
zhuǎn jī yīn jì shù
  • transgenic technique
  1. 研究破眠机理的分子生物学技术有多种,包括ABA突变体的利用、分子标记、转基因技术、用反义RAN阻止基因的表达、cDNA克隆技术等。

    There are quite a few molecular biological techniques of studying the dormancy-breaking mechanisms , which include ABA mutant use , molecular markers , transgenic technique , gene-expression blocking by antisense RNA , and cDNA cloning .

  2. 花粉管通道转基因技术及在小麦分子育种中的应用

    Pollen Tube Pathway Transgenic Technique and Application in Wheat Molecular Breeding

  3. 我希望看到转基因技术在玉米等经济作物上的应用。

    I 'd like to see GM research on less commercial crops , like corn .

  4. 随着重组DNA技术、植物转基因技术和分子植物病毒学的迅猛发展,使得应用植物作为疫苗抗原的表达载体成为可能。

    New developments in DNA recombinant techniques ? plant transgenic techniques and molecular plant virology led to generation of plant-based expressing system for vaccine production .

  5. 在转基因技术中,我们使用从自然界分离出的酵素,以那种在自然界发生的同样方式把几段DNA连在一起。

    In biotechnology we use enzymes that we isolate from nature to link together pieces of DNA in the same manner that occurs in nature .

  6. 转基因技术在IPM中的应用

    Application of transgenosis technique in integrated pest management

  7. 此外,制剂加工方法的改进,病原微生物与昆虫制品的综合利用,特别是转基因技术和DNA重组技术在菌株改良上的应用成为真菌除草剂的热点研究方向。

    In addition , the improvement of formulation , comprehensive utilization of pathogenic microbes and insect agents , especially strain improving by transgenic technology and DNA recombination technology have become hot research directions .

  8. 来自牛津大学的PaulCollier说,气候变化已经让采用转基因技术变得不可避免。

    Climate change has made the adoption of GM inevitable , argues Paul Collier from Oxford University .

  9. TMR结合转基因技术促血管生成的形态学实验

    Experimental study on angiogenesis and revascularization in myocardial channel by combining TMR with transgenic technology

  10. 利用转基因技术在植物中超表达抗氧化酶基因,如编码SOD、APX、CAT和GR等的基因,可望提高耐冷性;

    The chilling tolerance can be strengthened , by transfering some genes encoding antioxidant enzymes , such as SOD , APX , CAT and GR.

  11. 因而,MAR序列作为一种很有效的基因表达顺式调控元件,具有良好增强效果,MAR序列构建的高效表达载体对于优化转基因技术有非常重要的意义。

    It is important to adopt efficient strategies to overcome gene silencing and increase transgene expression level for optimizing transgenic technology .

  12. 基因突变和转基因技术评价TLR-4信号受体在流体切应力诱导血管内皮细胞IL-8基因转录激活中的作用

    Assessment of the Role of TLR-4 in Shear-Stress-induced IL-8 Gene Transcription Activation in Vascular Endothelial Cells by Gene Mutation and Gene Transfection Technology

  13. 因此应用腺病毒介导转基因技术在移植肺局部高表达HO-1可成为预防和减轻同种异体肺移植物IRI的一种新策略。

    This study demonstrated that the expression of HO-1 in lung grafts may become a new strategy , which can reduce the IRI of lung allografts .

  14. IRRI的所长RobertZiegler说,那些转基因技术的反对者不太可能永远阻止这种技术。

    Robert Ziegler , director-general of IRRI , says it 's unlikely that those opposing GM will be able to hold back the technology forever .

  15. 为建立对HBsAg耐受的小鼠模型,利用显微注射转基因技术,构建了CMV启动子控制的HBsAg(ayw亚型)转基因小鼠。

    To construct a murine model that is immunotolerant to HBsAg , we developed the HBsAg ( ayw subtype ) transgenic ( Tg ) mice with CMV promoter by microinjection .

  16. 本文综述了转基因技术、遗传标记、基因图谱的构建、基因图谱与QTL定位及动物基因组分析等在动物育种中的应用,并对其前景进行了展望。

    In this paper , It 's reviewed about the application and foreground in animal breeding of technology of trans-gene , genetic marker , construction of gene mapping , QTL , Animal genomics .

