
ɡuǐ dào bō hán shù
  • orbital wave function
  1. 常见等性杂化轨道波函数的简易图解求解法

    A Simple Graphical Solving Method for Hybridized Orbital Wave Function

  2. 本文在分子轨道法和分子轨道的原子线性组合法的基础上采用huckel近似,对苯环的分子轨道波函数进行了计算,得出了苯环的6个π键的原子轨道波函数和本征值。

    Based on molecular orbital method and LCAO-MO , the text computes the molecular orbital wave function with the Huckel molecular orbital method , gets the six π bond electron ′ s eigenfunction and eigenvalue of benzene .

  3. 应用配位场理论以及3d轨道波函数径向标度理论定量地解释了晶体的电子吸收光谱。

    By using the ligand field theory and 3d orbits wave radial scaling theory , the d & d transition spectrum is interpreted quantitatively .

  4. 看2s轨道波函数,更加有趣。

    More interesting is to look at the2 s wave function .

  5. 通过自洽迭代求解Hartree方程得到各组态下的轨道波函数。

    Self-consistent iteration of Hartree equation is used to obtain orbital wave functions for ( different ) configurations .

  6. 杂化轨道波函数的确定方法

    Determination of Wove Functions of Hybrid Orbital

  7. 氢原子轨道波函数绘图系统

    Hydrogen atomic orbital plotting system

  8. 这是一张你们书里的表格,它展示了各种,不同的轨道波函数。

    This is a table that 's directly from your book , and what it 's just showing is the wave function for a bunch of different orbitals .

  9. 在一次近似与二次近似下获得了生物钟子系统的能级公式和生物钟里一串神经原的载波和轨道波函数。

    Under the first and second approximations , the energy level formula of the subsystems of the bioclock and the functions of the carrier wave and orbital wave of a chain of neurons are obtained .

  10. 强激光辐照分子体系可以观察到高次谐波发射,利用分子的高次谐波发射可以对分子的轨道波函数信息进行成像。

    High-order harmonic generation ( HHG ) can be observed as the molecular system is radiated by an intense laser field , and utilizing the molecular HHG , one can image the orbital wave-function of the molecule .

  11. ML8型配合物中央体的σ杂化轨道及其波函数

    Hybrid orbitals and its wave function of central atom in ml_8 complex

  12. 我们讲过2s轨道的波函数,也讲过3s轨道。

    We talked about the wave function for a2 s orbital , and also for a3 s orbital .

  13. 固氮酶Fe-Mo辅基模拟物Fe-Mo-S原子簇成键轨道的波函数图形分析

    The Map Analysis of Bonding orbital Wave Function of Fe-Mo-S Cluster the Analogue of the Nitrogenase Fe-Mo-Cofactor

  14. 我想说的是,分子轨道的波函数,就是多个原子轨道,波函数的线性叠加。

    What we are going to say is that the wavefunction for molecular orbitals is going to be an additive sum of the wavefunctions of atomic orbitals .

  15. 同样,概率密度,这就是轨道的平方,波函数的平方。

    So the probability again , that 's just the orbital squared , the wave function squared .

  16. 我们可以继续,对任何轨道,或任何波函数做,同样的事情。

    So we can go on and do this for any orbital or any state function that we would like to .

  17. 实际上当我们定义电子在这个轨道,它的波函数的确是和角度有关的。

    So we do , in fact , have a dependence on what the angle is of the electron as we define it in the orbital .