
shū xué
  • acupuncture points on the human body
  1. 特定穴配伍主要显示五输穴和交会穴关联配伍。

    The particular points prescription mainly show the relative of five acupoints and rendezvous points prescription .

  2. 目的了解五输穴体表阻抗的年龄特性。

    Objective To investigate the age characteristic of the body surface impedance of the Five Shu Points .

  3. 健康人胃经五输穴体表阻抗的年龄特征

    The Age Characteristic of the Body Surface Impedance of the Five Shu Points of the Stomach Meridian in Healthy Persons

  4. 目的:为更合理地解释五输穴理论寻找形态学依据。

    Objective To search for the morphological evidence of five-shu-point so as to explain the theory of the five-shu-point more reasonably .

  5. 从“五行互藏”探讨五输穴五行属性及主治的理论渊源

    Probe into theoretical source of the property of five elements and indications of Five-Shu points from " five-elements storing each other "

  6. 方法:采用自行研制的人体穴位表面电阻测定仪对2281名健康人的胃经五输穴体表阻抗进行测试,分别于春、夏、秋、冬季检测。

    Methods : The impedance fluctuation on different points in Wushu was measured by a micro-computer with pressure sensor to2281 healthy people .

  7. 主要选取足太阳膀胱经和足少阳胆经的腧穴,腧穴选择主要为五输穴及下合穴。

    Mainly selected by the Urinary Bladder Meridian of Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang through the acupoints , selected acupoints are mainly Wushu Points and Xiahe Points .

  8. 针对五输穴循行与十二经脉循行的矛盾之处进行了探讨,认为两者并非同一系统。

    Studied and discussed the contradiction of running direction between Five-Shu acupoints and twelve regular meridians , it was thought that they are not the same system .

  9. 结论:健康人胃经五输穴体表穴位阻抗值按足三里、解溪、陷谷、内庭、厉兑顺序规律降低。

    Conclusions : The skin impedance in Stomach Meridian Wushu points of healthy people decreases with the ranking order as : zusanli , jiexi , xiangu , neiting , and lidui .

  10. 十二经脉流注、标本根结理论与五输穴出入合论

    Combined Discussion on Cycling ( Liu Zhu ), Branch-Root ( Biao Ben ), Root-Knot ( Gen Jie ) Theories of Twelve Meridians and Circulation ( Chu Ru ) Theory of Five-Shu Points

  11. 头体针配合针刺法较之脾胃经输穴针刺法进行比较,头体针配合针刺疗法治疗单纯性肥胖优于针刺单纯体针腧穴治疗法。

    Head and body acupuncture and acupuncture points than the stomach by the output compare acupuncture and body acupuncture for treatment of simple obesity with acupuncture is superior to simple body acupuncture acupoints acupuncture therapy .

  12. 方法:以《内经》、《难经》篇章中关于五输穴、因时而刺的观点为基础,分析二者的不同选穴规律。

    Methods : Based on discussions of indication laws about the Five-shu points and points selecting laws adapting to the alternation of seasons in the Huangdi 's Internal Classic and The Classic on Medical Problems in order to analyse why they are dissmilar .

  13. 西气东输盐穴储气库库容及运行模拟预测研究

    Forecast Study on the salt cavern storage capacity and its operation in the project of " west-to-east gas pipeline "

  14. 西气东输工程盐穴储气库建设中的测量问题探讨

    Investigation on surveying issues in constructing salt cavern gas storages

  15. 目的:探讨运用输合配穴针推法治疗小儿痉挛型脑性瘫痪的临床疗效。

    Purpose : The paper is mainly about the SU cave and HE cave going together with the method of acupuncture and massage the clinical curative effects to cure the child spasm cerebral palsy .