
  • 网络SPEEDOMETER;speed meter
  1. 车速表台架检测数据统计分析与建模

    Statistical Analysis and Modeling of Data Measured from a Vehicle Speedometer Test-bed

  2. 进口机动车辆检验证明GB/T13563-1992滚筒式汽车车速表检验台

    Inspection certificate of imported motor vehicles Roller speedometer tester

  3. 他把车越开越快,看着车速表上的指针跳到了100公里。

    He drove faster , watching the needle flick up to a hundred km .

  4. 通过使用系数乘法器,使车速表校验信号在10Hz~9999.9Hz范围内,按0.1Hz分辨率变化。

    By using coefficient multiplier , the correcting signals will be in the range of 10 to 9 ? 999.9 ? Hz with a resolution of 0.1 ?

  5. 因此,对驾驶者借以了解汽车行驶速度的车速表,其指示值是否准确及指示误差的大小必须加以研究。

    So the accuracy and indicatory error of the speedometer must be studied .

  6. 滚筒式车速表检验台速度示值误差测量结果的不确定度评定

    Evaluation of Measurment Uncertainty about Speed Indicative Error for Roller Type Speedometer Tester

  7. 单片机控制的汽车车速表校验系统

    Microprocessor-Based Correcting System of Automobile Speed-meter

  8. 还记那些写着大大的“55”两个字、设计限速为每小时85英里的车速表吗?

    Remember those speedometers with the big " 55 " that maxed out at 85 mph ?

  9. 当车速表的指针指向时速80英里的时候,他突然发现红蓝色的警灯一闪一闪地跟在后面。

    As the needle jumped up to 80 mph he suddenly saw a flashing red and blue light behind him .

  10. CAN总线技术在汽车车速表和里程表中的应用车速表台架检测数据统计分析与建模

    The Application of CAN Bus Technology in the Study of Speedometer Statistical Analysis and Modeling of Data Measured from a Vehicle Speedometer Test-bed

  11. 车速表的图片,在绿线那,显示是最佳车速和最佳扭距和动力。

    Here is photo of speedometer , with that green line , it shows the best RPM where car have best Nm and power .

  12. 介绍了车速表试验台联网设计的实现原理,分析了影响车速台测量精度的因素,提出一种采用多媒体定时技术与软件滤波技术相结合提高测量精度的方法。

    The paper first gave a brief introduction of the working principle of Speedometer tester , then analyzed the factors which affect precision of speedometer tester connected into vehicle-inspect line .

  13. 对车速表试验台检测所获得的样本数据进行统计分析,建立相应的数学模型,模型计算与样本实测数据计算结果高度吻合。

    Statistical analysis was carried out for the sample data measured by a speedometer test bed , and corresponding mathematical models were established . The results from the model coincided with those from the measurement .

  14. 本文在借鉴传统车速表试验台智能仪表的基础上,结合现代电子信息技术发展的最新成果,设计了一种性价比高、通用、多功能的新型智能仪表。

    Based on the traditional intelligent instrument of speedometer test-bed and combining the latest fruits of modem electric technology , this paper designs a new type intelligent instrument , which is universal , multifunctional and has high ratio of performance to price .

  15. 该仪器能进行摩托车的最高车速、最低稳定车速、起步和超越加速、爬坡和滑行、制动时的车速以及车速表校验、油耗数据处理等12项道路试验。

    Also it can be applied for measuring the motorcycle speed when climbing , coasting and braking . In addition , speedometer calibration and 12 other road tests including fuel consumption data processing , ect , can also be done by this instrument .