
biǎn zhí
  • devalue;devaluate;devaluation;depreciation;depreciate;slide;decline in value;erosion;slippage
贬值 [biǎn zhí]
  • (1) [devaluation;depreciation]∶降低本国单位货币的含金量或降低本国货币对外币的比价

  • 美元按外币计算贬值了

  • (2) [devaluate;depreciate]∶货币的购买力下降,现也泛指事物的价值降低,与升值相对

贬值[biǎn zhí]
  1. 我们不会让英镑贬值,这一点我已经说得很明白了。

    We are not going to devalue the pound . I have made that crystal clear .

  2. 德国总理安哥拉默克尔(angelamerkel)昨天也加入其他德国官员的行列,对日本试图让日元贬值以促进出口的做法表达了担忧。

    Angela Merkel , German Chancellor , yesterday joined other German officials in expressing concern about Japanese attempts to devalue the yen to boost exports .

  3. 偿还的按揭贷款因通货膨胀而贬值。

    Mortgage payments have been eroded by inflation .

  4. 地产贬值引发了现金危机。

    Its cash crisis has been fostered by declining property values .

  5. 在那5年里,英镑贬值了25%。

    During those five years , the pound depreciated by a quarter

  6. 直到现在,美元的贬值似乎都无法想象。

    Until now , a devaluation of the dollar seemed inconceivable .

  7. 一些国家也可能会发现自己的货币正在国外市场上贬值。

    Countries may also find their currency is depreciating in foreign markets .

  8. 贬值只能让经济得到暂时的缓解。

    Devaluation would only give the economy a brief respite .

  9. 这个国家的货币贬值了3.5%。

    The country 's currency went down in value by 3.5 per cent

  10. 印度已将卢比贬值了约11%。

    India has devalued the Rupee by about eleven per cent

  11. 如果我们降低利率,英镑就会大幅贬值。

    If we cut interest rates , the pound would dive

  12. 他说议会和民主程序已遭贬值。

    He said parliament and the process of democracy had been debased .

  13. 经济学理论指出贬值的英镑将会促进经济的发展。

    Economic theory suggests that the devalued pound will boost the economy .

  14. 他将上周的货币贬值归咎于银行家所作的不当评论。

    He blamed injudicious comments by bankers for last week 's devaluation .

  15. 我们被告知英镑将会贬值。

    The Pound would be devalued , we were told

  16. 刚好在这个时候,美元开始迅速贬值。

    The value of the dollar began to erode rapidly just around this time .

  17. 法国也坚决反对货币贬值。

    France is also set against devaluation .

  18. 美元继续贬值。

    The US dollar continued to slide

  19. 法国人认为不能以提高竞争力为由进行贬值,他们是有道理的。

    The French are on solid ground when they argue that competitiveness is no reason for devaluation

  20. 一些实业家认为政府应该在全民公决前果断出手解决棘手的货币贬值问题。

    Some industrialists believe the government should grasp the nettle of devaluation before the referendum takes place .

  21. 财政部一直将英镑的疲软归咎于美元贬值。

    The Treasury had been blaming the pound 's weakness on the backwash from the falling dollar .

  22. 我们认为较低的德国利率到时候将容许欧洲货币相对于美元集团货币发生贬值。

    We think lower German interest rates in due course will allow European currencies to depreciate against the dollar bloc .

  23. 你把这几列上下扫视一遍,就会发现其中有些贬值了。

    If you run your eye up and down these columns you will see that the value of some of them declined .

  24. 货币贬值时,就无法鼓励人们储蓄。

    When money falls in value , there is no encouragement to save .

  25. 外汇贬值是有关国家经济不景气的结果。

    Foreign currency depreciation is a result of economic depression in the country concerned .

  26. 他们不愿让货币贬值,并非只与经济风险有关。

    Their reluctance is not simply to do with economic risk .

  27. 通货膨胀一词意味着货币贬值。

    The term inflation signifies a decline in the value of money .

  28. 政府正在考虑采取进一步措施避免英镑贬值。

    The government is considering further action to keep the pound from falling in value .

  29. 这个国家通货膨胀迅速恶化,货币在过去六个月贬值了一半。

    The country is suffering from galloping inflation ; the value of its money has halved in the past six months .

  30. 在过去12个月中,尼日利亚饱受经济萎缩、货币贬值及燃料持续短缺之苦。

    In the past 12 months , Nigeria has suffered from a shrinking economy , a sliding currency , and a prolonged fuel shortage .