
  • 网络Cartilaginous;cartilage plate;cartilaginous plate;septal cartilage
  1. 46例腰椎软骨板破裂症的CT诊断

    CT findings of lumbar vertebra cartilage rupture in 46 cases

  2. 目的探讨骨骺软骨板和关节软骨有无抵抗骨肉瘤(OS)侵犯的作用。

    Objective To explore the role of epiphyseal plate and cartilage whether or not to resist the invasion of osteosarcoma ( OS ) . tumor stage of invasion .

  3. 雏鸡听毛细胞损伤后c-MycmRNA及其产物表达的研究发现AChE阳性纤维主要分布于耳蜗上纤维软骨板外侧,纵行走向下纤维骨板方向,发出放射状分支支配毛细胞。

    Study on c-myc mRNA and its product expression during hair cell regeneration in the chick basilar papilla The positive fibers of AChE stain were distributed over the lateral aspect of the superior cartilaginous plate of the basilar papilla .

  4. 结果:椎体软骨板平均厚1.3±0.1mm,椎间盘平均厚11.6±1.9mm,椎间盘左、右矢状径平均长36.7±3.1mm。

    Results : The average thickness of the cartilage of the corpus vertebral was 1.3 ± 0.1 mm . The average length of left and right sagittal diameters and the thickness of the intervertebral discs were 36.7 ± 3.1 mm and 11.6 ± 1.9 mm respectively .

  5. 试论腕关节软骨板的损伤机理及其康复

    Injury and Recovery on the Fibrocartilage of the Wrist Joint

  6. 腰椎软骨板破裂症的诊断与手术治疗

    Diagnosis and surgical Treatment of Rupture of Cartilaginous End-plate of Lumbar Vertebra

  7. 慢性撞击对骨骺软骨板的影响

    An experimental study of chronic injury in the epiphyseal plate

  8. 关于腰椎椎体后缘软骨板离断的一些问题

    A discussion on the avulsion of lumbar posterior end plate

  9. 雄水貂骺软骨板闭合时间及去势对其影响的研究

    The Epiphyseal Plate Closure of Male Mink and Castration Affected on It

  10. 振荡管内接触面的运动⑤三角软骨板的运动。

    Movement of Contact Surface between Gases in Oscillating Tube ⑤ The movement ;

  11. 腰椎软骨板破裂症的临床研究

    Clinical study on break down of lumbar chondral plate

  12. 人腕关节软骨板胚胎学的初步研究

    Research on Development of the Wrist Joint Articular Disc

  13. 喉内结构在甲状软骨板上的投影位置关系喉气管狭窄的支撑内固定疗效观察

    Study on the relationship among the projective positions of interior laryngeal structure on thyroid ala

  14. 胎儿软骨板的形状为半月形、三角形。

    The shapes of the articular disc of the wrist joint are like a triangle or moon .

  15. 桡骨下端骺线与骺软骨板的观测

    Investigation of the epiphyseal lines and the epiphyseal cartilage plates of the distal ends of the radii

  16. 目的:提出腰椎软骨板破裂与椎体后缘骨内软骨结节之间的关系。

    Objective : To investigate the relation between lumbar vertebral cartilage rupture and lumbar posterior marginal intra-osseous cartilaginous node .

  17. 胎儿腕关节软骨板中的血管随胎龄增加而减少。

    The number of the blood vessels in the articular disc will decrease with the age of the fetus .

  18. 环状软骨板下缘有62.5%位于颈6椎体水平。

    For 62.5 % specimens , the inferior edge of cricoid cartilage board located the level of the sixth cervical vertebrae .

  19. 通过临床资料分析,作者对软骨板破裂症与纤维环破裂所致的椎间盘突出症进行了比较研究。

    Through analysis of clinical data , a comparative study of break down of chondral plate and annulus fibrosa were carried on .

  20. 结果:12周时所有移植物都衍化再生出接近正常半月板大小及形态的纤维软骨板。

    Results : At 12 weeks all transplants developed into mature fibrocartilage plates which were similar to normal menisci in size and shape .

  21. 椎间盘承载后,其应力呈放射状分布于纤维环和软骨板上,内层纤维环承受较小的应力。

    The stresses of disc distributed at annulus and chondric plate radially under loading , the stresses of inner annulus is small one .

  22. 肌突距甲状软骨板内面最近,若从甲状软骨板斜线后区开窗寻找肌突可以缩短手术进路距离。

    If we approach from the posterior thyroplasty window in thyroid to locate the arytenoids , the distance of operation should be shorten .

  23. 腕关节软骨板是腕关节中较为薄弱的结构,在体育运动和日常生活中,该软骨板的损伤较为多见。

    The fibrocartilage of wrist joint is a weaker structure in the wrist joint , which is frequently injured in sports and daily life .

  24. 利用常规石蜡切片技术,对未去势及不同日龄(55,85115145)去势雄水貂挠骨骺软骨板闭合时间做了观察。

    Abstract The epiphyseal plate closure t line was studied with paraffin see non technique in entire and different days old cast rat ed ( ) male mink .

  25. 位置:侧叶上极:平甲状软骨板下1/3最多见、中1/3者次之。

    Position : upper poles . most of them are on the level of the lower 1 / 3 of the thyroid laminae , those opposite the middle 1 / 3 come next .

  26. 结果发现,在人体骺软骨板内有血管存在,它们主要来源于骨骺血管,行走于软骨管内,一般仅限于储备层内。

    The results showed that the epiphyseal plate contains blood vessels within cartilaginous canals coming from epiphyseal vessels in human beings and they are only present in the resting zone of the epiphyseal plate .

  27. 结论:喉内结构在甲状软骨板上的投影有较为固定的位置关系,为临床上行喉骨架外科声带相关手术提供了解剖参考。

    Conclusion : The interior structures of larynx have a intact relationship of projective position on thyroid cartilage ala , which providing anatomic references for clinical surgeries relating to vocal fold through laryngeal framework .

  28. 结论:认为青少年椎间盘发育缺陷和腰部扭挫伤导致的软骨板破裂与髓核后移是主要发病机理及原因。

    Conclusions : The main pathogenesis and cause are the developmental defect of intervertebral disc , and chondroclasis and nucleous pulposus moving back , which are leaded to by the sprain and contusion at waist .

  29. 方法:用18具成年新鲜标本,在椎骨左、右矢状面上分别测量了椎间盘左、右矢状径、椎间盘和椎体软骨板的厚度。

    Methods : On 18 fresh adult specimens , the left and right sagittal diameters of the inervertebral discs , the thickness of the intervertebral discs and the cartilage of corpus vertebra on the left and right sagittal plane were measured respectively .

  30. 如果患者纤维软骨板发育不全,术后过早活动或活动不当,以及重手法推拿、重体力劳动等均可导致纤维软骨板破裂脱入椎管内,严重者可引起足下垂。

    If there had hypogenesis of intervertebral fibrosis cartilage in patient or over early activity or not appropriate after surgery , and heavy skill massage and hard physical labor as well , the intervertebral fibrosis cartilage spallation protruding into the spinal canal would occur , serious could cause foot-drop .