
  • 网络WHIG;the Whig party;the Whigs
  1. 同时,对立的辉格党用OK这个词诋毁范布伦的政治导师安德鲁杰克逊。

    At the same time , the opposing Whig Party made use of OK to denigrate Van Buren 's political mentor Andrew Jackson .

  2. 1852年寻求辉格党提名,但是败给了WinfieldScott。

    Sought the Whig nomination in 1852 , but lost to Winfield Scott .

  3. 根据辉格党人所说,杰克逊发明了OK这个缩写以掩饰他自己拼写allcorrect(完全正确)时的错误。

    According to the Whigs , Jackson invented the abbreviation OK to cover up his own misspelling of all correct .

  4. 这幅画表现的是威廉皮特(williampitt)驱逐辉格党和激进分子黑暗力量的事件,尽管事实上作品充满了讽刺意味。

    It shows William Pitt expelling the dark forces of the Whigs and radicals , though in fact drenched in irony .

  5. 在美国内战之前的30年间,最能代表进步的新教教义的政党当属辉格党(WhigParty)。

    The political party that best represented progressive Protestantism in the three decades prior to the Civil War was the Whig Party .

  6. 作为总统,Fillmore处理辉格党的党派纷争;

    As president , Fillmore dealt with increasing party divisions within the Whig party ;

  7. 作为总统,fillmore处理辉格党的党派纷争;党派和谐成为他的首要目标。

    As president , Fillmore dealt with increasing party divisions within the Whig Party ; Party Harmony became one of his primary objectives .

  8. Tyler继WilliamHarrison后担任美国总统。遭辉格党开除党籍,之后与自由党关系密切,但是又被劝说不要加入民主党(他曾经的党派)。

    Served the remainder of William Harrison 's term . Denied renomination by the Whigs , Tyler flirted with the Liberty Party , but was persuaded not to run by the Democrats ( his former party ) .

  9. 他和辉格党领导人HenryClay对于特别会议的必要性产生分歧(Harrison反对,但是Clay为了使他的经济议程顺利进行希望会议尽快进行),但是Clay在立法机构和辉格党的有利地位迫使Harrison让步。

    He and Whig leader Henry Clay had disagreed over the necessity of the special session ( which Harrison opposed , but Clay desired in order to immediately get his economic agenda underway ) , but Clay 's powerful position in both the legislature and the Whig Party quickly forced Harrison to give in .

  10. 十四世德比勋爵面临执政3届弱势政府的艰巨任务,而当时的辉格党和自由党正在就反政教分离主义或石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因问题(schleswig-holstein)这类神秘问题争吵不休。

    It was the hard task of the 14th Earl of Derby to preside over three fragile governments that came into existence only when the Whigs and liberals quarrelled over such mysteries as anti-disestablishmentarianism or the Schleswig-Holstein question .

  11. 它吸收了从垂死的辉格党中脱离出来的大部分人。

    It absorbed most of the dissenters from the dying Whig Party .

  12. 辉格党在这个过程中逐渐形成。

    The Whig was gradually formed in this process .

  13. 在美国内战前期辉格党成员。

    A member of the Whig Party in the US in pre-Civil-War times .

  14. 另一方面,辉格党对市场比较满意。

    Whigs , on the other hand , were more comfortable with the market .

  15. 辉格党正确地认为,避开欧洲纠葛将是不可能的。

    The Whigs were right to believe it would be impossible to avoid European entanglements .

  16. 第二节介绍了辉格党对这一时期主要政治问题的态度。

    Section two discusses the attitude of Whig to the political issues during this period .

  17. 找直到现在还摸不准你究竟是个辉格党人还是个托利党人。

    I never yet could ascertain properly whether you are a Whig or a Troy .

  18. 然而,辉格党喜欢商业及商业阶层的不同比例的力量。

    The Whigs , however , enjoyed disproportionate strength among the business and commercial classes .

  19. 辉格党人可能会试图贬低我们的候选人。这是他们最拿手的把戏。

    The Whigs may attempt to belittle our candidates . That is a favorite game of theirs .

  20. 他的兄弟&约克郡公爵,横遭辉格党的敌意。

    The Duke of York , his brother , who was regarded with hostility by the Whigs .

  21. 1850年,他搬到了辛辛那提,在那里他成长成为了一名年轻的辉格党律师。

    In 1850 , he moved to Cincinnati , where he flourished as a young Whig lawyer .

  22. 同为国会的辉格党成员理查德·谢里登和詹姆士·福克斯不赞同伯克而与他分裂。

    Fellow Whig MPs Richard Sheridan and Charles James Fox disagreed with Burke and split with him .

  23. 确实,辉格党的政府促进公众福利超过了经济所能承受的。

    Indeed , for Whigs the concept of government promoting the general welfare went beyond the economy .

  24. 1840年,辉格党希望赢得南部各州的支持,将泰勒提名为美国副总统。

    The Whigs nominated Tyler for Vice President in 1840 , hoping for support from southern states .

  25. 辉格党人是指那些反对绝对王权,支持新教徒宗教自由权利的人。

    The Whig were those who opposed absolute monarchy and supported the right to religious freedom for Nonconformists .

  26. 十八五十二个选举,辉格党要提供丰富多彩的候选人为总统。

    For the election of eighteen fifty-two , the Whigs wanted to offer a colorful candidate for president .

  27. 所以,辉格党党首认为,如果辉格党中有谁能够当选总统,那一定非斯科特莫属。

    So , party leaders thought that if any Whig could be elected president , it was Winfield Scott .

  28. 正文第一章主要研究了排斥法案危机时期(1679-1681年)辉格党的政治思想。

    Chapter One describes the political ideology of Whig in the " Exclusion Bill Crisis " period ( 1679-1681 ) .

  29. (1676-1745)在乔治一世统治时期卓有成效的英国首相,辉格党政治家。

    ( 1676-1745 ) English Whig statesman who ( under George I ) was effectively the first British prime minister .

  30. 美国原来的一个政党;1859年由原来希望保留联盟的辉格党成立。

    A former political party in the US ; formed in 1859 by former Whigs who hoped to preserve the Union .