
kōnɡ zhōnɡ jiāo tōnɡ ɡuǎn lǐ
  • Air Traffic Management;air traffic control
  1. 基于HLA体系结构并使用软件平台GLStudio和VegaPrime开发出分布式空中交通管理仿真系统。

    Based on High Level Architecture ( HLA ) and software platform GL Studio and Vega Prime , a distributed simulation system of air traffic control system ( ATC ) is developed .

  2. 伦敦空中交通管理中心

    London Air Traffic Control Center

  3. 空中交通管理(ATM)系统的计算机仿真研究

    Computer Simulation Study for Air Traffic Management ( ATM ) System

  4. GNSS在空中交通管理中的应用研究进展

    The Applications of GNSS in the Air Traffic Management

  5. 然后,在介绍空中交通管理系统中的机场终端区的基础上,为机场终端区建立了Petri网图模型。

    Then , based on the introduction to the airport terminal area in ATMS , the Petri net model of the airport terminal area is established .

  6. 一年后,NASA成为该项目的合作方,为飞行汽车舰队开发空中交通管理系统。

    NASA became a partner for the program a year later by developing air traffic management for a fleet of flying cars .

  7. ICAO全球空中交通管理运行概念

    ICAO Global ATM Operation Concepts

  8. 二次监视雷达(SSR)和自动相关监视(ADS)系统已经广泛应用于空中交通管理(ATM)系统,特别是终端飞行区。

    The application of Secondary Surveillance Radar ( SSR ) and Automatic Dependent Surveillance ( ADS ) have been applied in Air Traffic Management ( ATM ) system widely , especially in terminal domain .

  9. 协同决策制定(CDM)概念已广泛应用到美国的空中交通管理(ATM)系统,被加拿大、欧洲及日本民航业所接受。

    The conception of CDM has been widely applied in the Air Traffic Management System ( ATM ) of USA , and accepted by the aviation industry of Canada , Europe and Japan .

  10. 在符合中国民航空中交通管理规则和管制实际的基础上,遵循评价指标体系的建立原则,由Delphi法建立了空域移交接收方的评价指标体系。

    Accord with the air traffic management rule of Civil Aviation Administration of China and the principle of indicator system , established an evaluation index system of the transferring controller handoff by utilizing the Delphi method .

  11. 简要介绍国际上三大卫星导航系统GPS、GLONASS及GALILEO的发展,详细论述了GNSS在空中交通管理中的应用研究进展。

    A brief introduction of the development of GPS , GLONASS , and GALILEO is given in this paper , the applications of GNSS in the air traffic management ( ATM ) is described in detail .

  12. CNS/ATM工作站系统即通信、导航、监视/空中交通管理系统,是新航行系统的重要组成部分,是航空电信网(ATN)的地面终端系统。

    CNS / ATM workstation system is the communication , navigation , surveillance / air traffic management system . It is the ground end subsystem of ATN ( Aeronautical Telecommunication Network ), and an important part of the CNS / ATM system .

  13. 地面等待是空中交通管理中普遍应用的一种方法。

    One of the prevalent methods in air traffic flow management is ground-delay .

  14. 空中交通管理系统中航迹发散判据及抑制处理

    Judgment and restraining method of track divergence in air ( traffic ) control system

  15. 空中交通管理系统安全化研究

    The Security Research of Air Traffic Management System

  16. 我国空中交通管理体制的变革与发展

    Reforms and Development of China 's ATM System

  17. 欧洲新型空中交通管理系统的核心部件

    Europe Tests Core Elements of New ATM System

  18. 民航空中交通管理研究基地

    R & D Base of Air Traffic Management

  19. 英国新空中交通管理系统发展动向

    The Developing Trend of British New ATC System

  20. 自由飞行是解决航线拥挤的有效方法,但同时增加了空中交通管理的难度。

    Free flight is an effective way to solve the congestions of air traffic managements .

  21. 空管运行管理系统属于空中交通管理系统的一个分支系统。

    Air Traffic Control Operation Management System is a subsystem of Air Traffic Management System .

  22. 空中交通管理固定资产投资项目管理系统研究

    The Research on the Management System of Fixed Assets Investment Project of Air Traffic Management

  23. 民用航空体系主要由航空公司、机场和空中交通管理三大部分组成。

    The system of civil aviation includes airline companies , airports and air-traffic management departments .

  24. 空中交通管理系统的网络化运营

    Network-centric Operations in Air Traffic Management

  25. 在国际民航组织的通信导航监视/空中交通管理系统中,空&地通信系统是其重要组成部分和基础。

    Air-ground communication systems are the important parts and the basis of ICAO CNS / ATM systems .

  26. 法国空中交通管理人员在罢工,因此我的巴黎之行落空了。

    The French air traffic controllers are on strike so my trip to Paris is up the spout .

  27. 摘要人的因素是影响空中交通管理安全和运行品质的关键因素。

    Human factors are the main factors that might affect the safety of air traffic control and the quality of operation .

  28. 扇区划分是空中交通管理的一项重要工作,它直接影响空域的容量和安全性。

    The sector partition is an important work of air traffic management , its operation affects the airspace capacity and security .

  29. 提高跑道系统的容量是终端区空中交通管理的主要目的之一,而连续飞机之间的安全间隔是影响跑道容量的最大因素。

    In terminal areas , one of the purposes of air traffic management is to increase the capacity of runway system .

  30. 因此对空中交通管理者的生产运行控制系统的实时性、可靠性、扩展性及安全性要求极高。

    Therefore , managers of the production run of air traffic control system reliability , scalability and security is highly demanding .