
  • 网络Internet of Vehicles;iov;telematics
  1. 该系统采用真实交通流数据,结合车联网仿真平台,对控制策略或控制机进行评价比较,通过仿真软件提供的评价比较功能,给出评价结果。

    Combined with simulating telematics platform , it uses real traffic datum to evaluate control strategy and control machine , and then gets results from a simulating software that has evaluating function .

  2. 基于车联网的智能交通系统的应用被视为保证车辆在高速公路环境中安全行驶的有效手段。

    Intelligent transport system that based on Internet of Vehicles is regarded as effective measure to guarantee the safety of highway transport .

  3. 随着物联网、车联网等新技术的不断发展,adhoc网络作为极佳的无线通信方式取得了快速发展。

    As new technologies such as vehicle networking continue to progress , wireless ad hoc networks have achieved rapid development .

  4. 根据多种无线技术的对比,车联网数据传输的关键技术是DSRC(DedicatedShortRangeCommunication)。

    According to comparison of multiple wireless technologies , we found the key technology of IOV data communication is DSRC ( Dedicated Short Range Communication ) .

  5. 同时,本文也调研了当前车联网安全应用研究领域关于可靠性和QoS的评估度量体系方面的研究和进展情况。

    Meanwhile , we also investigated the current research progress about the evaluation metric system of reliability and QoS in the field of vehicular safety-related applications .

  6. 相比传统网络,adhoc网络具有无中心、自组织、多跳、灵活等特点,从而能够更好的适应军事、车联网、救援等场景。

    Compared to traditional networks , ad hoc network is acentric , self-organized , multi-hop and flexible , and thus it is able to adapt to the military and vehicle networking .

  7. 车联网是这一飞速发展市场的最大领域之一,微软(Microsoft)等公司在寻求把车辆变为轮子上的智能手机,而保险公司也开始在汽车上安装黑匣子。

    Cars are one of the biggest areas of this fast-growing market and companies including Microsoft are looking to turn vehicles into smartphones on wheels , while insurers have also begun installing black boxes .

  8. 车联网是这一飞速发展市场的最大领域之一,微软(Microsoft)等公司在寻求把车辆变为“轮子上的智能手机”,而保险公司也开始在汽车上安装“黑匣子”。

    Cars are one of the biggest areas of this fast-growing market and companies including Microsoft are looking to turn vehicles into smartphones on wheels , while insurers have also begun installing " black boxes . "

  9. 首先,文章分析设计了基于车联网的EPC系统,我们可以通过降低EPC系统的成本来进一步促进整个车联网的发展,推动整个社会的进步。

    First , the paper analyzed the system of EPC . We can promote thedevelopment of the entire car networking by reduce the cost of the system of EFC .

  10. 媒体报道指出,这些公司在特殊的5G应用,例如车联网、无人机以及智能家居中,具有明显的优势。

    Media reports note that those firms have certain advantages in specific 5G applications , such as car networking , drones and smart homes .

  11. 智能交通是城市道路交通系统的重要发展方向,车联网(IOV,InternetofVehicles)作为智能交通的具体实践,已得到各国的大力支持和研究。

    Intelligent Transportation is an important development direction of urban road traffic system , vehicle networking ( IOV , Internet of Vehicles ) as the concrete practice of intelligent transportation , has received strong support and research countries .

  12. 车联网VANET(VehicleAdhocNETwork)是一种特殊的移动自组织网,通过为行驶中的车辆提供信息服务,来提高交通效率、驾驶安全性、减少或避免交通事故。

    Vehicle Ad Hoc network ( VANET ) is a special case of mobile ad hoc network , which can provide reliable information services for vehicles , by which it can improve the transportation efficiency , improve the driving safety and reduce or avoid traffic accident .

  13. 专用短距离通信(DSRC)技术能为车载环境下安全及娱乐信息提供实时可靠的通信,目前已成为公认的车联网通信的基本技术。

    Communications in Vehicular networks , such as Dedicated Short Range Communication ( DSRC ) technologies , are becoming a fundamental platform for providing real-time access to safety and entertainment information .

