
  • 网络limp bizkit;limp biscuit;LimpBizkit
  1. 它就会像在牛奶里软掉的饼干。

    It 'll melt like graham crackers in milk .

  2. 再将这些饼干放到油纸上,最后根据自己的需要用软刷为饼干上色。

    Transfer shapes to lightly greased cookie sheets . With soft brush , paint cookies with Colorful Glaze as desired .

  3. B:我已经做了安排,十点一刻把咖啡、软饮料和饼干送到会议室。

    B : I 've arranged for coffee , soft drinks and biscuits to be served in the board room at 10:15 .

  4. 软质小麦品种饼干品质评价

    Cookie Quality Evaluation of Soft Wheat Cultivars