
  1. 由於其中引用的许多古籍后来散佚,保存在《路史》中的材料便成为校勘与辑佚的重要资源。

    Which cites numerous books later lost , the materials saved in LuShi become the important resource of collating and compiling .

  2. 18例(78.3%)有长期下尿路感染史,8例(34.8%)伴有腺性膀胱炎。

    18 patients ( 78.3 % ) had the history of lower urinary tract infection . 8 ( 34.8 % ) suffered from cystitis glandularis simultaneously .

  3. 糖尿病史56.2±16月,下尿路症状史是26.2±10月,均行尿动力学检查。

    Mean duration of diabetes was 56.2 ± 16 months . Mean duration of voiding symptoms was 26.2 ± 10 months . All cases underwent urodynamic examination .

  4. 从某种意义上说,王蒙的文学之路是当代文学史的一个缩影。

    From some kind of significance , Wang Meng 's road of literature is a miniature which is about Chinese present history of literature .