
  • China Construction Bank;CCB;Construction Bank of China
  1. 中国建设银行(chinaconstructionbank)自去年10月上市以来已上涨44%。

    China Construction Bank is up 44 per cent since listing last October .

  2. 中国建设银行(chinaconstructionbank)上周宣布,将于今年在上海上市。

    China Construction Bank announced last week it would list in Shanghai this year .

  3. 中国建设银行(ChinaConstructionBank)的增幅是19%,中信银行(ChinaCITICBank)更是激增66%。

    At China Construction Bank the increase was 19 % , and at China CITIC Bank 66 % .

  4. IBM鼎力支持中国建设银行数据中心整合项目

    IBM Supports vigorously the Combination project of Chinese Construction Bank Data centre

  5. 贝尔斯登当初与中国建设银行(chinaconstructionbank)的谈判曾涉及利用可兑换债券的问题;而某种类型的混合股权可能仍在选择之列。

    Earlier negotiations , with China Construction Bank , involved the use of convertible bonds ; and some sort of hybrid equity is likely to remain a feature .

  6. 上周六,中国建设银行(ChinaConstructionBankCorp.)也对向互联网理财产品转账设定了额度,成为最近一家采取此类措施的大型银行。

    On Saturday , China Construction Bank Corp. became the latest of the major banks to impose limits on transfers to mobile products .

  7. 信达成立于上世纪90年代,该公司成立的初衷是为了买下中国建设银行(ChinaConstructionBank)的未偿债务。如今,信达买入的不良资产来自各个金融机构、房地产开发商以及工业集团。

    Founded in the 1990s to buy unpaid debts from China Construction Bank , Cinda now snaps up distressed assets from financial institutions , property developers and industrial groups .

  8. 中国建设银行(constructionbankofchina)上涨16%,至5.44港元,中国工商银行(icbc)上涨16%,至4.67港元。

    Construction Bank of China gained 16 per cent to HK $ 5.44 and ICBC increased 16 per cent to HK $ 4.67 .

  9. 中国建设银行ERP财务总账与报表系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of ERP Financial General Ledger and Report System for China Construction Bank

  10. 中国建设银行(chinaconstructionbank)经济学家赵庆明表示,居民消费价格通胀将继续趋缓,尤其是在近期大宗商品和能源价格已开始下跌的情况下。

    Zhao Qingming , economist at China Construction Bank , said consumer price inflation would continue to ease , especially as commodity and energy prices had started to drop in recent weeks .

  11. 与此同时,按市值计算为全球第二大银行的中国建设银行(ChinaConstructionBank)表示,由于市场不确定性,它可能把原计划的110亿美元筹资推迟到明年。

    Meanwhile , China Construction Bank , the world 's second-largest lender by market value , has said it may delay its planned $ 11bn capital-raising until next year due to market uncertainty .

  12. 熟悉该决定详情的人士表示,中国建设银行已被选定为英国第一家人民币清算银行,此前的预期热门曾是其本国竞争对手中国银行(BankofCHina)。

    People close to the decision said CCB had been selected as the first UK renminbi clearing bank , despite earlier expectations that it was likely to be local rival Bank of China .

  13. 美国银行(BankofAmerica)持有的中国建设银行(CCB)股份在第三季度增值达42亿美元。

    Bank of America 's stake in China Construction Bank was worth an extra $ 4.2bn over the course of the third quarter .

  14. 中国建设银行(ccb)也计划今年在上海市场上市。

    China Construction Bank also plans to sell shares in Shanghai this year .

  15. 中国建设银行双币卡支持PAYPAL功能?

    The China Construction Bank double coin card supports the PAYPAL function ?

  16. 中国建设银行(chinaconstructionbank)股票昨日在上海市场上市首日上涨32%,涨幅低于预期,这显示,最近新股的大量上市可能已开始抑制投资者的需求。

    Shares in China Construction Bank rose by a less-than-expected 32 per cent on their first day of trading on the Shanghai market yesterday , indicating that the burst of recent flotations may be starting to damp investor demand .

