
tǒnɡ jiànɡ
  • cooper
  1. 这个称呼是老箍桶匠快乐到了极点的表示。

    This endearment indicated the highest degree of delight in the old cooper .

  2. 他的家人在这城镇做桶匠已有好几个世代了。

    His family had coopered in the town for several generations .

  3. 另一边传来木匠桶匠的声音,还混杂着为了融化沥青的火烧铁打的声音,一切都表示着新的巡弋已经开始;

    while from others came a sound of carpenters and coopers , with blended noises of fires and forges to melt the pitch , all betokening that new cruises were on the start ;