
  • 网络Fuzzy Evaluation;fuzzy judge
  1. 面向WebServices的模糊评价方法应用

    Application Study of Fuzzy Evaluation Method Oriented to Web Services

  2. Web信息系统质量的模糊评价模型

    Evaluation Model on Quality of Web Information System by Means of Fuzzy Theory

  3. 为了更好地评定海战突击方案的优劣,提出了一种将层次分析法(AHP法)和模糊评价法结合起来评估海战突击方案的方法。

    The paper use the method of AHP and fuzzy evaluation to analyze the shock projects of a naval Battle .

  4. 建立了选址决策的模糊评价矩阵,应用支持向量机方法(SVM)来处理数据,进行物流配送中心的选址决策。

    A new distribution centers site selection method is proposed , using support vector machine ( SVM ), where the data derived from a fuzzy appraisal matrix is processed .

  5. 系统利用ASP和ADO技术组合实现了远程数据的获取和对数据库的传输和读写,通过在服务器端建立的模糊评价的优选计算模型,得到优选方案。

    Applying the techniques of ASP and ADO , the system can read remote data and write them to database . Using a fuzzy AHP mathematical model , the system produces an optimal scheme .

  6. 应用综合模糊评价的方法进行色彩设计评价基于上述策略和技术,开发了CAID色彩设计系统框架,并将该系统应用于机床产品设计中

    And applying integrated fuzzy methods to evaluate the result of color design A prototype CAID color design system was developed with a case of machine tool color design as example

  7. 本文基于现代投资理论(MIT)和资本资产定价模型(CAPM),给出了上市基金运行的模糊评价方法,提出了上市基金投资项目优选方法及其收益和风险控制策略。

    Based on modern investment theory ( MIT ) and capital asset pricing model ( CAPM ), the method of fuzzy valuation of mutual fund is given . And a series of strategy for investment and risk management is derived .

  8. 企业经营状态的诊断与模糊评价

    A Fuzzy Evaluation and Diagnosis of the Enterprise Business Management State

  9. 铁路环境噪声影响模糊评价新方法

    A new method to evaluate environmental noise of railway with fuzzy

  10. 重庆ITS示范工程对道路交通安全作用的模糊评价

    Fuzzy Evaluation of the Effect of Chongqing ITS on Traffic Safety

  11. 军校教员教学质量的一种模糊评价方法

    A Fuzzy Evaluating Method of Teaching Quality about Military Academy Teacher

  12. 炼钢连铸调度计划模糊评价方法的应用

    Application of the Fuzzy Evaluation in Schedule Planning for Steelmaking and Concasting

  13. 矿山设备效率的模糊评价数学模型

    Fuzzy assessment of mining equipment 's efficiency by means of mathematic model

  14. 钢铁企业电子商务营销的模糊评价

    Fuzzy Assessment on E-commerce Marketing in Iron and Steel Enterprises

  15. 建筑工程施工的多目标多层次模糊评价模型

    A model of multi-object and multi-attribute fuzzy evaluation on civil engineering construction

  16. 后遗障碍分级分度的模糊评价

    Blurred Appraise of Grade and Classification of Obstacle of Sequelae

  17. 联合站安全性的模糊评价

    Study of Fuzzy Evaluate Method for Union Station of Petroleum

  18. 机床工业设计模糊评价系统的构造研究及实现

    A study of machine tools industry designed fuzzy evaluating system

  19. 媒体教学的模糊评价及改进

    To Evaluate by Fuzzy Theory and Improve on Multimedia Teaching

  20. 模糊评价专家系统在甘蔗收获机中的应用

    The application of fuzzy evaluation expert system on sugarcane harvester

  21. 锈蚀钢筋混凝土构件可靠度模糊评价

    Fuzzy Evaluation of Reliability of Rusted Reinforced Concrete Element

  22. 节水灌溉工程技术适宜性模糊评价

    Fuzzy Evaluation of Technique Adaptability of Water-Saving Irrigation Project

  23. 点接触全膜弹流最小油膜厚度的模糊评价

    The Fuzzy Evaluation Approach for the Minimum Oil Film Thickness in Point-contact Full-film EHL

  24. 投资基金的模糊评价及其投资和风险控制

    Fuzzy Valuation and Risk Management of Mutual Fund

  25. 集成化产品装配设计与模糊评价方法研究

    Integrated product assembly design and fuzzy evaluation approach

  26. 自动变速器机械传动方案分析与模糊评价研究

    The Analysis of Automated Transmission Mechanical Train Schematic and the study of Vague Assessment

  27. 制造系统重组过程中设备选择模糊评价模型的建立

    Fuzzy Evaluation Model of Machine Tool Selection during the Reconfiguration of the Manufacturing System

  28. 硕士研究生综合素质模糊评价系统研究

    Fuzzy evaluation system of masters ' comprehensive quality

  29. 陕西关中城市街道园林绿化景观模糊评价

    A Fuzzy Evaluation of Green Landscape of Urban Street in Guanzhong of Shaanxi Province

  30. 模糊评价法在清洁生产审核预评估中的应用

    Fuzzy Math Assessment in Pre-evaluation of Cleaner Production