
  • 网络Increasing marginal costs
  1. 边际成本递增情况下供应链的协调研究

    Research on coordination of supply chain with increasing marginal costs

  2. 在分析研究的过程中,本文提出了税收征收成本递减趋势和税收边际成本递增趋势两个不同的视角。

    In the process of the research , the text puts forward the decreasing trend of taxation revenue cost and the increasing trend of taxation boundary cost .

  3. 防范反社会行为需要运用边际成本递增规律给行为人以明晰稳定的边际成本警示信号,以抑制犯罪发生率。

    It needs to use the law of marginal cost for actors to warn signal of marginal cost , in order to reduce chance of criminal offence .

  4. 因为个人教育投资的边际成本递增,边际收益递减,所以必须采取多种措施刺激个人教育投资的积极性,才能促进我国教育事业的大发展。

    Because the marginal cost increases successively as the marginal revenue decreases successively , many measures should be taken to stimulate personal educational investment so as to promote the development of our educational cause .

  5. 本文讨论在供应商和销售商的边际成本都随产量递增的情况下,回购契约是如何协调供应链的。

    To perishable products monopolization supply chain , a lot of supplier adopt buy-back contract and return policy , so it i.

  6. 提高证明标准,边际收益递减,边际成本递增。

    With the raising of proof criterion , the marginal revenue increases and the marginal cost decreases .

  7. 在油田开采中后期,随着油田开发程度的加深,措施作业边际产量递减,措施作业边际费用递增,措施作业增量边际成本递增。

    In the middle-late stages of production , as the deepening of the oil field development , the marginal operation output decrease , the cost increases , and the investment increase , too .

  8. 边际交易成本为常数时,增加买方的初始水权不会影响水权市场的均衡结果,但当边际交易成本递增或递减时分别会使新的均衡点接近或远离理想均衡。

    Under a constant marginal transaction cost , the increase of the initial water right of purchasers has no impact on the result of equilibrium . With the increase or decrease of the marginal transaction cost , the new equilibrium point will approach or leave away from the ideal equilibrium .