
  1. 但是斯考利想让苹果公司取代IBM在美国商用机界的地位

    But Scully wants to market the Mac to corporate America taking on IBM

  2. 试评两种商用机译软件的汉语分析能力

    Comment on the Chinese Analysis Ability of Two Commercial Machine Translation Software

  3. 系列飞机的机身、中央机翼盒及舱门将由沈阳飞机工业(集团)有限公司(shenyangaircraftcompany)开发提供,这是中国航空工业对西方商用喷气机项目的最大规模参与。

    The CSeries fuselage , centre wing box and doors will be developed and supplied by Shenyang aircraft company , with the Chinese aerospace industry making its biggest engagement in a western commercial jet programme .

  4. 最后应用FLUENT软件对新设计的风力机作气动性能预测,并与同类型的商用风力机进行对比,考察并检验新设计的风力机性能是否满足设计要求。

    Finally FLUENT software applications for the new wind turbine design for the aerodynamic performance prediction , and the same type of commercial wind turbine compared to inspect and test the new design of the wind turbine is to meet design requirements .

  5. 这种技术对现有系统的修改极小,是目前能够运行商用虚拟机的最小TCB,并且保护粒度十分适合IaaS类型的云计算环境。

    The proposed technique requires very little modification to the existing system . The tiny hypervisor is the smallest TCB to run commodity virtual machines . The protection granularity is very suitable for IaaS Cloud Computing environment . 5 .

  6. 随着航空设备技术水平迅速提高,人为因素造成的可控飞行撞地CFIT已经成为商用飞机机毁人亡的主要原因。

    With the improvement of aviation technology , the Controlled Flight Into Terrain ( CFIT ) accidents / instances result from human factor has become the main cause result in the air disaster .

  7. 定频压缩机一拖二智能商用空调机运行模式的设计研究

    Design and Research of Operating Mode to Invariable Frequency Compressor with Two In-door Units in Intelligent Business Air-conditioner

  8. 在本系统中,一个网络税控器控制多台商用收款机,它们通过无线网络进行数据传输。

    In this system , a network tax controller controls many cash registers , which through a wireless network for data transmission .

  9. 本文介绍一台基于商用光盘机的高性能价格比的相变类光盘材料静态测试仪。

    This paper introduces a phase change optical disk static tester with high performance but low cost based on a commercial optical disk drive .

  10. 15世纪的阿拉伯人是最早栽培及食用咖啡的民族,而在1843年一名法国人首次制造出第一台商用咖啡机。

    Fifteenth-century Arabs were the first to cultivate coffee and a Frenchman was behind the 1843 debut of the world 's first commercial espresso machine .

  11. 这看起来象一张从飞机上拍摄的照片,除非有人记得他特地乘商用喷气机飞越过这个最高峰就是在这个高度。

    It might look like a photo taken from an airplane , until one remembers the summits are at the height typically flown by commercial jets .

  12. 目前,国内豆浆机的生产呈现多样化发展趋势,商用豆浆机的市场份额日益增长。就目前国内形势来看,商用豆浆机价格不菲。

    At present , the domestic production of soybean milk displays gradually a growing trend towards variety , and the market share of commercial soybean milk is increasingly growing .

  13. 该安全代理即在商用台式机,笔记本电脑,安装和订阅服务器每用户或每设备,并提供病毒,间谍软件防护,和其它威胁。

    A subscription per user or per device for the Security Agent that is installed on business desktops , laptops , and servers and that provides protection from viruses , spyware , and other threats .

  14. 目前,我国在商用车柴油机满足国Ⅳ、国ⅤV排放法规技术路线中,倾向于采用SCR技术作为满足未米更严格排放要求的主要技术措施。

    At present , most of engine enterprises for commercial vehicles in our country tend to adopt SCR technology as the main technical route to meet Euro IV and Euro V standards .

  15. 本文借鉴国外商用RTM注射机的结构,结合国内相对成熟的聚合物注射设备的设计经验,确定了适用于高性能环氧类树脂的RTM注射装置的总体结构,进行了整个系统及重要部件的方案设计。

    Taking some of the foreign commercial RTM machines and experiences of designing native injection molding machines as references , this thesis discusses the general structure of RTM equipment which particularly uses the high quality Epoxy Resin as the material .

  16. 大功率商用车柴油机机油内部评价试验方法

    Internal Evaluation Method for High Power Commercial Vehicle Diesel Engine Oils

  17. 详细分析了一款商用税控收款机的硬件和软件的设计方法。

    The hardware and software design method of a tax controlled gathering machine for commercial use is presented .

  18. 近年来,随着重型大功率商用车柴油机强化程度的不断提高和废气排放标准的日趋严格,对柴油机及其机油的要求越来越高。

    In recent years , with the improvement of heavy commercial vehicle diesel engine and increasingly strict emission regulations , there is more and more demand on the diesel engine and oils .

  19. 文章介绍了当前商用飞行模拟机视景系统的组成,包括图像发生器,实时控制系统,着重介绍了视景系统模型建立过程中所使用的与实时性相关的几个算法及模型的建立过程及其结构。

    This paper introduces the components of the visual system for current flight simulator , includes image generator , real time system , and database system . Especially focus on some realtime related algorithm , modeling procedure and model structure .

  20. 系列电脑控制器;商用即热开水机;家用多功能饮水机;

    The main products includes : heating unit , computer controller , commercial water heater , home use multi-purpose water dispenser ;

  21. 英格兰的一家小型面料生产商用老式的织布机和印染技术能够生产出这种超轻的羊毛面料,而现在甚至连这些工具和技术都已成为无价之宝。

    They are based in Scotland and England amongst other places . A small weaver in England produces this ultra light wool using old looms and presses , today priceless antiques .

  22. 随着处理器架构逐渐能够满足这些新需求,未来,嵌套虚拟化很可能会成为一个常见的使用模式,不仅会出现在下一代云产品的企业服务器中,还会出现在商用服务器和台式机上。

    As processor architectures catch up with these new requirements , nested virtualization could be a common usage model in the future , not only in enterprise servers in next-generation cloud offerings but on commodity servers and desktops .