
  1. 进一步分析还发现中部崛起战略提出前FDI技术溢出明显,战略提出后溢出效应不明显。

    Further analysis also finds that spillover effect of FDI was obvious before " the Rise of Central China " strategy is put forward .

  2. 梯度理论及其在我国中部崛起战略实践中的综合应用

    The Grads Theory and Its Application in China Central Section 's Development

  3. 十一五规划与中部崛起战略

    The Tenth Five-year Plan and the Developmental Strategies for the Middle Rises

  4. 中部崛起战略与湖北资本市场发展

    Middle rises strategic and the Hubei capital market development

  5. 中部崛起战略中的产业集群化发展研究

    Study on the Development of Industrial Clusters during Rising in the Midland Region

  6. 中部崛起战略中的金融协调

    Financial Coordination in the Rising Strategy in Middle China

  7. 中部崛起战略的若干思考

    Some considers of rising strategy in central region

  8. 新世纪中部崛起战略定位思考

    Considerations on the Strategic Positioning for the Rise of Central China in the New Century

  9. 中部崛起战略研究

    Proposal on Rise of the Central Region

  10. 中部崛起战略下湖北新型农村金融机构发展探讨

    The Development of New-type Rural Financial Institution in Hubei Under the Strategy of Rise of Central China

  11. 新时期支持中部崛起战略的财政政策选择

    On Fiscal Policy Arrangement for the Strategy of the Rise of Central China in the New Era

  12. 中部崛起战略中的安徽发展:机遇、挑战与对策

    The development of Anhui in the strategies of Central Development Project : opportunities , challenges , and countermeasures

  13. 构建湖北全省循环经济发展体系是湖北实现中部崛起战略的必要保障,而湖北在循环经济发展方面最大的缺陷是体制建设。

    Building circular economy development system in Hubei is a necessary insurance to implement central China developing strategy .

  14. 论武汉在中部崛起战略中的支点地位和历史使命

    Wuhan 's Historical Responsibility to Be a Strategic Fulcrum in the Rising of the Middle Part of China

  15. 最近根据区域平衡发展的需要,中央提出中部崛起战略。

    According to the need of the region balanced development , the Central Committee has proposed the develop-the-middle strategy .

  16. 中部崛起战略背景下长沙会展旅游品牌发展研究

    The Research on the Development of MICE Tourism Brand in Changsha Based on the " Rise of Mid-China " Strategy

  17. 中部崛起战略对湖北民营经济发展作用研究

    The Research on the Impact of the Strategy " the Central Part Rising " to the Development of Non-state-operated Economy

  18. 国家中部崛起战略的提出,为武汉提供了千载难逢的发展机遇。

    The strategy of Rise of Central China proposed by the central government provides Wuhan with a golden opportunity of development .

  19. 湖北省作为中部崛起战略中的核心城市之一,对应用型高层次专业人才的需求也越来越多。

    As a core city in the central strategy , Hubei Province rises , and needs more and more high-level talents .

  20. 三峡区域作为连接我国东西部地区经济的重要纽带,其物流发展水平关系到西部大开发与中部崛起战略的实施。

    The logistics development of three gorges region is related to the implementation of Western Development and Central Rise for its location .

  21. 在经济体制改革进程中,民营中小企业在推动武汉经济向前发展过程中做出了重大的贡献,当前正为武汉中部崛起战略的实现发挥着重要的作用。

    In the process of economic reform , private SMEs are an important force for promoting the economic development forward in Wuhan .

  22. 在实施中部崛起战略和科教兴豫的进程中,实施科学的教育发展战略显得尤为重要。

    To prosper central China and Yu through science and education , it is particularly important to carry out education strategy scientifically .

  23. 因此,中部崛起战略的提出在很大程度上与中部三农问题突出有关。

    It is because of the serious problem of agriculture , countryside and farmer in the central section that the rising strategy is purposed .

  24. 湖北作为中部崛起战略的重要省份,在医药行业其有一定的优势。

    Hubei as the " Rise of Central China " strategy , an important province for In the pharmaceutical industry that they have certain advantages .

  25. 武汉城市圈作为中部崛起战略的重要一环,在区域发展中有着重要的地位。

    As the important annulus of rise of central China strategy , Wuhan metropolitan region plays an important role in the development of the region .

  26. 随着中部崛起战略的提出,中部经济和金融发展开始受到广泛关注。

    With the " Rise of Central China " strategy proposed , the economic and financial development of central region began to attract extensive attention .

  27. 武汉城市圈在中部崛起战略下应运而生,给武汉城市圈的重要组成成员咸宁带来了发展契机。

    The emerging of Wuhan City Circle follows the China Central Region Rise strategy and brings great opportunity for the development of its important member , Xianning .

  28. 中部崛起战略将是继东部大发展、西部大开发、东北大振兴之后的又一个重要发展战略,将对促进区域经济协调发展起重要的作用。

    The strategy of the rise of Central China is another important development strategy after those of Eastern development , development of the Western region and revitalization of Northeast .

  29. 近几年,随着中部崛起战略的实施,中部六省不约而同地选择了城市群作为实现各自崛起进程的首要战略。

    In recent years , with the implementation of the develop-the-middle strategy , six central provinces unanimously chosen the urban agglomeration as the primary strategy to achieve their rise process .

  30. 在西部大开发的基础上,中央又提出了振兴东北老工业基地和中部崛起战略等重大战略举措。

    On the basis of the western exploitation strategy , the Chinese Central Government has now declared the significant strategic objective of revitalizing the traditional industrial base in the northeast .