
  • 网络Cross-border yuan trade settlement;renminbi cross-Border trade settlement
  1. 中国银行周一宣布已于当日清晨完成首笔跨境贸易人民币结算业务。

    The Bank of China announced Monday that it had transacted the first cross-border yuan trade settlement deal Monday morning .

  2. 试点以来,辽宁省跨境贸易人民币结算业务平稳增长。

    Liaoning 's RMB settlements grow steadily since the work began .

  3. 关于跨境贸易人民币结算试点对外汇管理政策影响的研究

    Research on the effects of pilot cross-border RMB settlement on foreign exchange regulation

  4. 汇丰还是第一家在全球六大洲完成跨境贸易人民币结算服务的国际性银行;

    It was the first international bank to offer cross-border RMB settlement services in6 continents .

  5. 以此来说明我国虽然发展跨境贸易人民币结算进程中存在不少问题,但是前景更是非常广阔。

    Despite many problems , the prospect of RMB settlement in cross-border trade is very promising .

  6. 双方还互换了此前已经签署的跨境贸易人民币结算账户协议文本。

    The two banks also exchanged copies of agreements on settle accounts in China 's Yuan .

  7. 希望本文的研究能为商业银行跨境贸易人民币结算操作风险管理提供借鉴。

    This study can hope to the RMB cross-border trade settlement operational risk management to provide a reference .

  8. 对冲人民币敞口的困难,此前一直被列为提高跨境贸易人民币结算比例的一大障碍。

    Difficulties in hedging renminbi exposure have been cited as a major barrier to increased cross-border trade settlement in the Chinese currency .

  9. 试点企业应当选择一家境内结算银行作为其跨境贸易人民币结算的主报告银行。

    A pilot enterprise shall choose one domestic settlement bank as the main reporting bank for RMB settlement of cross-border trade transactions .

  10. 场景二:本月早些时候,国务院宣布计划在5个城市开展跨境贸易人民币结算试点。

    Exhibit B : earlier this month the state Councilto allow companies in five cities to settle cross-border trade deals in Renminbi .

  11. 最后,对跨境贸易人民币结算在云南地区的实施所带来的积极影响与消极影响做出判断并提出相应政策建议。

    Finally , we make judgement of positive and negative effects the RMB settlement of cross-border trade made in Yunnan and propose policy recommendations .

  12. 到2011年第一季度,中国跨境贸易人民币结算业务量升至550亿美元,占当季贸易结算总量的7%。

    By the first quarter of 2011 , $ 55 billion of China 's trade 7 % of the total was settled in yuan .

  13. 建立试错纠错和究错机制,如完善跨境贸易人民币结算的配套立法;

    The trial and error mechanism should be established , a typical example of which is the complementary legislation for the RMB cross-border trade settlement .

  14. 推进跨境贸易人民币结算试点,逐步发展境外人民币金融业务。

    We will promote pilot projects for the use of the renminbi in cross-border trade , and gradually develop overseas financial activities using the renminbi .

  15. 中国人民银行上海分行负责对上海市跨境贸易人民币结算试点工作的具体监管。

    The Shanghai branch of the PBC shall be responsible for the specific supervision and administration of the pilot RMB settlement of cross-border trade in Shanghai .

  16. 而后,就货币国际化与货币竞争理论、货币选择理论和跨境贸易人民币结算相关理论及文献进行了系统的梳理。

    Then , we systematically review the existing literature about the monetary internationalization , monetary competition theory , currency choice theory and RMB settlement in cross-border trade theory .

  17. 跨境贸易人民币结算的境外地域由港澳、东盟地区扩展到所有国家和地区。

    I.The overseas coverage of RMB settlement in cross-border trade shall expand from Hong Kong , Macao and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to all countries and regions .

  18. 双方同意在各自的职责范围内,对澳门银行办理个人人民币业务和跨境贸易人民币结算业务进行监管并相互配合。

    The two sides agreed in the cooperation with each other and their respectively responsible areas of regulation of personal RMB business at Macau bank and RMB business for cross-border trade .

  19. 作为总体计划的第一阶段,跨境贸易人民币结算仍处于萌芽期,占中国国际贸易总额不到1%。

    The settlement of cross-border trade in renminbi – stage one of the masterplan – is embryonic , accounting for less than 1 per cent of China 's total international trade .

  20. 而人民币汇率在此次危机中保持稳定的波动幅度,在国际上赢得了一定的威望和声誉,跨境贸易人民币结算就在这一时刻登上了国际舞台。

    And the stable volatility range of RMB exchange rate in the crisis has won international prestige and reputation . This instant , RMB settlement in cross-border trade reached the international stage .

  21. 与此同时,银行家们希望这些措施能触发一个“反馈回路”:香港人民币投资产品增多,刺激跨境贸易人民币结算业务的增加,反过来再推动香港创设更多人民币投资产品。

    Meanwhile , bankers hope that the measures will trigger a feedback loop in which the creation of more renminbi-denominated products in Hong Kong spurs greater cross-border trade settlement , and vice versa .

  22. 运用实证分析,通过模型构建及对人民币结算在进出口中所占比例估值,来测算我国未来十年跨境贸易人民币结算的规模。

    Using empirical analysis , we construct a model and estimate the proportion of RMB settlement in the import and export , to predict the size of RMB settlement in cross-border trade for the next decade .

  23. 金融危机后,我国政府对于推动人民币的国际化采取了许多措施&与周边多个国家进行了货币互换、随后大力推进跨境贸易人民币结算业务,并适时在香港离发行了人民币债券等等。

    After the financial crisis , our government took a number of measures to promote the internationalization of the RMB . Such as having a currency swap with neighboring countries , promoting cross-border trade in RMB business in Hong Kong vigorously timely issuing RMB bonds in Hong Kong .