
  • 网络CommerCiAl;Commercial land;commercial land use
  1. 这块地未划作商业用地。

    The land was not zoned for commercial purposes

  2. 复星国际持有这块商业用地的一半,另一半则被复星国际在上海的前合作伙伴的旗下公司于去年卖给了SOHO中国。

    Fosun owns half the commercial land , but the other half was sold last year to Soho by units of Fosun 's former partners there .

  3. 商业用地市场的土地成交量以及商业地价呈现逐年上升趋势。

    The market volume of commercial land and prices increase quickly .

  4. 城市商业用地开发选址因素分析

    Factor analysis of development and site selection for urban commercial land use

  5. 韩城市城镇商业用地估价方法的研究

    Business vision Method for Han Cheng 's commercial land assessment

  6. 呼和浩特市城区商业用地土地定级研究

    Study on Commercial Land Grading in Urban Area of Hohhot

  7. 石家庄商业用地基准地价测算研究

    Study on commercial land standard price in Shijiazhuang City

  8. 商业用地的定量化评价

    Measurable evaluation of the land for business use

  9. 网站设计概算商业用地由299元!

    Budget Web Designers-Business sites from $ 299 !

  10. 容积率与建筑密度对地价的综合影响研究&以株洲市商业用地为例

    The joint influence on land price produced by floor area ratio and construction density

  11. 商业用地路线价测算模型研究

    Study on street value model of commercial land

  12. 最终测算出2002年韩城市城区商业用地基准地价。

    Finally we calculated standard land price of Han Cheng 's commercial land in 2002 .

  13. 通过先强占农业用地,再将其重新划分成商业用地,这些官员能从中为个人牟利。

    Such officials can profit personally by seizing farm land and rezoning it for commercial use .

  14. 该地块为商业用地,将以商业、办公、酒店为主要方向。

    This commercial land has been planned for commerce centre , office buildings and hotels business .

  15. 城市零售商业用地的区位评价方法及其应用

    Study on the Evaluation of Location in Urban Commercial Land and Its Application in Appraisal of Land Value

  16. 城市热岛中心主要分布在工业用地、商业用地以及居住用地密集区域。

    The center of UHI is mainly distributed in the industrial land , commercial land and residential land-intensive areas .

  17. 在土地征收过程中,农业用地转换为工商业用地,土地的用途发生变化,随之而来的便是,土地因用途的变化而发生了增值。

    In the process of land expropriation , agricultural land which is converted to industrial and commercial land rise in value .

  18. 地块内用地功能复杂,周边有工业用地、商业用地及农民自建住宅。

    Buildings witch around the site having complex function , such as industrial premises , commercial land , and house of peasant self-build .

  19. 重庆中心城区内不仅商业用地比例过小,而且商业的行业分布不合理。

    Land for commercial use in center districts in Chongqing city not only takes an insignificant proportion , but its distribution is not reasonable .

  20. 交通道路对商业用地地价分布有重要影响,城市扩展会带动扩展方向的区域商业用地地价升高;

    Urban roads and streets have important impacts on land value , city expanding can heighten land value in the regions of expanding directions ;

  21. 更值得一提的是,由于信贷危机,耕地价格比起住宅及商业用地价格有弹性得多。

    Even more remarkably , farmland prices have been much more resilient than residential and commercial property values in the wake of the credit crunch .

  22. 商业用地使用权由开发商和集体组织直接交易,国家不再从中渔利;

    Transactions on land for commercial contraction should be conducted directly between collectives and developers and the enormous profit made by the state therefrom should be avoided ;

  23. 商业用地优化部分,论文提出优化核心是一期商业规模的扩充,商业业态的提升以及用地兼容性改造。

    Optimization part of the commercial sites , optimize the core of the proposed size of a business expansion of commercial activities and land use compatibility to enhance transformation .

  24. 开发商还向政府预付一笔额外费用,以换取变更土地用途的许可,例如从农业用地变更为商业用地。这样摇身一变会释放出更多的价值。

    Developers also pay the government an upfront premium in return for permission to convert its use , say from agriculture to commercial , a hey-presto transformation that releases more value .

  25. 第三,在对一二期的发展背景和现状研究后,发现商业用地和产业用地是现实发展中存在的主要问题。

    Third , the development of a background and current status of phase II study , found that commercial land and industrial land is the main problem that exists in reality .

  26. 今日,主城区迎来虎年首次土地出让,三宗地块包括两宗商业用地和一宗宅地。

    Today , the main city usher in Year of the Tiger for the first time the land transfer , three plots , including two commercial sites and one house lots .

  27. 根据土地利用性质,重点研究商业用地和交通方式、居住用地和交通方式以及工业用地和交通方式三大类。

    According to land using nature , it focus on the three kinds : commercial land and traffic mode , residential land and traffic mode as well as industrial land and traffic mode .

  28. 最后,以南安市商业用地定级为例,借用空间聚类的有关知识,探讨了以价定级法在实践中的运用,证明了方法的可行性。

    Finally , taking Nanan City commercial land classification as an example , borrowing the relevant knowledge of space clustering , the feasibility of grading urban land to price in practice is proved .

  29. 长春市百年城市土地利用分形特征表明商业用地在城市中心集聚,而工业用地向城市边缘分散,1954年后城市土地利用表现出很强的分形性,表明城市发展过程的自组织特征;

    Commercial land gathers toward the center of the internal circle . In contrast , industrial land clusters in the urban fringe . The fractal dimension of urban evolving indicates the character of self-organization .

  30. 文章在分析商住用地价格特征的基础上,以浙江省乐清市为例,探讨采用“商业用地基准价格与住宅用地基准价格相复合的方法”来评估商住综合用地的价格。

    The paper takes Leqing city as an example to put forward a new method , which is based on the basic prices of urban commercial land and basic prices of urban residential land .