
huī lǜ yán
  • diabase
  1. DMA分析证示辉绿岩纤维/PVC复合材料的模量较纯PVC显著提高;

    DMA illuminated the modulus of the diabase fiber / PVC composite improved consumedly compare with PVC .

  2. 关于基性岩墙群的U-PbSHRIMP地质年代学的探讨&以鲁西莱芜辉绿岩岩墙为例

    The SHRIMP U-Pb chronology of mafic dyke swarms : A case study of Laiwu diabase dykes in western Shandong

  3. 本文首次对高强度、高刚度、低成本的辉绿岩纤维增强PVC复合材料进行了研究。

    Using diabase fiber instead of glass fiber reinforce PVC in order to resolve the difficult process problem .

  4. 辉绿岩具有富集型Nd、Sr同位素组成,且变化范围大,是岩浆源区同化混染作用的结果。

    The diabases have riched type Nd , Sr isotopic composition and have great varying range , which is the result of action together both magma source and contamination .

  5. 为了溶解高熔点的石灰,我们试验采用了由SiO2、Al2O3、MgO、FeO和一些其他氧化物组成的若干天然复合矿物,如辉绿岩,玄武岩、粘土等。

    In order to help the dissolution of lime , the natural minerals gangue diabase , basal and clay consisting of SiO_2 , MgO , Al_2O_3 , FeO and several other oxides have been tried .

  6. 由于辉绿岩为硅质集料,辉绿岩碎石与水泥石形成界面较石灰石碎石与水泥石所形成界面处的Ca(OH)2晶体更小,且界面显微硬度更高,表现出的宏观力学性质更好。

    The dimension of Ca ( OH ) 2 crystals of the ITZ of the diabase concrete is smaller and micro-hardness of that is higher , because the diabase aggregate is the siliceous one . And the diabase concrete have the better mechanical property .

  7. 结果表明辉绿岩SiO2偏低,全碱含量高,Ti和P含量也较高,相对贫Ca,Mg平均55,属碱性系列;

    The results show that the diabase samples have relatively low SiO2 content and high total alkalis , and are rich in Ti and P , but poor in Ca , with an average Mg # of 55 . All samples belong to alkaline series .

  8. 玄武岩及辉绿岩的地球化学显示其具MORB特征,Nb显负异常,环境判别显示该蛇绿岩可能形成于离洋内弧较近的SSZ型弧后盐地。

    Geochemistry of basalt and diabase demonstrates they are of MORB characteristic , with Nb negative anomaly , and the environment discriminations suggest that the ophiolite may form in a SSZ-type back-arc basin serves behind a intra-oceanic arc .

  9. 侏罗纪末~早白垩世初的火山活动除有熔岩(146Ma,137Ma)喷出外,还发育有辉长岩侵入体(135Ma)和辉绿岩岩墙(129Ma)等次火山岩。

    The Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous activity produced basaltic and basaltic andesitic lavas ( 146Ma , 137Ma ), followed by gabbro intrusion ( 135Ma ) and aplite dyke ( 129Ma ) .

  10. 辉绿岩在高速公路沥青路面表面层的应用研究

    Research on Application of Dolerite in Expressway Asphalt Pavement Surface Construction

  11. 辉绿岩脉复合灌浆试验加固效果研究

    Experimental research on reinforcement effect of compound grouting on diabase dikes

  12. 辉绿岩中的铀矿床蚀变分带研究

    An investigation on alteration zonations relevant to uranium deposits in diabases

  13. 辉绿岩及其接触变质岩储层简介

    A brief introduction to the diabase and contact metamorphic rock reservoirs

  14. 徐宿地区新元古代辉绿岩床的地球化学特征

    Geochemical Features of NeoProterozoic Diabase Sills in Xuzhou - Suzhou Area

  15. 异常地热对沉积有机质生烃过程的影响&以辉绿岩侵入体为例

    Influence of diabase intrusion on hydrocarbon generation of depositional organic matter

  16. 高邮凹陷北斜坡辉绿岩与油气成藏

    Diabase and hydrocarbon reservoir formation on the northern slope of Gaoyou sag

  17. 改性辉绿岩纤维生产及其在前盘式刹车片中的应用

    Preparation of Modified Diabase Fibres & Its Application in Front Plate Brake-block

  18. 胜利油区辉绿岩储层的伤害机理研究

    Study on the injuring mechanism of diabase reservoirs in Shengli Oil District

  19. 绿色蛇纹石含有辉绿岩并带有花纹的绿色岩石

    A mottled green rock composed of diabase . common serpentine

  20. 辉绿岩铸石管在符山选矿厂的应用

    Application of diabase cast stone pipes in a iron concentrator

  21. 惠民凹陷中央隆起带辉绿岩油藏的分布与形成

    Distribution and Formation of Diabase Reservoir in Central Uplift of Huimin Sag

  22. 阜新煤盆地辉绿岩赋存规律

    Diabase of Fuxin Basin exist law of evolution form

  23. 28Cr铸铁与辉绿岩铸石冲蚀磨损特性的对比研究

    A Study on the Erosion Characters between 28 Cr Cast Iron and Diabase

  24. 辉绿岩人工砂石粉的研究与利用

    Research on artificial diabase aggregate and powder and utilization

  25. 贵州罗甸晚二叠世辉绿岩及其区域构造意义

    Late Permian Diabase in Luodian , Southeastern Guizhou , and Its Tectonic Significances

  26. 鲁西地区中元古代四堡期辉绿岩基本特征&以蒙阴野店及费县高家围子地区为例

    Basic Characteristics of Diabase in Meso-proterozoic Sibao Period in West of Shandong Province

  27. 研究了以辉绿岩厂三废为主要原料制备抗酸水泥的方法。

    We have studied the preparation of acid resisting cement from local waste .

  28. 辉绿岩碎石制备及其混凝土的性能

    Preparation of the Diabase Gravel and Performance of Concrete

  29. 辉绿岩人工砂掺河砂碾压混凝土性能试验研究

    Property test and study for RCC of artificial diabase sand mixed with fluvial sand

  30. 辉绿岩中氟的可淋失比例与原岩中氟含量存在正相关关系。

    The leachable fluorine in diabase is in direct proportion to its fluorine concentration .