
  • 网络axialites;axialite
  1. 颗粒增强Al-4%Mg复合材料在等轴晶凝固过程中的颗粒推挤

    On the pushing behaviour of particulates reinforced al-4 % mg composites during solidification

  2. Si/SiGe/Si-SOI异质结构的同步辐射双晶貌相术和高分辨三轴晶X射线衍射

    Si / SiGe / Si-SOI by Synchrotron Radiation Double-Crystal Topography and High-Resolution Triple-Axis X-Ray Diffraction

  3. X射线三轴晶衍射法测量半绝缘GaAs单晶的化学配比

    Stoichiometry in SI-GaAs Bulk Materials by Triple Axis Mode X-Ray Diffraction Measurements

  4. Al-4%CU铸锭凝固中自由等轴晶的迁移行为及对宏观偏析的影响

    Movement Behavior of Equiaxial Dendrites in Solidifying Al-4 % Cu Ingots and Influence on Macrosegregation Freedom

  5. 等轴晶ZrO2(Al2O3,Fe2O3)复相陶瓷的制备

    Preparation of Equiaxed Grains of Multiphase ZrO_2 ( Al_2O_3 , Fe_2O_3 ) Ceramics

  6. 通过X射线衍射光谱可以得知CoFe2O4/SrTiO3薄膜沿着a轴晶向生长,具有较好的择优取向性。

    From the X-ray diffraction spectra can be learned that CoFe2O4 / SrTiO3film is preferentially oriented along the a-axis perpendicular to the substrate surface .

  7. 随着Er含量的增加,该焊料合金的组织由树枝晶向等轴晶转变,且组织逐渐细化。

    With the increase of Er content , the microstructure of the solder changes from fir-tree crystal to equiaxed crystal and is refined .

  8. 对电磁搅拌条件下凝固的亚共晶、共晶合金组织进行研究后发现,电磁搅拌可使Al-Si亚共晶、共晶宏观组织中等轴晶明显细化;

    In this paper , the method of electromagnetism stir is applied to study the solidified hypoeutectic and eutectic alloys .

  9. 同时本文还提出了适合铸锭凝固过程的柱状晶向等轴晶转变(CET)判据。

    A columnar-to-equiaxed transition ( CET ) criterion is developed for the case of solidification of ingots .

  10. 在CSP的不锈钢铸坯结构中,应主要以较细密的柱状晶构成,而较难有中心等轴晶区的出现。

    The structure of stainless steel gotten by CSP technics is mainly the slim columnar dendrite and rarely has center equiaxed dendrite .

  11. 结果表明:在快速凝固条件下,形成等轴晶和胞状晶结构,Zr、Cr、Nb元素固溶在过饱和Al基固溶体中。

    The results indicate that , the equiaxed and cellular crystal structures were formed under rapid solidification , and Zr , Cr and Nb were retained in Al-matrix supersaturated solid solution ;

  12. 3种合金薄片均为细小等轴晶和部分蔷薇状的微细枝晶组成,其晶粒大小为1μm~3μm。随着Si添加量的增加,晶粒大小没有明显的变化。

    The three kinds of alloy flakes all exhibited fine equiaxed grains with the grain size of 1 ~ 3 μ m. And the grain sizes have no remarkably difference with the Si contents increased .

  13. 柱状晶向等轴晶转变(CET)是在一定的凝固过程中必须控制的一种显微组织转变。

    The columnar to equiaxed transition ( CET ) is a kind of microstructural transformation in certain solidification , which should be controlled .

  14. 可以预言,采用新四孔SEN浇注,铸坯的等轴晶会有所提高。

    It could be concluded that the percentage of equiaxial crystal would increased when the new nozzle with four holes is used in casting .

  15. 研究Li对工业纯Cu结晶形态的影响,结果表明:Li能消除合金凝固的枝晶区并使之转变为等轴晶区。

    The effect of lithium on casting structures of pure coppers has been researched . The results showed that the dendritic crystal area of alloy was eliminated by Li addition and the equiaxed strcture was substitued for dentritic crystal .

  16. TEM观察表明绝热剪切带(ASB)中心区域由30-70纳米的等轴晶组成。

    TEM observation showed that the center of the adiabatic shear band ( ASB ) was composed of recrystallized nano-grains ( about 30-70 nm in diameter ) .

