
ruǎn mó
  • soft mode
软模[ruǎn mó]
  1. 此式说明在两个温度区域存在着两种软模:1、TT0,一般软模;

    It shows that there are two kinds of soft mode in two temperature ranges : 1 . TT_0 , general soft mode ;

  2. 铁电体KDP软模时间分辨的冲击受激拉曼散射

    Time Resolved Impulsive Stimulated Raman Scattering on KDP Soft Mode

  3. 纳米尺寸下Pb(1-x)BaxTiO3的喇曼振动光谱及软模行为的研究

    A study of Raman spectra and soft mode behavior in nanocrystalline materials pb ( 1_x ) ba_xtio_3

  4. 由MD模拟数据计算了CaSiO3系统的红外光谱,分析这些数据可知钙钛矿型CaSiO3解压缩非晶化是一个二阶软模相变。

    The infrared spectrum of CaSiO_3 perovskite has been calculated with MD data .

  5. 用于RTM工艺的软模材料的工艺性能

    Study on the Process Properties of Flexible Mold Material for RTM

  6. 用这些软模花样说明了钛酸钡晶体冷却时发生具有a畴和c畴结构的铁电相变。

    These soft modes were used to explain the phenomenon that barium titanate crystal has the structure of a domain and c domain in ferroelectric phase transition when temperature is reduced .

  7. 软模辅助RTM成型舱段构件及其性能研究

    Fabrication of the Cabin Component by Flexible-mould Assisted RTM Process and Its Performance

  8. 其中软模理论在处理有序-无序系统中的主要模型为横场Ising模型。

    Transverse Ising model is the main method to deal with ferroelectrics of order-disorder type .

  9. 在自由边界条件下解出了钙钛矿结构有限尺寸晶体的简谐振动方程,发现许多简谐振子软模.用这些软模说明了钛酸钡晶体冷却时发生具有a畴和c畴结构的铁电相变。

    The soft modes in a finite perovskite with free boundary were calculated , and they can be used to explain why that barium titanate crystal has a and c domain structures in ferroelectric phase transition while temperature reduces .

  10. Li~+-CaxPb(1-x)TiO3湿敏纳米薄膜的激光拉曼光谱、晶格畸变和激光显微组织&应用软模理论解谱

    LRS , Lattice Distortion and Polycrystal Microstructure of Li ~ + - Ca_xPb_ ( 1-x ) TiO_3 Nano-film Used for Humidity Sensor & Application of Soft Mode Theory

  11. 以一个典型构件缩比件为例,介绍了软模及真空辅助RTM工艺用模具的设计和制备过程。

    Taking a typical model for example , the mould design and fabrication process for vacuum assisted RTM with a flexible mould are introduced .

  12. 以近纳米粉体WCNiFe和WCu为原料,采用软模成形的方法,重点研究软模成形工艺参数对压坯密度和压坯强度的影响;

    In this paper rubber mold pressing are used in the densification of WC Ni Fe and W Cu powders . The influence of processing parameters of rubber mold pressing on compact density and intensity are especially investigated .

  13. 建立了用于RTM工艺的软模材料的热膨胀&温度特性的测试方法,得到了软模材料的热膨胀参数。

    In this paper , a test method for investigating thermal expansion & temperature properties of flexible mold material for RTM process is established and the thermal expansion coefficient of the flexible mold material is obtained .

  14. 在制作LOM原型件时,采用随形技术的加工方法不但可以减少划分网格的时间,还可以在制作软模时节省硅橡胶。

    When manufacture the LOM prototyping part , using shape following technology can not only reduce the time on making grids of slices , but also save on silicon rubber in manufacturing silicon rubber modules .

  15. 目前,基于快速原型(RP)制造的快速模具工艺的种类很多,其中按照制模材料的不同,可分为简易软模和钢质硬模。

    Currently , more and more methods of rapid tooling based on rapid prototyping manufacturing ( RPM ) are developed . According to the different kinds of the mould materials , they are basically divided into the simple soft mould and steel hard mould .

  16. 快速成形(RP)技术已成功地实现了面向市场的新产品造型设计敏捷化,并在快速软模制造方面取得长足进步,目前正向快速制造金属模具(RMT)方向迅速发展。

    Rapid Prototyping ( RP ) technology has turn agile design of new market oriented product model into realization successfully , and great progress in rapid soft tooling has been made by this technique , currently , it is speeding up toward Rapid Metal Tooling ( RMT ) .

  17. RT技术在硅胶、树脂等软模快速制造方面已取得长足进步,目前正向快速制造金属硬模尤其是直接快速制造金属模具(DRMT)方向迅速发展。

    RT technology has made great progresses in rapid soft tooling such as silica and resin tooling , and now it is speeding up toward to the Rapid Hard Metal Tooling ( RHMT ), particularly the Direct Rapid Metal Tooling ( DRMT ) .

  18. 软模热膨胀法成型发动机燃烧室壳体贴壁内衬

    Flexible Thermal Expansion Molding of a Combustion Chamber Liner Formet

  19. 超细粉末的高压软模成形方法

    High pressure rubber mold in the compaction of ultrafine powder

  20. 按制模材料可分为软模和钢制硬模。

    It can also be divided into soft tooling and hard tooling .

  21. 不锈钢弯头软模胀形凹模的失效分析

    Failure Analysis on Bulging Die of Stainless Steel Elbow with Solid Medium

  22. 一个哈密顿系统正则动量的软模振荡

    Soft-mode oscillations of canonical momenta in a Hamiltonian system

  23. 本文主要研究刚性模胀形修复和软模胀形修复。

    This research mainly studies the stiff mold bulging and flexible mold bulging .

  24. 软模成型自硬转移涂料的研制与应用

    Development and Application of Self-hardening Transferring Coating Material with Sagging Pattern to Moulds

  25. 聚四氟乙烯透波罩软模成型工艺及材料性能研究

    Investigation on PTFE Wave-transmission Cover and Its Soft-die Processing

  26. 聚合物的结构转变和软模

    The Structural Transition and Soft Modes in Polymers

  27. 介绍两芯腰形充气橡胶软模工艺尺寸计算方法

    It relates to technological dimension calculation of pneumatic soft mold in double-core waist shape

  28. 铁电相变的软模理论

    Soft mode theory of ferroelectric phase transitions

  29. 最后,应用该函数关系对软模成形容框进行了设计和校核。

    To validate the mathematical relationship , the rubber pad forming experiment was carried out .

  30. 没有观察到软模现象。

    No soft mode can be observed .