
  1. 音乐教育做为艺术教育的一种重要形式,它不仅具有使人得到音乐美的陶冶和塑造的审美功能与效应,还具有辅德、益智、健体等多种非审美功能与效应。

    As an important form of the art education , the music education has not only the aesthetic function of edifying peoples with music beauty , but the non - aesthetic functions as fostering morality , polishing ones ' brain and building the health .

  2. 我国古代乐教的实质是礼乐教育,它的价值是辅德辅政,它的地位是礼的附庸,正是它的地位的不独立性,秦汉以后,终究被主宰它的礼所吞没;

    Principles and Practice of Creative Education in the Middle School Course of Morality and Politics The essence of music education in ancient China was music - ceremony education , and its value was in morality and politics and its position was an appendage of the ceremony .