
  1. 并希望可以通过论文细致分析、详细论述,为政府能够更好地利用软传播巩固国家认同提出一些有价值的参考建议。

    With detailed analysis , deep discussion in this paper , the author hopes to provide some reference advice on solidifying national identity through soft communication to the government .

  2. 因此,国家可以利用软传播通过制度、文化、族群间接影响国家认同的形成。

    Thereby , we can imagine that a state can take advantage of soft communication to indirectly affect the formation of national identity through system , culture and ethnic group .

  3. 软传播作为大众媒介的组成部份,不仅具有这种影响力,且根据软传播的润物无声的特征更有利于通过大众媒介理论起作用。

    Soft communication as a composing part of mass media , not only has the strong force , but also can operate via mass media theory in a subconsciously way .

  4. 软传播概念提出的时间并不长,系统理论也不够完善,但具有丰富的思想文化资源和传播学理论资源。

    Although the time of proposing the concept is not very long and the theoretic system is not much perfect , it has a wealth of ideas and cultural theoretic resources .

  5. 因此,论文试图通过总结归纳国内外以往的经验,分别从制度层面、文化层面、族群层面解析软传播的影响方式及效用。

    Therefore , this thesis aims to parse the method and effect of soft communication respectively from the levels of system , culture and ethnic group through summarizing experience on this subject at home and abroad .

  6. 异常出现原因可能是由于地震前的长周期波通过上地幔或软流层传播,间接地导致了地下流体温度发生了微小的变化。

    It is thought that the transmitting of long period wave in upper mantle or asthenosphere before the event would indirectly caused a tiny change of ground water temperature , and which is the reason for the anomalies .

  7. 毛细管放电软X射线激光传播的理论研究

    Theoretical Study on Propagation of X-ray Laser Pumped by Capillary Discharge

  8. 压缩波在饱和软土中的传播试验

    Test of compressive wave propagating in soft saturated soil

  9. 软力量&乡村传播系统的二元对立结构

    S of t Power - the Binary Opposition Between Rural Communication Systems Structure

  10. 魔芋软腐病病原传播途径及无公害防治方法

    The Propagation Path of Pathogens of Konjac Soft Rot and the Prevention Ways in Nuisance Free

  11. 分析了软杀伤的量化基础,建立了信息战软杀伤效应的定量分析模型和群体软毁伤传播模型。

    The quantifying base of soft kill and wound is analyzed , and the quantifying analysis mode and colony soft kill and wound diffuse mode are established .