
  • 网络somatosensory cortex;somesthetic area;somatic sensory area;general sensory area;somatosensory area
  1. 结果RIM3γ的mRNA主要表达在丘脑腹后外侧核、嗅球的僧帽细胞层、大脑皮质躯体感觉区的第Ⅱ~Ⅳ层及在小脑的颗粒层和脊髓后角的边缘层区域。

    Results RIM3 γ mRNA was preferentially expressed in lateral posterior thalamic , mitral layer of the main olfactory bulb , layers ⅱ - ⅳ of somatosensory cortex , the granula layer of the cerebellum and the superficial layers of the spinal cord dorsal horn .

  2. 结果扣带回接受来自支配前肢和颜面部的运动区皮质以及额叶和躯体感觉区皮质的神经元投射。

    Result Cingulate cortex received projections from frontal cortex , motor cortex of foreleg area , face area and somatic sensory area .

  3. 相当于大鼠颜面部躯体感觉区的ParⅠ部位可记录三叉神经皮层诱发电位,其中在前囟向后2.0~3.0mm、正中线旁5.0~6.0mm部位为最佳记录点。

    Conclusion : TEPs could be recorded Par ⅰ area of somatosensory cortex in rat . The best recording point is on the point of 2 ~ 3mm posterior from bregma and 5 ~ 6mm lateral from midline .

  4. 与初级躯体感觉区损伤有关的发作性单肢轻瘫

    Ictal monoparesis associated with lesions in the primary somatosensory area

  5. 第Ⅰ躯体感觉区激活的方式远较第Ⅰ躯体运动区多样化;

    The activation patterns of primary somesthetic cortex region was more diversified than that of the primary somatomotor cortex .

  6. 体力活动对小白鼠大脑皮质躯体感觉区与尾壳核神经元形态学的影响

    Effects of Physical Activity on the Morphology of Neurons in Somatesthetic Area of . Cerebral Cortex and in Cauda - Putamen Nucleus of Mice

  7. 猫大脑皮质躯体感觉Ⅰ区向Ⅱ区投射纤维起源的研究&HRP结合电生理定位的研究

    The origination of projections from area S ⅰ to S ⅱ in the cat : WGA-HRP combined with electrophysiological localization