracking navigation tracking navigation control .

  23. 进行线分法检查时,在A4纸的左侧、中央和右侧分别画6条水平线段,让患者用右手持圆珠笔在线的中央划一垂直分隔线。

    In the bisection test , eighteen lines were presented on the left , middle and right of a A4 paper respectively . The subjects were asked to place a short cross mark in the exact middle point of each line on the paper using their right hand .