
  • 网络Ring;step-up ring
  1. 包装内容:指纹安全门禁系统,安装转接环。带演示软件的的CD,操作说明。

    Package content : Fingerprint security access system . mounting adapter ring . CD with demo software . operating instructions .

  2. 回路转接环在许多方面优于令牌环、时隙环和寄存器插入环。

    The circuit-switched ring is better than token , slotted , and register insertion rings in many way .

  3. 局部环形网络(LRN)可以分为今牌通过环、时隙环、缓冲器插入环、竞争环、回路转接环和光环六种介质存取控制协议(MAC)。

    Local ring networks ( LRN ) may be classified into six types of media access control protocols ( MAC ): token-passing ring , slotted ring , buffer-insertion ring , contention ring , circuit-switched ring , and photonic ring .

  4. 我摔了两个测光器换错了一个镜头还弄坏了她的镜头转接环

    I dropped two light meters , I switched out a wrong lens and I punctured her mounts .

  5. 为了清晰观察喷孔内部流动结构及近场喷雾结构,利用自制转接环将长距离显微镜与数码相机匹配,对喷孔与近嘴区域的喷雾进行27倍放大。

    In order to clearly observe the internal nozzle flow and the structure of near-field spray , utilizing home-made Ring to match the long-distance microscope and digital camera , near the outlet of the nozzle and spray area for 27 times magnification .