
shānɡ wù jiǔ diàn
  • business hotel
  1. 香港第一名甲型H1N1流感患者此前曾入住香港一家商务酒店,香港政府因此不得不对该酒店所有员工及住客实施7天隔离;

    Hong Kong 's previous victim of human swine flu had stayed at a business hotel , prompting the government to impose a controversial quarantine on all staff and residents of the hotel for seven days .

  2. 上海海屹达大酒店是按标准四星级豪华装修的花园式商务酒店,占地23亩。

    Shanghai Haiyida Hotel is a luxurious gardenized business hotel equivalent to4 Star .

  3. 南苑e家连锁酒店是浙江省第一家经济型商务酒店品牌。

    Nanyuan E-Home Chain Hotel is the first budget hotel brand in Zhejiang Province .

  4. 最佳西方梅苑宾馆官方网站-杭州在线预订-杭州最佳西方梅苑宾馆是全球最大单体连锁酒店集团-BestWesternInternational在中国华东地区首家成员酒店,是一家四星级的商务酒店。

    Best Western Hangzhou is the first member hotel of global biggest monomer chain-like hotel group-Best Western International in the Chinese East China area , is a four star class commercial hotel .

  5. 都市驿站谈现代商务酒店的发展与设计住宅配送邮政欲大力进军的物流领域

    CITY POST House - Delivery : Physical Distributions for China Post to Energetically Develop

  6. 北京东方君悦典范的商务酒店空间

    Grand Hyatt Beijing the Perfect Business Hotel Space

  7. 好的,您好,这是中国深圳宝晖商务酒店。

    Yes , sir . Hello , this is Bossfield Hotel ShenZhen , China .

  8. 现担成都某高级商务酒店厨艺长兼总厨助理。

    Presently takes on the Chengdu some high-level commerce hotel long concurrently total kitchen assistant .

  9. 最好的商务酒店建得非常壮观,提供世界一流水准的服务,拥有现代化设施。

    The best business hotels are superbly located and offer world-class service with modern facilities .

  10. 正明锦江大酒店是由锦江国际管理公司顾问管理的涉外四星级商务酒店。

    Zhengming Jinjiang Hotel is a four-star business hotel managed by Jinjing International Management Corporation .

  11. 适宜开发成为高档商务酒店、字楼或大型企业总部。

    Suitable to development of high grade business hotel , office building or large size enterprise headquarter .

  12. 在你下次定商务酒店的时候,这些技巧可能会派的上用场。

    Check out these features that might come in handy before you book your next hotel for business travel .

  13. 然后通过实证研究,建立了高档商务酒店对客服务体系的基本框架;

    This paper also makes a suggestion concerning basic frame for high-class business hotel service system by positivistic study .

  14. 对于像我这样的人来说,这是一个完美之选:它不仅是一家商务酒店,还充满乐趣。

    For someone like me , it 's perfect : It 's not just business , it 's fun .

  15. 高星级商务酒店如何进一步提高建设水平和设计标准是十分值得分析和研究的课题。

    How to further improve the hotels ' construction level and the design criterion is a very worthy topic .

  16. 本文的研究对象为华南地区高星级商务酒店的后勤服务区。

    The research object of this article is the logistics service area of high-star business hotel in southern region .

  17. 基于城市综合体下的现代商务酒店是整个酒店体系中不可或缺的组成部分。

    Based on modern business hotel in the city complex is an integral part in the entire hotel system .

  18. 高端商务酒店设计理念更新与发展&厦门磐基皇冠假日酒店设计探索

    The development of the high rank business restaurant design method & the design method of Crowne Plaza Paragon Xiamen

  19. 苏州中茵皇冠假日酒店是一家真正了解并可满足商旅需求的国际化商务酒店。

    Crowne Plaza Suzhou is an upscale business hotel that truly understands and fulfills the needs of the frequent traveler .

  20. 所以,如何完善商务酒店的对客服务体系,提升酒店服务的价值,将是我国商务酒店的重要课题。

    Therefore , how to improve hotel service system and promote the value of hotel service will become an important subject .

  21. 她坐落于韶关市区风景秀丽的松山,是一间四星级的园林式国际旅游商务酒店。

    She is located in the beautiful city of Shaoguan Matsuyama , is a four-star garden-style business hotel of international tourism .

  22. 轴心国维亚纳商务酒店及水疗中心,是该集团的酒店和高尔夫球轴最近的单位。

    The Axis Viana Business & SPA Hotel , is the most recent unit of the group Axis Hotels and Golf .

  23. 南宁的商务酒店业凭借博览会的东风,也取得长足发展,迎来自己的黄金时代。

    Commercial hotel industry in the city by the advantages of this exposition also makes remarkable progress resulting in golden age for itself .

  24. 金科大酒店位于重庆最重要的行政管理区,是中国生态花园酒店结合最完美的五星级商务酒店。

    Located at the heart of the most important administrative area , Chongqing Jinke Grand Hotel is an ecological paradise of garden hotel .

  25. 这是一家简洁的商务酒店,处于巴塞罗那市中心&虽然我们的旅行中介当初承诺说这家酒店距离大会地方很近,但其实很远。

    It is a bland business hotel in the centre of town & far from the negotiations , despite the promises of our travel bookers .

  26. 近年来,许多国际知名品牌酒店纷纷入驻国内市场,推动着高星级商务酒店的建设速度。

    In recent years , many well-known international brand hotels have entered the domestic market . They have promoted the construction speed of high-star business hotels .

  27. 近日,深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店在《新旅行》杂志举办了2010年度高端酒店评选中荣获年度“最佳商务酒店”大奖。

    Recently , the Ritz-Carlton , Shenzhen won the Best Business Hotel Award in the2010 Voyage Hotel & Resort Awards , which was held by Voyage .

  28. 黄金海岸大酒店是由顺天集团投资的按国际五星级标准建造的综合型商务酒店。

    The Skyer Gold Coast Hotel is invested and built as a comprehensive business hotel according to the four - star hotel standard by Skyer Group .

  29. 上海松江假日酒店是由全球知名的洲际酒店集团管理的国际商务酒店,坐落于松江古城区中心,贸易商圈、金融广场和历史文化景点均近在咫尺。

    As the first international branded hotel in the old town centre of Songjiang District , Holiday Inn Shanghai Songjiang is managed by renowned InterContinental Hotels Group .

  30. 除了电话、传真和能够上网的电脑之外,你认为商务酒店还应提供哪些设施?

    What other facilities do you think a business hotel should provide in addition to the telephone , fax , and computer with access to the Internet ?