
  • 网络Business Letter;Business Correspondence
  1. 商业信函不一定就得刻板而缺乏人情味。

    Business letters need not be formal and impersonal .

  2. 对发展商业信函的初步思考

    Primary approach to the development of business letters

  3. 浅议商业信函写作中的五个C

    On Five " C " s in Business English Writing

  4. 他将教怎样写商业信函。

    He 'll reach us how to write a business letter .

  5. 能及时撰写和回复英文商业信函;

    Can reply some commerce mail in English in time ;

  6. 这是商业信函最重要的作用之一。

    This is one of the most important functions of commercial correspondence .

  7. 能够书写报告,商业信函以及程序手册等。

    Ability to write reports , business correspondence , and procedure manuals .

  8. 商业信函:发函与回复(2)

    Business Letter : Ask and Answer ( 2 )

  9. 基于实例映射的商业信函计算机生成与翻译

    Computer generation and translation of commercial letter based-example map

  10. 贵商业信函寄出销售或提供客户支援服务?

    Does your business send out sales letters or offer customer support services ?

  11. 参考译文:商业信函:发函与回复(1)

    Business Letter : Ask and Answer ( 1 )

  12. 外贸商业信函写作应把握三个原则:礼貌、简洁、明确。

    Politeness , clearness and conciseness are the essentials of good business writing .

  13. 基于全文检索技术的商业信函处理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Business Letter Processing Systems Based on Full-text Retrieval Technology

  14. 他在一封商业信函底下找到了她的来信。

    He found her letter at the bottom of a piece of business correspondence .

  15. 带有补充附件的商业信函。

    A business letter with a supplemental enclosure .

  16. 他们用英语写商业信函。

    They write business letters in English .

  17. 人们通常根据某种格式来写家信或商业信函。

    Usually we write family letters or business letters , according to a certain format .

  18. 我对怎么写商业信函不太肯定。

    I 'm not sure / certain about the way of writing a business letter .

  19. 浅谈商业信函的语用翻译

    Pragmatic Skills of Translation of Business Letters

  20. 请注意,不含商业信函时,国际集邮联合会规则禁止对集邮材料进行处罚。

    Please note that FIP rules forbid penalty for philatelic material when no commercial mail exists .

  21. 外贸商业信函的写作原则

    On the Principles of Business Writing

  22. 商业信函中的礼貌策略

    Politeness Strategies in Business Letters

  23. 商业信函是各经济主体之间往来的以经济贸易为主要内容的各种信件。

    Business letters are the letters which can be used to contact different economic bodies in trading .

  24. 商业信函必须是正式的,但是写信给朋友应写得自然一些。

    Business letters must always be formal , but we should write in a natural way to friends .

  25. 商业信函的特点和功能决定了商业信函中必须注重礼貌策略的运用。

    Because of its characters and functions , in business letters , politeness should be paid more attention .

  26. 正式语言是在课本、参考书和商业信函中出现的语言。

    Formal language is the kind of language youfind in textbooks , reference books and in business letters .

  27. 一般来说,商业信函是由各个部分按同一基本的顺序和方式组织起来的。

    Generally , a business letter comprises various component parts set down in the same basic order and manner .

  28. 计算机写作是自然语言处理领域中的一个较为困难的问题,本文根据商业信函的特点,提出了基于实例映射的文本匹配方法,解决商业信函的计算机生成与翻译。

    This paper advanced a text match method of based-example map , to solve computer generation and translation of commercial letter .

  29. 第三章概述了中国和美国商业信函的风格,借此强调了其中语言和结构上的文化差异。

    The third chapter gives an overview of the style of American and Chinese business letters , highlighting cultural differences in both language and structure .

  30. 可以使用避免不和策略的商业信函有表拒绝接受对方投诉索赔的信函、拒绝建立关系函、招聘处理函和商务磋商函。

    Letters for declining the complaints and claims , letters for declining the establishment of business relations and letters for exchanging views usually can use this strategy .