
  • 网络Body Design;car body design
  1. 一种适于在车身设计中应用的曲面分块重构技术研究

    Study of a free-surface segmentation reconstruction technology applied to car body design

  2. 先进CAD技术在汽车车身设计中的应用

    The application of advanced CAD technology in car body design

  3. 用于车身设计的H点人体模型是车身总布置设计的工具之一。

    The H-point manikin is one of tools for body layout design .

  4. 概念设计与FE仿真评估在行人腿部保护车身设计中的应用

    The Application of Concept Design and FE Simulation Assessment in the Design of Pedestrian Leg Protection

  5. 在概念设计阶段用FEM进行车身设计的研究

    Study on Car Body Design Stage

  6. 汽车车身设计CAD/CAE信息集成系统中Oracle数据库的设计研究

    Study on Oracle Database Design in Integrate CAD / CAE System of Car-body Design

  7. 由于应用CAD手段,在车身设计中能采用复杂形状的钣金件,有利于降低车身重量,有利于采用点焊,提高了设计和制造水平。

    The parts with complex shape will be used in body design because of CAD and can decrease the weight of the body .

  8. 基于Rhino软件的客车车身设计方法探究

    Bus Body Design Based on Rhino Software

  9. 支持客车车身设计平台工程数据库系统研究本文尝试采用相对简单的方法来替换传统的重量级J2EE,降低其复杂性,并实现了基于Web的客车车身设计信息集成系统的原型。

    This dissertation tries to adopt some relatively simpler methods to alternate the traditional heavy-weighted J2EE , reduce the complexity , and implement the prototype to a Web-based information integration system of the automobile bodywork design .

  10. 通过讨论CAD在汽车造型中的应用、车身设计、头部设计和尾部设计,描述了现代汽车造型设计中科学与艺术的完美结合,物质与精神的统一。

    The paper describes the perfect combination of science and art and the consolidation of matter and spirit of modern automobile modeling design through analyzing the application of CAD in automobile modeling , body design , head part design and end part design of automobile .

  11. 阐述了汽车覆盖件模具设计及制造的特点和技术要求,冲压成形CAE技术在车身设计及生产工艺设计分析中的重要作用。

    The characteristic and essential technology of automotive body panels die design and manufacture are discussed , the function of sheet metal forming CAE technology in Auto-Body design and the design analysis in manufacture process is validated .

  12. 容差分配技术在轿车车身设计中的应用研究

    The Application of Dimension Accuracy Distribution Technology to Car Body Design

  13. 表面光顺设计在汽车车身设计中占有举足轻重的地位。

    Surface smoothing plays an important part in automobile body design .

  14. 车身设计信息集成系统可视化查询模块设计

    Design of visualization query module for car body information integration system

  15. 基于同步工程的汽车车身设计流程分析

    Design Process Analysis of Vehicle Body Based on Simultaneous Engineering

  16. 面向对象的关系数据库及其在汽车车身设计中的应用

    Object Oriented Relational Database and Application in Vehicle Body Design

  17. 车身设计尺寸质量评价的装配尺寸链自动生成

    Automatic Generation of Dimension Chains for Auto-Body Dimensional Quality Evaluation

  18. 车身设计需要考虑机械工程、人机工程学和空气动力学三方面的制约。

    Car-body design is restricted to mechanical engineering , human factors and aerodynamics .

  19. 复杂曲面汽车车身设计可视化开发环境研究

    Study on a Virtual Environment for Design of Automobile Body With Complicated Surfaces

  20. 东风经济型轿车车身设计开发及技术研究

    Technology research and development of DONGFENG economic car body

  21. 汽车车身设计方法及原则

    Design Method of and Principle for Auto Body

  22. 车门设计是整个车身设计中结构复杂但又相对独立的一个环节。

    Door design is one complex and relatively independent part in body design process .

  23. 新型轿车车身设计

    Body Design of A New - style Car

  24. 双层客车车身设计技术

    Design Technology of Double-Decher Bus Bodies

  25. 汽车车身设计方法探讨

    Probing into Automobile Body Design method

  26. 汽车底盘和车身设计的产品提升了汽车的主动和被动安全性能。

    Chassis and carbody products improving active and passive safety in the automobile help avoid accidents .

  27. 浅谈车身设计的工艺性

    Automotive Body Design and Manufacturability

  28. 本文针对车身设计提出了一种通过空气动力学性能分析来确定造型的工业设计方法。

    Based on aerodynamics analysis a flexible design method on car-body model is present in this paper .

  29. 最后总结了如何在概念设计阶段用有限元分析的方法进行车身设计。

    Finally , the method of body design with FEM at the concept design stage is summarized .

  30. 跨领域的思考:浅谈汽车车身设计与建筑外墙设计的比较

    Thought over different division : Comparisonof the design of automobile body and the external wall of buildings