
  • 网络irradiance;illumination;radiant illumination;W/m
  1. 光谱辐射照度标准灯的数据插值与曲线拟合方法研究

    Data interpolating and curve fitting for standard lamps of spectral irradiance

  2. 通过实验,研究了地板表面平均温度随供回水平均温度的变化,室内空气温度、黑球温度及辐射照度随高度的变化。

    The variation of average floor surface temperature with the average temperatures of supply and return water as well as the variation of indoor air temperature , black ball temperature and irradiance with the height are studied by means of experiments .

  3. Air(初三适用)晴空条件下光照度和辐射照度的关系

    Air conditioners relations between irradiance and illuminance under cloudless sky

  4. 方法对细菌污染与紫外线灯辐射照度值进行检测。

    Methods Bacterial contamination and ultraviolet lamp irradiation intensity were examined .

  5. 基于辐射照度的作物冠层光分布计算系统设计

    Calculation System of Light Distribution within Crop Canopy Based on Radiosity Method

  6. 日光温室内各表面太阳辐射照度的模拟计算

    Simulation of solar radiation on surfaces of a solar greenhouse

  7. 在红外目标模拟系统中温度及发射率对辐射照度的影响

    The Effect of Temperature and Emissivity on Radiance Illumination in IR Target Simulation System

  8. 光谱辐射照度标准灯

    Spectral radiant illuminance standard lamp

  9. 同时考察了与紫外光辐射照度相当的太阳光对苯酚废水的氧化结果。

    The effects of the ultraviolet and the sun - light on the phenol degradation were compared .

  10. 改变温室后坡仰角对温室内各表面太阳辐射照度的影响不显著。

    While the alteration of north roof angle had a little influence on solar radiation intensity inside the greenhouse .

  11. 基于统计和模板的双层汉蒙翻译研究基于辐射照度的作物冠层光分布计算系统设计

    Double-tier Chinese-Mongolian machine translation based on statistical and template Calculation System of Light Distribution within Crop Canopy Based on Radiosity Method

  12. 提出用灰色系统方法来分析建筑热过程的非确定性,给出太阳辐射照度和室外空气温度变化的灰色模型。

    Presents gray system method to analyse building thermal process . Proposes gray models for solar radiation intensity and the change of outdoor air temperature .

  13. 研究表明,软质聚氨酯泡沫塑料在锥形量热仪试验中,其他条件相同,环境中的辐射照度越大,软质聚氨酯泡沫塑料的点燃时间越短。

    The result shows that , in the cone calorimeter test , the greater environment irradiance of the test has , the shorter ignition time flexible polyurethane foam take .

  14. 各项物品检测合格率较低的为紫外线辐射照度63.2%、口腔器械51.6%、空气39.2%、湿化瓶水23.3%。

    The articles with relatively low eligible rates were ultraviolet radiation intensity 63.2 % , stomatological instruments 51.6 % , air 39.2 % and water of humidifying bottle 23.3 % .

  15. 结论,基层医疗机构的消毒灭菌工作质量存在严重问题,应加强对室内空气、口腔器械、紫外线辐射照度的重点监测。

    Conclusions : There are serious problems in quality of disinfection and sterilization work in basic medical institutions . Monitoring of indoor air , stomatological instruments and ultraviolet radiation intensity should be particularly strengthened .

  16. 采用递阶层次法对太阳能储热系统进行地域适应性分析,太阳辐射照度与当地建筑围护结构传热指标及储热性能将是决定该地板储热系统是否适应良好的主要标准。

    When the climate adaptation of solar thermal storage is analyses by hierarchical , solar radiation intensity and the heat transfer and storage thermal performance of local building envelope will be the main criteria to determine the adaption of thermal storage .

  17. 对华北地区建筑物冬季南壁面的逐时太阳辐射照度、典型居住建筑南向房间的南外窗逐时得热进行了计算,通过与房间逐时热负荷的比较分析华北地区冬季建筑物的太阳能利用。

    The intensity of solar radiation in south wall of buildings in winter and solar radiation through south windows has been calculated hourly , and the utilization of solar energy has been analyzed by compared with heat load in south rooms of residential buildings .

  18. 指出了合理的加大被烤物体所接收的远红外辐射照度,红外光脱附干燥法以及红外加热风的联合作业都会达到节约电力的目的。

    And we have reached the conclusion that by means of infrared photodesorption drying , the combined actions of infrared radiation and hot air and by reasonable increasing the infrared irradiance on drying materials , it will decrease the electric power consumption in dry industry .

  19. 照明辐射的照度通常是以光度为单位。

    Illuminance of illuminating radiation is always measured in photometric units .

  20. 法向直接日射辐照度照明辐射的照度通常是以光度为单位。

    Normal direct solar irradiance Illuminance of illuminating radiation is always measured in photometric units .

  21. 本文利用30年的气候资料分析了乌鲁木齐冬季光气候与大气混浊度之间的关系,指出了大气混浊度的增加是造成辐射总照度下降的主要原因。

    The relationship between illumination climate and atmospheric turbidity coefficient is studied by use of 30 years of climate date at Urumqi in winter . The data reveals that total illumination decreases mainly as a result of the increasing of the turbidity .

  22. 通过双向反射分布函数将光辐射的入射照度和目标的散射亮度联系起来。

    Using bidirectional reflectance distribution function ( BRDF ), the solar irradiation and light scattering from object are connected .

  23. 在热红外技术基础中介绍了热红外、黑体、比辐射和辐射照度及热惯量;

    The heat infrared , black body , ratio radiation , radiation illuminance and heat inertia were introduced in heat infrared technology basis .

  24. 对地球同步静止轨道、中轨道卫星标准大气下的核爆光辐射探测器的接收照度进行了计算,得出了理想状态下探测器的动态范围及灵敏度。

    ORBIT OF LIGHT On the Orbit Stability The irradiance on the earth synchronous orbit and median orbit in the standard atmosphere was computed .

  25. 这是一台光谱测量范围宽、测量重复性好、自动化程度高和测量速度快的标准仪器。可用于光谱辐射亮度和光谱辐射照度的量值传递。

    It can be used as a standard instrument for the calibration of radiance and irradiance , with high level automation and faster measurement speed .

  26. 野外γ照相的潜在照射分析和辐射安全管理照明辐射的照度通常是以光度为单位。

    Potential radioactive capacity of field γ - ray imaging and radioactive safety Illuminance of illuminating radiation is always measured in photometric units .

  27. 报道了小牛胸腺DNA水溶液经9,20,40min紫外辐射的拉曼光谱图,紫外线的辐射照度为1868W·m-2。

    The Raman spectra of calf thymus DNA in aqueous solution and at 9 , 20 and 40 min after ultraviolet radiation were reported .

  28. 模拟了低温地板辐射供暖与对流散热器供暖系统在不同太阳辐射照度下的动态热过程。

    Simulates the dynamic thermal process of the low temperature floor radiant heating system and the convector heating system under different solar irradiances .

  29. 从辐射理论出发,推导出两种卫星基本漫反射表面(柱体和平板)的辐射照度计算公式;

    Based on radiation theory , radiation luminescence calculation formula of the two basic diffuse reflection surfaces of satellites are derived .