  14. 最后本文利用OPNET网络仿真工具对车联网的路由协议进行了仿真研究,并在OPNET的GRP协议模型基础上实现了改进的CBF协议(ICBFP)。

    Finally , this paper uses OPNET network simulation tool to evaluate the performance of routing protocol of vehicular networks , and develops OPNET modeling for the improved CBF protocol , based on the GRP model of OPNET .

  15. 德国电信的董事莱恩哈特•克莱门斯(ReinhardClemens)说:发展车联网业务是德国电信的一项战略性举措,而中国对我们的车联网业务具有重要战略意义。

    Reinhard Clemens , board member at Deutsche Telekom , said : Connected car is a strategic initiative within Deutsche Telekom , while China is of strategic importance for our connected car business .

  16. 德国电信的董事莱恩哈特•克莱门斯(ReinhardClemens)说:“发展车联网业务是德国电信的一项战略性举措,而中国对我们的车联网业务具有重要战略意义。因此,从战略上来说,与中国移动的合作对德国电信极其重要。”

    Reinhard Clemens , board member at Deutsche Telekom , said : " Connected car is a strategic initiative within Deutsche Telekom , while China is of strategic importance for our connected car business . The partnership with China Mobile is therefore strategically of utmost importance to Deutsche Telekom . "

  17. 车载终端(Telematics)是智能交通系统(ITS)构建车联网的智能节点,通过对车辆运行状态信息实时高效采集、处理以及显示,以缓解目前机动车辆增加造成的道路拥堵、环境污染等问题。

    Vehicle terminal is intelligent node of internet of things in Intelligent Transportation Systems . By collecting , processing and displaying vehicle running status information in real-time , telematics can ease the current condition that the majority of motor vehicle lead to road congestion , environmental pollution and other issues .

  18. 车联网在全球变得越来越普及。

    Internet connectivity in cars is becoming more common globally .

  19. 基于电子警察技术的城市外地车联网收费系统

    On-line Toll System Based on Electronic Police 's Technology for the Nonlocal Cars

  20. 作为前瞻性的研究课题,车联网已经受到来自各方的瞩目。

    As a forward-looking research topic , the Internet of Vehicle has been concerned from all sides .

  21. 伴随着物联网的快速发展,车联网也受到人们广泛的关注。

    Along with the rapid development of Internet of Things , car networking has also been widespread concern .

  22. 仿真结果证明这种改进后的路由算法能使高速公路环境下的车联网性能有所提升。

    The simulation results show that this routing algorithm can make the performance of network improved in highway environment .

  23. 在这样的思路下,本文的主要工作是设计一种运用于高速公路的车联网智能终端系统。

    The main work of this paper is design of an intelligent terminal system for Internet of Vehicles in highway .

  24. 目标是为车联网技术的开发和广泛应用建立一个普适的协议架构和相关的协议数据格式标准。

    Research objective is to provide a universal protocol stack and related protocol data unit format standards for vehicular networking technology and applications .

  25. 车联网就是在车辆上安装无线通信设备,这样高速移动的汽车就可以通过无线接入方式获取路况信息,也可以上传与车辆安全相关的信息。

    Thus , the high-speed moving vehicles can get traffic information through wireless access , and can also upload informations related to vehicle safety .

  26. 很多公司都对车联网业务感兴趣,它们对该业务将如何发展都有自己的看法。

    A lot of companies are attracted to the connected car business and all have their own view of how it is going to develop .

  27. 近年来,尽管信息科技发展迅速,但一些巨大挑战仍阻碍着车联网的发展。

    In recent years , despite the well developed information technologies , there are some significant challenges that hinder the rapid development of vehicular networks .

  28. 车联网应用数据传输的关键是基于无连接的数据帧传输,速率自适应算法的核心是信道估计与速率选择。

    Connectionless data transmission is the key of data communication application , channel estimation and rate selection is also the key of rate adaptive algorithm .

  29. 中国政府肯定更希望由中国最大的移动通信运营商来组建一家合资企业,率先发展属于未来的车联网和无人驾驶技术。

    The Chinese authorities would certainly prefer a joint venture involving the country 's largest mobile operator to pioneer future car-to-car networks and autonomous driving .

  30. 目前,结合存储-携带-转发机制的机会广播是车联网安全消息多跳广播最有效的方法。

    At present , store-carry-forward ( SCF ) based opportunistic broadcast is one of the most promising techniques for safety messages multi-hop dissemination in vehicular environments .