
  • 网络Simulated War;mimic warfare;war game simulation
  1. 国际级比赛简直就是一场模拟战争。

    At the international level sport is frankly mimic warfare .

  2. 模仿玛丽莲·梦露形像的比赛.国际级比赛简直就是一场模拟战争。

    A Marilyn Monroe look-alike contest At the international level sport is frankly mimic warfare .

  3. 模拟战争过后,一场真正的战斗最终开始了。

    After the phoney war , the real battle is finally coming into sight .

  4. 模拟战争环境应激对胃粘膜损伤及对相关因素影响的实验研究

    Experimental study of effects of fighting environment stress on gastric mucosa and its relative influencing factors in rats

  5. 在生日聚会上,我的小外甥一直都在玩我电脑上的一款模拟战争游戏。

    During the celebration my young nephew spent the entire time on my computer playing a simulated war game .

  6. 在最后一周里,即高级训练阶段,空勤人员必须进行为期两天的模拟战争。

    In the final week , the advanced training phase , the aircrews essentially conduct a two-day simulated war .

  7. 他说,除此以外,模拟战争场景的射击游戏已经在中国流行开来,为《使命召唤》之类的游戏进入创造了条件。

    In addition , he said , war-simulation shooting games have become popular there , creating an inroad for the ' Call of Duty ' games . '

  8. 鲍德里亚认为,1991年前几个月的相关事件并不是一场真正的战争,就“战争”这个概念而言:它们是一场模拟战争。

    Baudrillard argued that the relevant events in the first couple of months of 1991 were not really a war , in the sense that " war " was commonly understood : they were a simulation of a war .

  9. 大型国防供应商,如诺斯洛普格鲁门公司(northropgrumman)和波音(boeing),数十年来一直在模拟未来战争,在向前线发货之前,建立了先进的计算机模型,以测试场景、评估潜在方案。

    Big defence suppliers such as Northrop Grumman and Boeing have been modelling future warfare for decades , building sophisticated computer models to test scenarios and assess potential solutions before they are delivered to the front line .

  10. 它针对研究分析和训练的问题,对模拟的战争系统的空间、时间、过程以及为了实现这一模拟仿真过程所需要的背景、条件、约束、规则以及仿真资源的设定。

    Aimed at the research and training problem , it makes enactments for the space , ime , process of the battling system and the back - ground , condition , restriction , regulation and simulative resource for implementing the simulation process .

  11. 本文提出构建科学的战争模拟体系,用战争模拟来取代作战模拟,可以更好地反映未来信息化战争的特点。

    Indicated by the substitution of War Gaming and Simulation for Warfare Simulation , a scientific architecture of War Gaming and Simulation was presented in this paper to characterize the information age war in the future .

  12. 主要讨论了多型号雷达目标空情仿真系统及空情生成仿真器的实现的意义及原理,阐述了数字化模拟仿真在现代战争中的可行性、必要性和重要性。

    This paper principally discusses the simulation system for air situation from multiple sources and multitype radar target , and implementation importance and principle of air situation generation simulator , and feasibility , necessity and importance of digitalized simulation are elicited also .

  13. 兵棋(Wargame)是现代战争模拟的重要起源,是一种利用模拟手段进行战争分析的方法。

    Wargame , as an important origin of warfare simulation , is one method of war analysis using simulation .