
  • 网络Commercial Revolution;business revolution
  1. EDI引发了一场“结构性的商业革命”,对传统的合同法律产生了较大的冲击。

    EDI triggered an " institutional commercial revolution ", which bears a strong impact on traditional contract laws .

  2. 中国潮;商业革命;工业革命;虚拟价值。

    Sinomania , Commercial Revolution , Industrial Revolution , virtual value .

  3. 商业革命对整个世界产生重大影响,伴随中国加入WTO,必将对中国商业改革和发展形成新的挑战。

    The business revolution has a momentous influence on world economy , and with China entering WTO , it must be a new challenge to business reform and development of our country .

  4. 山西票号与中国商业革命

    The Shanxi Banking in History and China 's Commercial Revolution

  5. 在14世纪,威尼斯在欧洲带头发起了一场商业革命。

    Venice pioneered a commerical revolution in the 14th Century in Europe .

  6. 毫无疑问,电子商务是一次新的商业革命。

    Without a doubt , electronic commerce is a new commercial revolution .

  7. 山西商人对中国商业革命的贡献

    Contribution of Shanxi Merchants to China 's Commercial Revolution

  8. 现代商学体系架构要适应商业革命的进程

    The System Frame of Modern Commerce Must Adapt the Development of Commercial Revolution

  9. 从广义上讲,电子商务是一个传统的商业革命。

    In a broad sense , E-Commerce is a revolution of traditional business .

  10. 网络的发展,带来了一场新的商业革命-电子商务革命,网络零售业作为电子商务的一个组成部分也随之发展起来,近年来更是发展迅速。

    The rapid development of internet has brought a new business revolution-revolution in e-commerce .

  11. 所谓商业革命,是指交换方式产生根本性变化的变革过程。

    The so-called commercial revolution is the changing process that exchanging patterns changed basically .

  12. 商业革命原因再探

    Study on the Cause of Commercial Revolutions

  13. 全球商业革命、瀑布效应以及中国企业面临的挑战

    Global Business Revolution , Cascade Effect and the Challenges for Catch-up for Large Indigenous Chinese Enterprises

  14. 最文化的商业革命

    Most of the Commercial Revolution

  15. 17、18世纪时,东西方几乎同步发生了商业革命。

    Commercial revolution happened almost at the same time in West and East in 17th and 18th centuries .

  16. 英国是世界上第一个实现城市化的国家。英国城市化的主要因素不仅仅是工业革命,还包括农业革命、商业革命。

    The main cause of British urbanization is not merely industrial revolution it also includes agricultural revolution and commercial revolution .

  17. 商业革命引起的英国对外贸易扩张,推动了城市化的发展。

    The Britain foreign trade development which was brought by the business revolution had promoted the advancement of Britain city .

  18. 一些日本学者与西方汉学家,都把宋代称为一次“复兴”和“一次商业革命”。

    Some Japanese bookmen and western scholars who study Chinese culture regard her as a recovery and a commerce revolution .

  19. 连锁经营正是近代商业革命所带来的产物,是社会化生产和社会化消费矛盾发展的必然产物。

    The chain store is a product of Modern commercial chain revolution , and it is also an inevitable result of contradictions of social production and consumption .

  20. 中国明清时期发生的商业革命和金融革命与欧洲商业革命和金融革命是平行发展的;

    The commercial revolution and financial revolution of China , which took place in the Ming and Qing dynasty , developed parallel with the commercial revolution and financial revolution in Europe .

  21. 自从上世纪90年代互联网出现以来,信息技术与网络技术飞速发展,电子商务随之在全球普及并掀起一场新的商业革命。

    Has Internets appeared since on 90s of the last century , the information technology and the network technology rapid development , the electronic commerce ( E-commerce ) rapidly popularizes and has raised a new commercial revolution along with it in the whole world .

  22. 在这一趋势中展现了商业革命的滚滚浪潮,主要表现在商业经营国际化、产业组织集中化和连锁化、流通功能主导化、商业运营信息化和高技术化、商业业态的多样化以及更重视服务。

    This trend exhibits a worldwide business revolution is coming , which is mostly represented by business management internationalization , industry organization centralization and chaining , circulation function dominating , business management informationization and using High Technology , business operation form diversification and emphasizing on service .

  23. VoIP是随着20世纪90年代以来开始的Internet商业化革命和网络融合技术发展起来的一门新兴的通信技术。

    VoIP is a rising technology with Internet commercial revolution and Network crisis development since 90 ages of the twenty century .

  24. 商业银行经营革命:流程银行的构想与现实

    The Operation Revolution of Commercial Banks : Design of procedure Bank and its Realization

  25. 城市大型商业区的革命产生的影响是巨大的,它不仅改变了人们的生活方式,而且促进了城市建设和商品流通。

    The revolution of large-scale business district in city has not only made a complete change in us life style , but also promoted the city construction and circulation of commodities .

  26. 两人开启了零售、商业,甚至社会革命。

    Both created retailing , business , and even societal revolutions .

  27. 今天自己的位置并获得了与我们惊人的商业建筑系统和革命成功的营销概念车!

    Position yourself today and get on the wagon to success with our amazing Business building system and revolutionary marketing concepts !

  28. 莫里斯对美国革命的贡献,是商业精神与美国革命之关系的最佳诠释。

    Morris ' contribution to the American revolution , is the best interpretation of the relationship between the business spirit and the American revolution .

  29. 电子商务带来了一场由技术手段飞速发展而引发的商业运作模式的革命,传统经济活动的生存基础、运作方式和管理机制均发生了彻底改变,传统的市场观念也面临巨大的冲击。

    E-commerce has brought the commercial operation pattern revolution which initiated by the rapid development of technical method . The survival foundation , the operation way and the management mechanism of traditional economic activity changed thoroughly , the concept of traditional market has also faced the huge impact .

  30. 本文结合商业发展的历史和流通经济理论界已有的观点,认为电子商务正在酝酿着第四次商业革命,并对此进行了归纳论证。

    This article unifies the commercial development history and the circulation economical theorists already the viewpoint which has , and holds that electronic commerce is fermenting the fourth commercial revolution , and has carried on the induction proof .