
fú shè dù
  • radiancy;emittance;radiant emittance
辐射度[fú shè dù]
  1. 包装CAD中材质表面纹理的辐射度算法

    The Arithmetic of Radiant Intensity of Superficial Texture in Packaging CAD

  2. MonteCarlo辐射度聚光灯模型

    Spotlight Model with Monte Carlo Radiosity Algorithm

  3. 一种基于GPU的预计算辐射度传递全频阴影算法

    Pre-Computed Radiance Transport All-Frequency Shadows Algorithm on GPU

  4. 基于PVM的并行辐射度声学仿真算法

    Parallel Radiosity Algorithm of Acoustics Simulation Based on PVM

  5. 通过辐射度线性插值构造一个特定光源方向下的精确的反射图,并将该反射图用于Shapefromshading和PhotometricStereo算法。

    An accurate reflectance map under a specified illumination direction is acquired by radiance linear interpolation , and this map is applied in Shape from Shading as well as Photometric Stereo .

  6. 因为使用了物理意义上的辐射度来统一处理漫反射和镜面反射,求得的反射图可以替代任意的解析BRDF模型。

    Because diffuse and specular reflection are uniformly handled by using the radiance concept in physics sense , the reflectance map can replace any analytic BRDF model . 2 .

  7. 方法是在利用光线追踪法对CPC反射面的镜面反射进行分析的基础上,结合辐射度算法定量计算了CPC反射面的漫反射和太阳光的散射分量对集热器的光学性能的直接影响。

    On the basis of the ray tracing algorithm , which is used to treat the specular case , radiance algorithm is taken to calculate the contribution of the diffuse constituent of the CPC reflector and the diffuse solar radiation to the optical performance of the collector quantitatively .

  8. 在预计算过程中使用基于小波变换的预计算辐射度传递(PRT)算法生成PRT矩阵,然后将其编码为易于被GPU使用的稀疏形式;

    In the approach proposed , a wavelet transform based pre-computed radiance transport ( PRT ) algorithm is used to generate the PRT matrix , which is encoded later into a sparse form that is easy to be utilized by the GPU .

  9. 分析了辐射度方法及纹理映射技术,研究了纹理映射中参数曲面的纹理映射技术、两步法纹理映射、环境映射、Mip-map映射等映射技术。

    Studied the radiosity and texture mapping , mainly about the parameter curve surface texture mapping , two steps texture mapping , environment texture mapping and Mip-map mapping .

  10. 可大规模应用的辐射度计算的自动网格化方法

    An Automatic Meshing Scheme for Radiosity Calculation of Large scale Application

  11. 辐射度算法在动态虚拟环境中的应用研究

    Research on the Application of the Radiosity Algorithm in Dynamic Virtual Environments

  12. 利用辐射度模型模拟玉米冠层辐射分布

    Reflectance Distribution of Corn Canopies Simulated with Radiosity-graphics Combined Model

  13. 使用全局辐射度为动画优化间接照明。

    Use Global Radiosity for indirect lighting optimized for animation .

  14. 复杂环境光能辐射度图形的反混淆研究

    Anti - Aliasing for Radiosity Images of Complex Environments

  15. 基于光线跟踪的一般辐射度方法研究

    General methodology study of radiosity based on ray tracing

  16. 辐射度技术用于随机分维几何面的全局光照计算

    Global illumination of random fractal surfaces by radiosity solution

  17. 冲击温度测量中辐射度的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation on the radiance in shock temperature measurements

  18. 基于番茄结构模型与辐射度算法相结合的冠层光分布模拟

    Light distribution simulation based on integration of tomato structure model and radiosity method

  19. 对辐射度算法中形状因子计算方法的改进及应用

    Improvement and Application of Form Factor in Radiosity Algorithm

  20. 产业辐射度及其测算。

    The degree of industry radiation and its measure .

  21. 一种辐射度全局光照网格模型的简化方法

    A Simplification Method for Radiosity Global illumination Meshes

  22. 有限元辐射度方法综述

    A survey of the finite element radiosity methods

  23. 一种顾及空间相关性遥感影像辐射度的地形校正算法

    A Topographic Correction Approach for Radiation of RS Images by Using Spatial Context Information

  24. 传统镶嵌技术经常由于两幅影像的几何差异与辐射度差异,使得镶嵌结果影像出现模糊或假边界。

    The traditional mosaic technology obtains fainted result by difference of geometry and color .

  25. 基于硬件加速的反射和折射场景的辐射度方法

    Hardware-accelerated radiosity for scenes with reflection and refraction

  26. 航天遥感器的辐射度精度分析

    Radiometric accuracy analysis for space remote sensor

  27. 我们首先介绍了全景辐射度图的实现原理,包括映射原理和象素编码两个方面,并分析了其优缺点。

    The basic principle , which includes the mapping method and pixel encoding was introduced .

  28. 声学辐射度方法的并行实现

    Parallel Implementation of Acoustical Radiosity Method

  29. 面向辐射度计算的快速网格化算法

    A Fast Meshing Algorithm for Radiosity

  30. 传统的辐射度方法实际上是取分片常值函数为基函数的有限元方法;

    The conventional radiosity method can be regarded as a finite element method using piecewise-constant element .