
  • 网络orbital flight
  1. 美国国家航空航天局还将太空探索公司可靠的轨道飞行任务记录作为中标因素之一。

    Nasa also cited the proven record of orbital missions by Elon Musk 's SpaceX firm as a factor in the award .

  2. 轨道飞行目标的雷达回波模拟及成像

    ISAR Echo Simulation and Imaging of the Target in Orbit

  3. 我们将采用低轨道飞行。

    Flight we 're going to take a low orbit around the planet .

  4. 这艘飞船将绕地球轨道飞行并将宇航员送回地球。

    To describe a craft that would orbit the Earth and return astronauts home .

  5. 在第二周轨道飞行时,发生了一个问题。

    A problem developed during the second orbit .

  6. 近地轨道飞行只是他的试验田。

    LEO is merely his proving ground .

  7. 但我认为当你们开始卖票,开始亚轨道飞行,通往太空,很快--

    But I think when you guys start buying tickets and flying sub-orbital flights to space , very soon --

  8. 这个飞行器械会浮在亚轨道飞行,然后滑翔(这大概需要4个小时)。

    The vehicle will float up into suborbital flight and then glide back ( this takes about 4 hours ) .

  9. 正如马斯克上个月发推文的那样,一个引擎允许短跳,而三个是亚轨道飞行所需。

    As Musk tweeted last month , one engine allows for short hops , while three are required for suborbital flights .

  10. 电子比原子核小得多,并不任意乱飞,而是贴着固定的轨道飞行。

    The electrons , much smaller than the nucleus , don 't fly around at random but stick to fixed orbits .

  11. 中国计划在2020年前发射第一个火星探测器,并实现环火星轨道飞行,登陆火星并进行探索。

    China plans to launch its first Mars spacecraft by 2020 , which will orbit , land and explore the Red Planet .

  12. 美国航天局的重力恢复与内部实验室计划,又称“圣杯”号月球探测器将首先环绕月球轨道飞行,然后在月球表面着陆。

    NASA 's Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory , or GRAIL , mission spacecraft will orbit the moon before landing on the lunar surface .

  13. 去年,美国航空航天局让所有航天飞机退役,集中发展下一代能绕地球低轨道飞行的太空船。

    NASA retired the shuttle fleet last year to focus on developing the next generation of spacecraft that will travel beyond low earth orbit .

  14. 因为月球没有大气层环绕--如果你愿意,你可以绕误差在10英尺的椭圆形轨道飞行。

    Because the moon doesn 't have an atmosphere -- you can do an elliptical orbit and miss it by 10 feet if you want .

  15. 本文介绍了它的性能参数,方案和组成,工作体制,散热设计,地面试验情况和轨道飞行性能。

    This paper describes its technical function , instrument construction , working mode , thermal radiation design , ground tests and operational per-formance in orbit .

  16. 稍等,这里发生了什么,我们将拥有军事战斗机,这些战斗机拥有沿亚轨道飞行的能力,我认为这很快就会发生。

    wait a minute , what 's happening here , we 'll have military fighters with sub-orbital capability , and I think very soon this .

  17. 阐述了地面准备、上升段、空间轨道飞行段和再入段等不同飞行任务阶段低温贮箱的热环境条件。

    The thermal environment conditions of thermal protection system in different flight phases such as preparation on ground , ascend , orbital and reentry are described .

  18. 《轨道飞行》是迄今为止公开发行过的最真实的太空模拟游戏之一,它游戏里的战斗采用了精确而耐用的牛顿物理模型。

    Orbiter one of the most realistic space simulators ever released to the public , utilizing a very accurate and robust Newtonian physics model for in-game flight .

  19. 在低地球轨道飞行的航天器,真空热循环与真空紫外辐照等近地轨道空间环境成为影响空间充气展开结构材料的重要因素。

    Surface materials of the space inflatable structures would be influenced by vacuum thermo-cycling and vacuum ultraviolet ( VUV ) when the spacecrafts operated in low earth orbit .

  20. “太空飞船一号”由一架特制的双机身喷气飞机悬挂在机身中间,将其载入高空并发射。2004年,“太空飞船一号”经过3次亚轨道飞行进入太空。

    Suspended between the twin-fuselages of a special jet , SpaceShipOne was carried to high altitude and released . It reached space on three suborbital flights in 2004 .

  21. 也被视为印度要追上日本与中国的一项努力。日本与中国已经送出无人驾驶飞船环绕月球轨道飞行。

    It is also being seen as an effort by India to catch up with Japan and China , which have already sent unmanned spacecraft to orbit the Moon .

  22. 厄普丘奇表示,太空亚轨道飞行的高昂票价将慢慢下降,就如同1914年那次首飞后的民航票价一样。

    Eventually , the costly price of a suborbital ticket into space will decrease , just like commercial airfare did after the first trip in 1914 , he said .

  23. 对于近地轨道飞行,微重力环境对长期在轨的生物特别是人的影响尤其重要。

    For the fly to low earth orbit , the microgravity has important influence for the biology that lives in the near earth orbit for long-time especially for human being .

  24. 在完成近三天的轨道飞行和首次国家的太空漫步,三名中国宇航员于星期天下午成功返回地球。

    Three Chinese astronauts returned safely to earth in their space capsule late Sunday afternoon after spending nearly three days in low orbit and completing the nation 's first spacewalk .

  25. 我们知道如何为亚轨道飞行拍照片,非常安全地做这件事--至少像早期的航线一样安全--所以可以做。

    We know how to do it for sub-orbital flying now , do it safe enough -- at least as safe as the early airlines -- so that can be done .

  26. 系统可以用来发射和接受,以及亚轨道飞行,包括起飞和降落在不同的位置,就是所谓的点对点旅行。

    The system could be used to fly people to and from orbit , as well as for sub-orbital hops , including taking off and landing in different locations , so called point-to-point travel .

  27. 然而为了达到那个目标,他将要证明可伸展太空屋确实能用,而且需要他在近地轨道飞行的投资产生大量的回报来提供必需资金。

    To go there , however , he will have to prove that the expandable habitat does indeed work , and also generate substantial returns on his investment in LEO , to provide the necessary cash .

  28. 系统可以用来发射和接受,以及亚轨道飞行,包括起飞和降落在不同的位置,就是所谓的“点对点”旅行。

    The system could be used to fly people to and from orbit , as well as for sub-orbital hops , including taking off and landing in different locations , so called " point-to-point " travel .

  29. 失重或称微重力环境是载人航天轨道飞行中的重要环境因素,地面上失重模拟实验是航天前的重要准备工作之一。

    Weightlessness ( or microgravity ) condition is one of important environmental factors for manned spaceflight during their earth orbital operation , amd the weightlessness simulation test on the ground becomes one of main preparations before manned spaceflight execution .

  30. 此次开创性的太空行走将是中国第三次载人轨道飞行的核心时刻,也是中国国家航天计划迈出的重要一步。这项计划既是一项战略要求,也被视为一面爱国主义旗帜。

    The pioneering space walk will be the central moment of China 's third manned flight into orbit and an important step forward in a national space programme seen as both a strategic imperative and a patriotic rallying point .