
chē liú zǔ zhī
  • wagon flow organizing
车流组织[chē liú zǔ zhī]
  1. 大秦线装车区的车流组织是整条重载线路运输的起点,是煤炭运输的源泉,更是我们要研究的重点对象。

    Da-qin Railway loading area wagon flow organizing is the starting point for the heavy haul line and is a source of coal transportation , but also we have to study on it more .

  2. 要达到年运量4亿吨甚至超过4亿吨的目标,首先就要对装车区车流组织进行深入的研究。

    To achieve the goals of 400 million tons in capacity and even more than 400 million tons , we must in-depth study loading area wagon flow organizing .

  3. 铁路运输动态车流组织的策略优化模型研究

    Research on the Model of Optimizing Strategically Dynamic Railcar Operation

  4. 列车编组计划是全路的车流组织计划;

    Train Formation Plan is the organization plan of car-flows .

  5. 停车车流组织对道路通行能力的影响分析

    Analysis of Parking flow acting on the road capacity

  6. 铁路枢纽车流组织的非线性0-1规划模型及算法

    Nonlinear 0-1 programming model and algorithm for traffic organization in railway junction terminals

  7. 利用数据库技术实现铁路车流组织

    Realizing the Wagon Flow Organization by Using Database Technology

  8. 居住区优化设计综合评价指标体系的研究车流组织综合优化

    Discuss on the comprehensive evaluation index system of residential area 's optimum design

  9. 本文通过对北京市儿童医院北门出入口车流组织的优化改造研究,探讨了减缓道路交通压力的可行方案。

    It discussed the project to optimization the traffic flow of Beijing Children'Hospital .

  10. 基于物流成本的装车地车流组织优化模型研究

    Study on the Optimization of Car Flow Organization for Loading Area Based on Logistics Cost

  11. 关于建立中心编组站改革车流组织模式的探讨

    Study on Setting Up Centre Marshalling Station and Reforming the Style of Organizing Wagon Flow

  12. 线路与编组站能力限制下的车流组织模型与模拟退火方法

    A Simulated Annealing Approach to Railroad Operating Problem with Limits on Yard and Line Capacity

  13. 铁路枢纽重空车流组织的协调优化模型及遗传算法

    A model for cooperative optimization of heavy and empty traffic organization in railway hubs using genetic algorithm

  14. 合理的区段管内车流组织是提高铁路车流组织水平、设施运用效率和区间通过能力等的重要保证。

    Rational organization of location wagon flow with district is an importation guarantee of improving railway organization and operation efficiency .

  15. 编组站是铁路技术作业的基层生产单位,在车流组织中起着关键作用。

    Marshalling station is a fundamental unit of railway technical operation , and plays a key role in wagon flow organization .

  16. 始发直达列车是我国铁路采用的一种重要的车流组织形式。

    The through goods train originated at one loading point is an important form for organizing wagon flow in our railway transportation .

  17. 实现车流组织管理现代化应建立列车编组计划车流分析系统。

    To realize a modern organization and management of train flow , the train flow analysis system for train formation plan shall be established .

  18. 新型铁道集装箱运输车车体分析及优化重载运输装车区车流组织的研究与探讨

    Design Optimization of Body Structures of a New-type Railway Container Wagon ; Study on the Organization of Wagon Flow in Heavy Haul Loading Area

  19. 具体研究内容如下:(1)路企直通运输车流组织影响因素及直达列车运行条件分析。

    The details of research are as follows : ( 1 ) The analysis of influencing factors and train operating conditions for direct-connection transportation organization .

  20. 车流组织是运输组织管理工作的基础和前提,货物列车编组计划是车流组织的具体体现。

    The wagon flow organization is the foundation of transportation organization and management work . The train formation plan is the concrete embodiment of the wagon flow organization .

  21. 因此,铁路部门必须改进车流组织方法和列车开行方式,才能更好地满足运输需求。

    In order to meet the demand of goods transportation more effectively , the railway system should promote the organization of wagon flow and CDB way of trains .

  22. 重载运输装车区车流组织的研究与探讨桥式起重机主动车轮组车轮与轴装配方法分析

    Study on the Organization of Wagon Flow in Heavy Haul Loading Area Discussion on the Assemble Technology of Wheel and Shaft for Driving Assemble of Overhead Travelling Crane

  23. 货车集结时间是货车在技术站上停留时间的一个重要组成部分,它对确定车流组织的方法有很大影响。

    The accumulation time is an important component of car staying time in technical station . It has a great effect on determining the method of organizing wagon flow .

  24. 技术站列车编组计划是货物列车编组计划的重要组成部分,在铁路车流组织过程中有着至关重要的作用。

    The plan of forming technical station train is an important component of the plan of forming freight train , which has a crucial role in the railway traffic organization .

  25. 编组站布局对改善整个路网的车流组织态势、保证铁路货物运输畅通起着决定性的影响,对铁路运输业的可持续发展具有十分重要的作用。

    The locations of marshalling yards play an important role in improving the situation of car flow organization , ensuring successfully of freight transportation and increasing the sustainable development of railway transportation .

  26. 车流组织综合优化是把装车地的始发车流及技术站的改编车流作为一个整体来研究,寻求它们之间的最佳匹配和协调。

    In the synthetical optimization of wagon flows , the original wagon flows and the technical wagon flows are taken as a whole in searching for their optimal matching and harmonizing with each other .

  27. 算例表明,该算法能有效地求解技术站单组列车编组计划方案,并能取得快速准确的良好效果,为车流组织人员提供可行的优选方案。

    The computational example indicates that the proposed algorithm is able to work out the formation plans of single group trains at technical service stations rapidly and accurately , thus providing references to optimum alternatives .

  28. 铁路必须改进车流组织方法和列车开行方式,才能更好地满足运输需求,与快速发展的竞争对手争夺运输市场。

    To meet the rising demand on the freight transportation and compete with the developing rival such as highway transportation , the railway transportation department must improve the car flow organization and the train operation mode .

  29. 并从增强区间疏解能力,调整车流组织,提高主要编组站改编能力,加强货运设施等方面阐述了近期对策和远期规划。

    And explains the short term policies and long term projections from the aspects of increasing relieving capability in sections , reorganizing car flow , enhancing re-sorting capability of major marshalling yards and improving freight traffic facilities , etc.

  30. 规划好装车区的车流组织,充分利用集疏运一体化的思想,优化每个环节,建立高效、集约的新式大秦重载铁路运输,是本文的主要研究意义。

    We must Plan traffic loading area organizations and make full use of the idea of integration assembling and evacuating and transporting , and optimize every aspect , then establishment efficient , modern , intensive Da-qin heavy rail transportation .