  17. 模拟了其TIG焊熔池中心等轴晶和熔池边缘柱状晶的生长,并模拟了等轴晶与柱状晶竞争生长的形态。

    The growth of the equiaxed grain in the center of the pool , the columnar grain in the edge of the pool and even the competitive growth between them are simulated .

  18. 纳米CeO2在熔覆层中能够细化组织,并且可以抑制树枝晶的生长,促使熔覆层形成了等轴晶;

    Are obtained ; the nano-CeO_2 addition can not only refine microstructure , but also restrain the dendritic growth and promote the formation of equiaxed grains ;

  19. 研究表明细等轴晶的形成要求特殊的化学成分(含Zr,Li元素)和一定的凝固条件(小的成分过冷度)。

    It was found that the existence of a particular solidification condition ( i.e. smaller constitutional undercooling degree ) as well as the elements of zirconium and lithium was necessary for the fine equiaxed smooth grains to form .

  20. 随合金元素Zn和A1增加,合金由粗大的树枝晶向细小的等轴晶转变,晶粒尺寸逐渐减小,而晶界处的共晶相数量逐渐增多,尺寸逐渐增大。

    With increasing of Zn and Al , the coarse dendrites transite to fine equiaxed grains and the grain size is gradually reduced ; While the number of eutectic phase and its size both gradually increased .

  21. LC9铝合金在773K热扭转中显微组织由粗大的柱状晶转变为细等轴晶。

    The coarse column-like grains of LC9 alloy are changed into fine nearequiaxed oneS during torsion at773K .

  22. AZ31B挤压板材无裂纹、无烧损,其组织呈晶粒细小的等轴晶;

    The AZ31B sheets are extruded with fine equiaxed grains in microstructure , but without cracks or burning losses .

  23. 结果显示,新型模具ZA合金用TIG方法进行焊接,焊缝组织形态主要是柱状树枝晶和少量的等轴晶;

    It was shown that after the ZA alloy was processed by TIG welding , the weld seam consists mainly of columnar dendrites and a small amount of equi axial crystals ;

  24. 随着NH4Cl水溶液浓度或Al-Si合金中Si含量的增加以及搅拌转速的增加,晶粒细化程度提高,获得分散均匀、细小的等轴晶。

    And the extent of refinement was improved as the concentration of ammonium-chloride solution or the silicon content in Al-Si alloy ingots is increasing , and homogeneous and finer equiaxed grains obtained .

  25. 选取转角为90°的ECAP模具、挤压路径B、4次挤压可更有效地将晶粒细化为非常细小的等轴晶,并兼顾到较高的生产效率。

    After the samples are pressed in the condition of the 90 ° ECAP die , route B and 4 passes , the grains could change to be very fine equiaxed-grains , in addition , the high production-efficiency is also obtained .

  26. SEM观察表明两种合金的氧化膜均由外层的CuO和内层的Cu20组成,但Zr会改变氧化膜的组织形态,1合金的氧化膜内层为等轴晶,而4合金为柱状晶。

    SEM observation shows the films of the two alloys are both composed by the outer layer of CuO and the inner layer of Cu2O . But the additional of Zr can change the microstructure of the oxidation film .

  27. AZ31镁合金氩弧焊接头的热影响区和焊缝分界明显,热影响区晶粒较粗大,焊缝为细小的等轴晶,焊缝主要存在α-Mg和β-Mg(17)Al(12)两种相。

    The microstructure is fine equiaxed grains in welded zone , which is shown to consist of a-Mg and Mg_ ( 17 ) Al_ ( 12 ), while the microstructure of heat affected zone is coarser .

  28. 100kg级规模试验中钢水过热度降低26℃,相应等轴晶率达到80%。

    The superheat was reduced by 26 ℃ and equiaxed crystal ratio of 80 % was obtained for 100 kg test .

  29. 倾斜式冷却剪切流变制备半固态AlMg合金过程中,合金在冷却板表面非均匀形核,并受到重力的剪切作用,合金组织逐渐从粗大等轴晶网络演化为细小的球形晶;

    During manufacturing semisolid Al-Mg based alloy by rheocasting of incline cooling and shearing , melt alloy heterogeneously nucleated on the incline-cooling plate surface and was sheared under the gravity force , and alloy microstructure gradually evolves from big net-work composed of equiaxed dendrites to small spherical grain .

  30. 在10T磁感应强度下,交变电流越大,波动越强,越易生成等轴晶和颗粒状晶;

    At a magnetic field intensity of10T , the higher the AC current , the stronger the vibration , the more easily the equal-axis grains and the particle grains created .