
fǔ zhù shí pǐn
  • accessory food
  1. 北方农村婴幼儿简易辅助食品的实验研究

    A Simple Supplement Food for Infants in Northern Countryside of China

  2. 辅助食品补充物对婴幼儿贫血的影响

    Effect of complementary food supplements on anemia in infant and young children

  3. 是均衡理想的美容辅助食品。

    It is well balanced and an ideal beauty supplement .

  4. 婴儿主食品和辅助食品成分的分析检测现状

    Present Situation on Components Analysis of Baby 's Principal and Auxiliary Foods

  5. 日本婴幼儿辅助食品之开发

    Development of Japanese baby & infant supplementary food

  6. GB10769-1997婴幼儿断奶期辅助食品

    Formulated Weaning foods for infants and young children

  7. 各种最新机能性保健食品及营养辅助食品。

    We provide all kinds of latest functional health food and nutrition auxiliary food .

  8. 幼儿营养辅助食品营养价值的实验研究&动物实验部分

    Experimental study on nutritive effect of food

  9. 但是,他说这类辅助食品缺少预防营养不良所需的卡路里和营养物质。

    But he says this kind of food aid lacks enough calories and nutrients to prevent malnutrition .

  10. 中国婴幼儿辅助食品的强化

    Complementary food fortification in China

  11. 糖尿病辅助食品的工艺研究

    Processing of diabetic foods

  12. 结论补充营养素强化的辅助食品有利于贫困农村4~12个月婴儿的智力发育。

    Conclusion Micronutrient fortified complementary food supplement is effective for children aged 4-12 month in terms of mental development .

  13. 营养强化辅助食品补充物对甘肃贫困农村婴幼儿体格生长的影响

    Effects of nutrient fortified complementary food supplements on growth of infants and young children in poor rural area in Gansu Province

  14. 目的探讨补充含有蛋白质、微量营养素的辅助食品对婴幼儿血红蛋白和贫血的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of complementary food supplements with protein and multi-micronutrients on hemoglobin and anemia in infant and young children .

  15. 此类营养米粉可以作为改善4~8月龄婴儿营养状况的较好辅助食品。

    Second , this kind of rice powder is a good food to improve the nutritional status of infants from 4 ~ 8 months old .

  16. 在复方糖尿病辅助食品(山药、茯苓、白扁豆、莲子及大枣)基础上,以焙烤食品为模式,研究糖尿病辅助食品制作工艺。

    This thesis introduced diabetes supplementary food based on baking technology with compound assistant foods , such as yam , Tuckahoe , white haricot bean , lotus seed and jujube .

  17. 结论母乳中表皮生长因子、胰岛素样生长因子Ⅰ和转化生长因子β1可促进婴幼儿生长发育,建议在合理添加辅助食品的情况下适当延长母乳喂养至1岁半。

    Conclusion Detection of such growth factors as EGF , IGF-1 , and TGF - β 1 in breast milk was helpful to further study their effects on the growth and development of infants .

  18. 婴儿期母乳和辅助性食品喂养对其以后营养状况及健康的影响

    Effects of breast and complementary food feeding in infancy on later nutritional status and health

  19. 结果表明,刺参多糖属实际无毒物质,可安全地作为保健食品辅助剂或食品添加剂使用。

    The results showed that the polysaccharide was innocuous .