
chē dào
  • lane;driveway;drive
车道 [chē dào]
  • [lane] 公路或街道上划分出的行车道

车道[chē dào]
  1. 北行车道的交通完全堵塞。

    Traffic in the northbound lane is at a complete standstill .

  2. 她给信号后把车开进了慢车道。

    She signalled and pulled over into the slow lane .

  3. 他不要命地冲过了三条车道。

    He made a kamikaze run across three lanes of traffic .

  4. 有一辆汽车停在车道上。

    There was a car parked in / on the driveway .

  5. 你不能在这里停车,你挡住了我家的车道。

    You can 't park here , you 're obstructing my driveway .

  6. 汽车沿车道缓慢地颠簸行进。

    The car bumped its way slowly down the drive .

  7. 她开上自家车道,不料发现路已被堵。

    She turned up the driveway , only to find her way blocked .

  8. 他试图从慢车道超车。

    He tried to overtake on the inside .

  9. 我当时驾车在慢车道上行驶。

    I was driving on the inside lane .

  10. 开入其他车道前一定要打转向灯。

    Always indicate before moving into another lane .

  11. 不要偏离左边的车道。

    Keep to the nearside lane .

  12. 他的车弯成V字形,撞进了反方向车道,车身挡住了所有的3个车道。

    His vehicle jack-knifed , and crashed across all three lanes of the opposite carriageway .

  13. M4号高速公路西向车道车流行驶缓慢。

    Traffic is slow on the westbound carriageway of the M4 .

  14. 长达25英里的交通拥堵阻塞了M6号高速公路的北行车道。

    A 25 mile traffic jam clogged the northbound carriageway of the M6

  15. 阿格纽的车在5点整驶入了车道。

    Agnew 's car pulled into the driveway at exactly five o'clock

  16. 这些区域也应该设专门的自行车道。

    Such areas should also be served by dedicated cycle routes .

  17. 他沿着八车道的高速公路向城市驶去。

    He took off for the city on the eight-lane superhighway .

  18. 我转入2号公路东向车道。

    I pulled out into the eastbound lane of Route 2 .

  19. 德国没有试图把英国推入慢车道。

    Germany was not trying to push Britain into the slow lane

  20. 他把车停在了她家车库前的车道上。

    He pulled into the driveway in front of her garage

  21. 她站在那儿,望着小汽车的尾灯消失在车道尽头。

    She stood watching the car 's tail-lights disappear down the drive .

  22. 卡车在慢车道上以20英里的时速行驶。

    The lorry was travelling at 20mph in the slow lane

  23. 他驱车从又长又陡的车道驶下。

    He drove down the long , steeply angled driveway .

  24. 将要修建两条三车道的公路穿过乡间。

    Two three-lane roads will be carved through countryside .

  25. 其中一条私人车道上,一位穿着橡胶靴的专职司机正用水管冲洗一辆豪华轿车。

    In one driveway a chauffeur wearing rubber boots was hosing down a limousine

  26. 越来越多的杜鹃花长到了蜿蜒的车道上。

    The rhododendrons encroached ever more on the twisting drive

  27. 驶来的车辆会分流到两条车道。

    Approaching cars will be routed into two lanes .

  28. 劳拉松开离合器踏板,沿车道慢慢驶离。

    Laura let out the clutch and pulled slowly away down the drive .

  29. 我站在车道上,看着他把车倒出来然后开走。

    I stood in the driveway and watched him back out and pull away .

  30. 当他把车开进车道时,他看到她卧室的灯已经熄了。

    As he pulled into the driveway , he saw her bedroom light was off