
là jiāo
  • Pepper;chilli;capsicum;hot pepper;red pepper;paprika;cayenne pepper;bush red pepper
辣椒 [là jiāo]
  • (1) [chilli;red pepper;bush redpepper]

  • (2) 一年生草本植物,叶卵形、互生,花单生或簇生于叶腋或枝腋,花冠白色,浆果长指形或圆粒状,成熟时一般为红色,也有呈黄、青色等,味辛辣,可供作蔬菜或调味用

  • (3) 该种植物的果实

辣椒[là jiāo]
  1. 然后你加一点点辣椒粉,但要小心&一不小心就加得太多了。

    The you add a little cayenne pepper , but be careful - it 's easy to overshoot the mark .

  2. 我们身边不少人都尝试过那个“地狱式减肥法”吧,它要求我们每天的能量摄入只能在800卡路里以内,甚至有时还要摄入像辣椒粉这样奇怪的东西。

    Many people have tried really extreme measures − so-called " crash diets " where you might eat just 800 calories a day , combined sometimes with ingesting odd stuff such as cayenne pepper .

  3. 你只需加辣椒就能增加咖喱菜的辣味。

    You can make a curry hotter simply by adding chillies .

  4. 交替放置肉丁和红辣椒片。

    Alternate cubes of meat and slices of red pepper .

  5. 交替放置肉丁和红辣椒片。

    Alternate cubes of meat with slices of red pepper .

  6. 如果喜欢清淡的口味,可少放或不放辣椒。

    If you prefer mild flavours reduce or leave out the chilli

  7. 调以盐、胡椒和少许辣椒粉。

    Season with salt , pepper and a pinch of cayenne .

  8. 用油炸一下剩下的辣椒,如果需要再加点调味汁。

    Fry remaining peppers , adding a little more dressing if necessary

  9. 这要看你下多重的辣椒粉了。

    It all depends on how heavy-handed you are with the paprika

  10. 除了辣椒和茄子,很多其他蔬菜也十分适于烧烤。

    Apart from peppers and aubergines , many other vegetables grill well .

  11. 你可以在15分钟内做出一道便宜的辣椒素菜。

    You can cook a cheap veggie chilli in 15 minutes

  12. 把鸡肉、辣椒和米饭和在一起、口味辛辣的搭配

    A fiery combination of chicken , chillies and rice .

  13. 切辣椒时要戴橡胶手套,因为辣椒会刺激皮肤。

    Wear rubber gloves while chopping chillies as they can irritate the skin .

  14. 我揭开一罐辣椒的盖子。

    I pried the top off a can of chilli

  15. 我总是加一些辣椒粉来提味儿。

    I always add some paprika for extra flavour .

  16. 将干辣椒放在烧热的平底锅里煸至微焦。

    Toast the dried chillies in a hot pan until they start to singe .

  17. 你可以尝出菜里面有辣椒,不过味道有点甜。

    You can taste the chilli in the dish but it is a little sweet .

  18. 马铃薯完全被辣椒盖住了。

    The potatoes were drowned in chilli .

  19. 把辣椒切成两半并去籽。

    Halve and deseed the peppers .

  20. 将辣椒切为4瓣。

    Cut the peppers into quarters .

  21. 炸辣椒的味儿呛鼻子。

    The smell of red pepper being fried irritates the nose .

  22. 辣椒我吃得来,但不特别喜欢。

    I can eat red pepper , though I 'm not overfond of it .

  23. 传统的小料主要由麻酱、酱豆腐、韭菜花、辣椒油、芝麻、葱花、香菜调拌而成。

    The sauce normally is a mixture of sesame sauce , chili oil , leek etc.

  24. 在这里人们可以品尝辣椒、山茱萸、浆果、葡萄干制作的伏特加,以及各种泡菜、奢华和多样的食物,此外还有新鲜的鹌鹑蛋。

    Here one can taste pepper , cornel , berry , currants home-distilled vodka , various pickles , lavish and diverse food , and fresh quail eggs .

  25. 你可能想尝尝裹着巧克力的哈瓦内罗辣椒(它是世界上最辣的辣椒)或者尝试正在展出的成千上万产品中的任何一种。

    You might like to try a chocolate-covered habanero pepper — officially the hottest pepper in the world — or any one of the thousands of products that are on show .

  26. 我想在豆腐里加一点辣椒粉。

    I 'd like to add some pepper to the bean curd .

  27. 洒上葱粒、辣椒丝,趁热上桌

    Sprinkle with scallions and sliced chilies and served hot .

  28. 有巧克力粉,辣椒,和其他的调味品。

    It has chocolate , chili , and other spices .

  29. 她拿了一些辣椒在手里

    She takes a few peppers in the hand .

  30. 一些人喜欢在辣椒长成绿色的时候就采摘

    Some people like to harvest the plants , when the chilies are green .