
  • 网络cross-border ethnic groups;transnational ethnic groups
  1. 但是,国家政治归属的不同往往对跨国民族之间的关系起到推动或阻碍的作用。

    However , belonging to different political system always promotes or hinders the intercourse between cross-border ethnic groups .

  2. 共同的根源和文化使分居不同国家的跨国民族间存在一种天然的亲切感。

    The same root and culture create a natural affability between cross-border ethnic groups , which lives in different countries .

  3. 中国壮族和越南岱族是有亲缘关系的跨国民族。

    Chinese Zhuang and Vietnamese Tay are cross-nation affined nationalities .

  4. 跨国民族问题与我国的西部大开发中国企业的跨国经营

    The Question of Transnational Ethnic Groups and the West Exploitation in China

  5. 跨国民族类型与和平跨居模式讨论

    Varieties of Transnational Ethnic Groups and Transnational Settlement Model

  6. 论同源跨国民族问题中的文化因素

    On the Cultural Elements of International Ethnic Conflicts

  7. 柯尔克孜(吉尔吉斯)跨国民族社会文化变迁研究

    The Study on the Social Culture Change of Khalkhas ( Kirghiz ) Cross-Border Nationality

  8. 跨国民族族缘政治分析

    An Analysis of Cross-Border Ethnic Groups ' Ethno-Politics

  9. 赫哲(那乃)族于1858年,成为了中俄跨国民族。

    Hezhen ( Na Ao Nepal ) National in 1858 , became a Russian cross-national .

  10. 跨国民族问题与边疆稳定战略研究

    A Research on the Problem of Cross-border Ethnic Groups and the Stability of Border Areas

  11. 克伦人是缅甸与泰国最重要的跨国民族之一。

    The Karen is one of the most significant ethnic groups across national boundaries of Myanmar and Thailand .

  12. 对于跨国民族的发展需要始终关注两方面的问题:其一,是否促进所在国与客位国经济发展、社会稳定和民族团结;

    For the development of the transnational nationalities , much attention should be paid to the two aspects ;

  13. 中国是一个跨国民族众多的国家,绝大多数跨国民族分布在西部地区。

    There are many transnational ethnic groups in China , and most of them lie inthe west of China .

  14. 中亚国家独立前后跨国民族的迁移对其民族结构的影响

    The Migration of Ethnical Groups Across the Border in Central Asian Countries Before and After Their Independence and Its Influence

  15. 中亚与我国西北边疆同源跨国民族形成的原因是历史的变迁。

    Nationalism is the main problem of the transnational nationalities in Central Asia and China 's Northwest border areas today .

  16. 关于边疆跨国民族地缘冲突的动因与和平跨居条件的思索

    A Study on the Cause of Geo-clash and the Peaceful Conditions of Transborder Habitation Concerning the Transnational Nationalities in Borderland Area

  17. 而以跨国民族为表象的斗争反映了跨国民族问题错综复杂的特点及其在当今国际关系中的重要地位。

    The conflicts among the transnational nationalities show the complexity of the problem and its important position in present international relations .

  18. 苗族是中国的主要的少数民族之一,也是一个散居于世界各地的跨国民族。

    The miao nationality is one of the major minority nationalities in China . It is a transnational nationality which disperses worldwide .

  19. 在边境地区,这一过程还受跨国民族的特点及自卫反击战的影响。

    In border area , this process was also influenced by the feature of cross-border ethnic groups and the counterattack in self-defense .

  20. 因为跨国民族问题作为新生形态的民族问题将成为新世纪影响国际关系的世界性问题。

    The problem of transnational nationalities will become a major international issue of the new age , which will influence the international relations .

  21. 对柯尔克孜(吉尔吉斯)跨国民族社会文化变迁这一课题进行研究,不仅有重要的学术价值,还有一定的现实意义。

    Studying on the social culture change of Khalkhas ( Kirghiz ) cross-border nationality not only carries out a practical meaning , but also is the important worth in academy .

  22. 本论文系统研究了中哈两国哈萨克跨国民族和平跨居的定义、产生的原因并对其制约因素以及如何消除不利因素进行了分析。

    This article studies systematically the definition 、 reasons and the negative factors of peaceful transnational settlement of Kazakh transnational ethnicity between China and Kazakhstan as well as how to remove those disadvantages .

  23. 本文认为,当今世界跨国民族问题引发的各种矛盾与冲突,往往受主体民族与母族文化的影响;

    In this article , the author thinks that all kinds of contradictions and conflicts that have caused the problem of the transnational nationalities in the world today usually affect the main body nationality and mother national culture .

  24. 但跨文化交际问题不仅仅是不同民族、不同语言之间的问题,同一民族成为跨国民族时,跨文化交际问题也是同样存在的,这一问题却被学者们忽视。

    However , the issue of cross-cultural communication problem is not only between different nationalities , different languages , when the same nation as a transnational nation , intercultural communication issues also exist . This issue is ignored by scholars .

  25. 瑶族是一个有着悠久历史文化的少数民族,支系众多,同时,瑶族又是一个跨国民族。

    The folk song of Yao nationality which is at Mang Shan , has a long history in Hunan Province . Yao nationality is a minority as well as a cross-nation group which has a long history and culture of the minorities , with many lineages .

  26. 跨国公司与民族地区的经济安全

    MNC and the Economical Security in Ethnic Minority Regions

  27. 第二章则从理论上分析了跨国公司与民族国家的相互关系。

    The second section analyses the mutual relation between TNC and nation in theory .

  28. 跨国公司与民族工业之间的经济关系

    Economic Relationship between Multinational Corporations and National Industry

  29. 可口可乐并购汇源的法律思考&兼论跨国并购对民族品牌的机遇与挑战

    Coca-Cola Huiyuan legal consider mergers and acquisitions Also on cross-border M As on the national brand opportunities and challenges

  30. 经济全球化与国家主权的矛盾主要表现在国际组织、跨国公司与民族国家的关系上,经济知识化、信息化则更不利于弱势国家的主权。

    The contradiction between economic globalization and state sovereignty are shown mainly in the relationship of international organizations , transnational corporations and national states . Being knowledgeable in economy and economic informationization are disadvantageous to the sovereignty of weak states .