
biàn shí
  • identification;identify;recognize
辨识 [biàn shí]
  • [identify;recognize] 辨别认识

辨识[biàn shí]
  1. 创发性DNA计算模型及其混沌系统辨识过程

    Emergent DNA computational model and its chaotic system identification process

  2. 基于BP网络的锅炉过热汽温系统动态特性的辨识

    ANN Based Dynamic Performance Identification for Superheat Steam Temperature of Boiler

  3. 必须对这些鸟称重,辨识雌雄并挂上标牌。

    The birds must be weighed , sexed and tagged .

  4. 来自哈佛及其他地方的研究人员发现,有相当一部分人都患有脸盲症,而且这个数目是惊人的。这些人完全无法辨识脸部容貌,以至于经常对熟人视而不见,看电影时也跟不上情节。

    New findings from researchers at Harvard and elsewhere suggest that a surprising number of people are face-blind , so bad at recognizing faces that they routinely snub acquaintances and have trouble following movie plots .

  5. 基于XML的公众交通信息服务需求辨识模板研究

    XML-based Public Traveler Information Service Demands Identification Template

  6. 参数辨识PID及其在贮槽对象的应用

    PID with parameter identification and It uses on the tank

  7. 混合H2/H∞参数辨识

    Mixed H_2 / H_ ∞ parameter identification

  8. 双旋翼系统的PID参数整定与神经网络辨识

    PID Parameters Tuning and Neural Network Identification of the Twin Rotor MIMO System

  9. 重点研究挠性空间结构的H∞辨识。

    His paper mainly studies the H ∞ identification of Flexible Space Structures ( FSS ) .

  10. 采用BP网络辨识航空发动机数学模型

    Aeroengine model identification with back-propagation neural networks

  11. PID神经网络具有在线自学习能力,通过无教师的自学习方式,PID神经网络成功地实现了不同的系统辨识。

    PID neural networks have the online self-studying ability and has successfully identified many different systems .

  12. 变阶式递推最小二乘法与AR模型在线辨识器

    Variable-order recursive least squares method and ar-models on-line identifier

  13. 结构VAR模型辨识的条件互信息图模型

    Identification of Structure VAR Models Using Conditional Mutual Information Graphs

  14. 参数辨识中,采用了反向传播学习算法(即BP算法)。

    BP ( back propagation ) algorithm has been employed for the parameter identification of the fuzzy neural network .

  15. RBF网络在线辨识算法与应用研究

    A study of on-line identification algorithm by using RBF network and its application

  16. 使用输出数据对MIMO系统的参数辨识

    Parameter identification of MIMO systems by output data

  17. RBF网络在线辨识的神经元控制

    The Neuron Control of RBF Network On-line Recognition

  18. 用T-S模糊模型辨识160MW协调控制系统

    Identification of coordinated control system of 160 MW unit using T-S fuzzy model

  19. RBF神经网络是一种三层前向网络,可有效用来进行非线性模型的辨识。

    RBF neural network is a three-layer feedforward network and can be used to identify nonlinear model effectively .

  20. 非高斯信号的非因果非最小相位ARMA模型辨识

    On Identification of Non-Minimum Phase ARMA of Non-Gaussian Process

  21. 针对带有未知但有界(UnknownButBounded-UBB)噪声的非线性系统的建模及其故障检测问题,提出了一种集员辨识与T-S模糊模型相结合的非线性系统建模及其故障检测算法。

    A modeling method is proposed and applied in fault detection for nonlinear systems with unknown but bounded noises .

  22. 三阶非线性Volterra模型的自适应快速辨识

    Fast adaptive identification of third-order nonlinear Volterra model

  23. 受控ARMA过程的线性辨识

    Linear Identification of Controlled " ARMA " Processes

  24. 另外,本软件包所提供的方便的图形界面,明显的辨识结果比较,也为自动控制系统工程设计方法的学习提供了很好的CAI手段。

    For its convenience graph interface and obvious comparison of identify result , the package can be used as a mean of CAI .

  25. 无辨识预估PSD控制

    Identification-free predictive PSD control

  26. 用函数束法辨识二阶Volterra核

    An Identification Method for the Second Order Volterra & kernal by Use of Pencil of Functions

  27. Hammerstein模型的稳态辨识方法&MIMO情形

    A steady-state identification technique for Hammerstein model & mimo case

  28. 由RBF神经网络和遗传算法在线寻优模糊控制器的比例因子、模糊推理规则和隶属函数,并由RBF网络辨识被控对象的动态特性,以评价模糊控制器控制性能。

    Dynamic identification model of controlling system is designed based on the RBF neural networks to appraise the controlling performance of fuzzy controller .

  29. 按段多重Chebyshev多项式系及其应用Ⅱ.用于时变双线性系统分析和参数辨识

    Piecewise Multiple Chebyshev Polynomials and Their Applications ⅱ . System Analysis and Parameter Identification of Time-Varying Bilinear Systems

  30. 使用相关系数辨识法的比例积分微分(PID)自整定算法,并基于这种算法开发了Windows9x&NT下通用的PID自整定软件。

    This paper introduces a PID auto-tuning algorithm based on correlation coeffcient identification approach , and the universal software developed from that algorithm based on Windows 9x & NT system .