  17. AAI对昆虫α-淀粉酶具有专一活性,可用于通过转基因技术来赋予植物抗虫活性。

    The insect specific α - amylase inhibitor activity of AAI can be transferred to crop plant by gene manipulation to protect them from predatory insects .

  18. 因此,本课题研究血管内皮细胞的辐射生物学特性,并通过转基因技术,研究VEGF转基因细胞系的辐射生物学特征,从而为深入探讨放射性烧伤的愈合机理及其转基因治疗提供有意义的实验资料。

    In this study , we demonstrated the biological characters of vascular endothelial cells and identify radiobiological characters of VEGF-transfected cell line , which could get a new insight into the mechanism and value to find potential therapeutic targets in radiation bum .

  19. 控制媒介伊蚊是防治DF最有效的方法,但传统上控制登革热媒介的措施存在许多局限性,转基因技术的出现为蚊媒疾病的防治提供了一个新的思路。

    The vector control is the most effective method to prevent and control DF . But the traditional vector control measures have a few of limitations . The transgenic technology provides a new strategy for the control of arthropod-borne diseases .

  20. 在应用转基因技术进行定向改良花色的研究中用的最多也最成功的基因就是:查尔酮合酶基因。非洲菊苯基苯乙烯酮合成酶CHS基因表达模式的初步研究

    The Chalcone synthase gene ( CHS ) is the focus gene in the studies of directional modification of flower color by transgenic technology . Primary Research on Chalcone Synthase Gene Expression During Corolla Development of Gerbera hybrida

  21. 本研究即是要通过转基因技术,抑制水稻胚乳中Sbe基因的表达,达到提高稻米直链淀粉含量的目的。

    In this study , we attempt to genetically engineering rice through introducing antisense sbe genes into rice to reduce the expression of sbe genes and to increase the apparent amylose content of starch in transgenic rice plants .

  22. 例如,一个致力于培育更有营养的主粮作物的全球项目HarvestPlus正在几乎完全避免转基因技术,而使用传统的育种方法。

    For example , HarvestPlus , a global programme aimed at creating more nutritious staple crops , is avoiding GM technology almost entirely and using conventional breeding instead .

  23. 另一方面,国际农业知识、科学与技术促进发展评估组织(IAASTD)在今年4月警告说,仅仅狭窄地专注于转基因技术是一种误导。

    However , the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge , Science and Technology for Development warned in April that a narrow focus developing GM crops is misguided .

  24. 通过转基因技术将遗传表达载体转化进入受体植株,并对转化后代进行鉴定,并分析转化后代植株PEPC基因表达量的变化以及转基因后代植株的蛋白质、含油率、脂肪酸成分的变化。

    The expression vector was introduced into the receptor plant by genetic transformation method , and transformed offspring were identified , and the expression level of PEPC was analyzed from transformed progeny plants and transgenic plant protein , fat , fat composition changes were analyzed .

  25. 然而哺乳动物体内不含有编码ω-3PUFAS的fat-1基因,要改变哺乳动物机体内ω-3PUFAS的含量,现代转基因技术使之成为可能。

    But there is no fat-1 gene which can code ω - 3 PUFAS in mammal . In order to change the content of ω - 3 PUFAS in mammals , modern transgenic technology makes it possible .

  26. 本研究同时构建了BnSTS基因在植物中的过表达及反义表达载体,为通过转基因技术研究该基因在种子脱水耐性机制中的调控作用奠定了重要基础。

    The over-expression and anti-sense vectors of BnSTS gene were constructed , aiming for functional analysis of BnSTS via transgenic plants . This study has laid an important foundation for the further research of this gene regulatory role in seeds desiccation tolerance mechanism .

  27. 四川省农业转基因技术重点领域及发展目标

    Current status and prospects of agricultural transgene technology in Sichuan province

  28. 目的建立一系列转基因技术和冷冻胚胎技术的实验室数据库。

    Objective To establish the technical data of transgene and cryopreservation .

  29. 转基因技术在抗植物真菌病害方面的研究策略

    Strategies of Transgenic plants for Resistance to Fungus Diseases in Plant

  30. 他表示:转基因技术是提高产量的有益工具。

    GM is a useful tool that has improved yields .