  17. 该加拿大公司排名下滑11位,至第25名,落后于甲骨文公司(oracle)、sap和中国建设银行(chinaconstructionbank)等许多黑莓持有者肯定没听过的品牌。

    The Canadian maker of the BlackBerry slipped 11 notches to 25th place behind names such as Oracle , sap and China Construction Bank that are surely unknown to plenty of blackberry-toting types .

  18. 中国建设银行股份有限公司(ChinaConstructionBankCorp)上周四称,截至第三季度末,该行不良贷款率升至1.13%,高于第二季度末的1.04%。

    China Construction Bank Corp CICHY 0.17 % said Thursday bad loans rose to 1.13 % of its total portfolio in the third quarter , from 1.04 % at the end of the second quarter .

  19. 在信贷紧缩之后,美国银行(bankofamerica)正寻求通过出售所持中国建设银行(ccb)股份来筹集资金,以强化其资产负债表。

    Bank of America is seeking to raise capital to shore up its balance sheet in the wake of the credit crunch by selling shares in China Construction Bank .

  20. 1999年4月,接受中国建设银行不良资产的中国信达资产管理公司的成立,表明我国最终选择了以组建资产管理公司(AssetManagementCorporation-AMC)的方式来解决国有四大银行的不良资产问题。

    In March 1999 , the Xinda asset management corporation ( AMC ) is established to take over the bad assets of China Construction Bank , which indicates a new solution to the bad assets of the big four .

  21. 本周被正式指定为伦敦人民币业务清算行的中国建设银行(CCB),曾在2012年就建立分行事宜接洽英国央行(bankofEngland)。

    China Construction Bank – nominated this week as the official clearing bank for renminbi trading in London – approached the Bank of England about establishing a branch in 2012 .

  22. 摩根士丹利在中金公司的主要合作伙伴中国建设银行(CCB)已经将所持股份转让给中投公司(CIC)。

    China Construction Bank , Morgan Stanley 's principal partner in CICC , has transferred its stake to China Investment Corp.

  23. 企业持续经营计划(BCP)研究&以中国建设银行为例

    The Research on Business Continuity Plan ( BCP ) & Taking China Construction Bank for Example

  24. 伦敦想通过指定中国建设银行(CCB)为人民币清算银行来凸显自己的资格。

    London plans to underline its credentials by designating China Construction Bank as a clearing bank for the currency .

  25. 去年12月,宝钢集团(BaosteelGroup)发行5亿美元可交换债券,标的股票为中国建设银行股份有限公司(ChinaConstructionBankCorporation)的H股股票,年利达律师事务所为各承销商提供了服务。

    Last December , Linklaters advised the underwriters for Baosteel Group 's $ 500m issuance of a China Construction Bank Corporation bond that was exchangeable into so-called H shares , which are listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange .

  26. 上周,中国建设银行(CCB)成为首家在伦敦发行人民币计价债券的中资银行。

    Last week , China Construction Bank became the first Chinese bank to issue a bond denominated in renminbi in London .

  27. 本月,今年年初成为中国建设银行(ccb)董事长的他曾赴符拉迪沃斯托克参加亚太经合组织(apec)峰会。

    This month the man who became chairman of China Construction bankat the start of the year was in Vladivostok for an Asia-Pacific Conference .

  28. 中国建设银行(CCB)表示,第一季度利润达到321亿元人民币。中国建行是另一家在香港和上海两地上市的大型国有银行。

    China Construction Bank , the other giant state-owned bank listed on the Hong Kong and Shanghai stock markets , said profit in the first quarter reached Rmb32.1bn .

  29. 本章选取中国建设银行的GTS业务和中国工商银行首次为ATM诈骗案买单两个案例,来分析我国银行业社会责任和内部控制的相关性。

    This chapter select the GTS business of China Construction Bank and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China the first time pay for ATM fraud . Chapter ⅵ, conclusions and prospects .

  30. 知情人士表示,中国建设银行此前一直有意投资渣打银行(StandardChartered),但郭树清否认该行现在会考虑此类投资。按市值计算,中国建设银行目前是世界上第二大银行。

    CCB , now the second-largest bank in the world by market capitalisation , had been interested in investing in Standard Chartered , according to people familiar with the situation , but Mr Guo denied the bank would now consider such an investment .