
  • 网络dance dance revolution;DDR;PIU;hot
  1. 刚走到金星动漫城二楼,就听到电玩发出的刺耳杂音,两台跳舞机首先映入记者的眼帘。

    Venus animation Chengerlou just went , I heard the issue of harsh noise electronic games , two Dance Dance Revolution , the first thing the reporter 's eyes .

  2. 特别是一到晚上,超市电玩厅里的顾客一多,带音乐的电玩加上跳舞机、架子鼓一起上,‘震’得我们楼上居民无法休息。

    Especially in the evening , the supermarket 's customers more than one gaming hall , with Dance Dance Revolution game with music , with drums on the'shock'was our upstairs residents can not rest .

  3. 那是日本来的跳舞机:‘跳跳革命’。

    It 's that dance machine from Japan , Dance Dance Revolution .

  4. 昨天我跟朋友一起去玩儿跳舞机了。

    Yesterday I went dancing with my friends on @ dancing machines @ .

  5. 不可否认,也有些坏人滥用跳舞之机以图私欲。

    It cannot be denied that there are certain villains who want to take advantage of others and abuse dancing .

  6. 跳舞垫上灯光闪耀,指示你移动舞步,并根据你的步速进行评分&就像一台家庭DDR跳舞机!

    It lights up to teach dance moves , and scores you based on how quickly you step – like a DDR machine for the home !