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shānɡ tānɡ
  • Shang Tang;King Tang of the Shang dynasty
  1. 商汤网开三面的佳话,一下子传开了。

    The much-told tale of King Tang 's leaving the net open on three sides spread far and wide at once .

  2. 于是,当时的四十个小国家都心悦诚服地归顺了商汤。

    Thereupon , all the 40 small states of the time had a heartfelt admiration9 for Tang and pledged ther allegiance to the Shang Dynasty .

  3. 汉水以南各国知道后,都说:“商汤对禽兽也这样恩赐,这样宽恕,真是个仁慈的人。”

    When the people of the states south of the Han River heard of it , they all said : " King Tang of Shang bestows6 favour even upon birds and animals . He is so lenient7 that he is truly a benevolent8 man . "

  4. 根据标普全球市场财智(S&PGlobalMarketIntelligence)的数据,自2014年成立以来,商汤科技已经筹集了超过16亿美元(约合106亿元人民币)的资金,在5月得到了45亿美元(约合300亿元人民币)的估值。

    SenseTime has already raised over $ 1.6 billion in funding since it was founded in 2014 , according to data from S & P Global Market Intelligence , and as recently as May was valued at about $ 4.5 billion .

  5. 据彭博(Bloomberg)上周援引匿名消息来源报道,软银(SoftBank)的1000亿美元愿景基金(VisionFund)正在寻求获得北京人工智能公司商汤科技10亿美元(约合66亿元人民币)的股份。

    SoftBank 's $ 100 billion Vision Fund was seeking a $ 1 billion stake in SenseTime , an artificial intelligence company in Beijing , Bloomberg reported last week , citing anonymous sources .

  6. 商汤科技的首席执行官在1月份告诉《金融时报》(TheFinancialTimes),该公司已经“处理了5亿个面部识别身份。美国公司无法对这么多客户进行测试,”这家公司已经与重庆市警察局和中国移动签订了合同。

    The chief executive of SenseTime , which has contracts with the Police Department in Chongqing and China Mobile , told The Financial Times in January that the company had " processed 500 million identities for facial recognition . U.S. companies can 't test on so many customers . "

  7. 商汤伐桀路线新探

    A New Study on the Route of Shang Tang Expending Jie

  8. 商汤抓住这个机会反抗并推翻了夏朝。

    Shang Tang took this opportunity to revolt and overthrew the Xia Dynasty .

  9. 商汤用义取天下,开始使用武力和兵器。

    The ruler of Shang relied on righteousness , so they first used weapons .

  10. 商汤都郑亳的环境因素与历史原因

    Zheng Bo 's Atmosphere and History Reason

  11. 商汤越战越强,夏桀陷于孤立的境地。

    The more he fought , the stronger he was , while Jie became isolated .

  12. 相传商汤曾被囚于此。

    It is said that Tang , the king of the Shang Dynasty had been incarcerated there .

  13. 商汤乘机率兵伐夏,大败夏桀,桀逃到南巢死去。

    Shang Tang took this opportunity to revolt and dethroned Jie , who died in exile in Nanchao .

  14. 伊尹:商汤建朝与伊尹的辅佐是分不开的。

    Yi Yin : The establishment of the Shang Dynasty had a close connection with the assistance of Yi Yin .

  15. 商汤科技制作的面部识别软件可用于监控摄像头,还有检查消费者的相貌相似性以验证数字支付。

    SenseTime makes facial recognition software used in applications like monitoring CCTV footage and checking a consumer 's likeness to validate digital payments .

  16. 他降低赋税,削减兵力,影响波及黄河岸边,许多偏远的部落都归顺商汤,成为他的诸侯国。

    He lowered taxes and the conscription rate of soldiers . His influence spread to the Yellow River , and many outlying tribes became vassal states .

  17. 商汤在军门之外誓师,是为了使军队事先了解他的意图以便行动。

    The rulers of Shang Dynasty swore their oaths outside the gate to encampment for they wanted the people to understand the intentions first before going into battle .

  18. 商汤科技和旷视科技正在打造的面部识别系统通过研究现有内容库,利用人工智能来识别图像或视频中的个体。

    The facial recognition systems being built by SenseTime and Megvii use artificial intelligence to discern individuals from one another in images or video , by studying libraries of existing content .

  19. 能够借助百姓的力量而获取胜利,就是商汤王、周武王冶不能与这样的功劳相比。

    If one gains the physical support of the population and achieve victory , such achievement cannot be compared to that of Emperor Tang of Shang Dynasty or Emperor Wu of Zhou Dynasty .

  20. 在商汤灭夏前,商族以今天的曹县一带为中心,积聚力量,终于一举灭夏,建立了商王朝。

    At last under the lead of Shang Tang , the Shang clan gathered at the Cao county area to fight against the Xia Dynasty , and finally they established the Shang Dynasty .

  21. 偃师商城是商汤建国的标帜与夏商断代的界标赛马的主人总是高兴看到他的标帜到达终点。

    Shang City in Yanshi Is the Mark of the Founding of Tang Kingdom and the Terminus of the Chronological Division of Xia and Shang Dynasties ; The owner of a race horse is always glad to see his colors get to the winning post .

  22. 太甲在位3年期间,不遵守商汤立下的法令,伊尹多次劝告无效,于是,伊尹把太甲关进桐宫,希望他反省,自己亲自执政。

    King Tai Jia did not obey the decree made by Tang in his three-year reign , and Yi Yin persuaded him for many times , but failed . Consequently , Yi Yin shut him in Tonggong Palace , hoping him to have a self-reflection , and governed the state himself .