
  1. 在现有的经济技术条件下,黑斑矿应确定为次边际经济资源,暂无开采利用价值。

    The black - spot ore is sub - marginal economical resources and inadvisable to utilize at the present technical and economic conditions .

  2. 在经济资本最优配置的数学证明过程中,边际经济资本相等是经济资本最优化配置的充分条件。

    In the process of mathematical reasoning , marginal economic capital of all business equals each other when allocation of economic capital is optimal .

  3. 在这一周期中的每一步,其边际宏观经济效益可能会递减。

    With every step in the cycle , the marginal macroeconomic benefit is likely to fall .

  4. 本论文研究露天矿开采边际品位经济最优化的理论方法及其数学模型问题。

    This dissertation focuses on the study of economic analysis and mathematical models of open pit cutoff grade optimization .

  5. 深入地剖析了影响矿石开采边际品位经济性分析的主要技术经济因素,为最优化建模提供了变量关联性分析基础。

    The technological and economic factors relating to the cutoff grad analysis are studied , providing the basis for the inter-variable relations analysis in optimization modeling ;

  6. 依据边际理论求得经济合理施钾量为75~90kg(K2O)/ha。

    According to the marginal theory , the economical K application rate was 75-90 kg ( K2O ) / ha .

  7. 就不同区域经济发展而言,各地区投资增长对GDP增长的边际贡献依经济发展水平和东中西部地理位置差异近似呈倒U型关系。

    As far as different regional economic developments are concerned , the marginal contribution of investment growth on GDP growth in different areas presents an inverse U shape relationship depending on the economic development level and geographic position differences of the east , the middle and the west .

  8. 边际分析在经济决策中的应用

    Application of the marginal analysis in the economic decision

  9. 这4项品位指标依次为边界品位、边际品位、经济品位和矿床平均品位。

    They are respectively named cut-off grade , marginal grade , economic grade and the average grade of an ore deposit .

  10. 方法实证分析和规范分析相结合,定性分析和定量分析相结合,边际分析和经济模型相结合。

    Methods Demonstration analysis is combined with criterion analysis , qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis and marginal analysis with economic model .

  11. 第二部分与第三部分研究了金融发展与经济增长相互作用机理,建立了金融发展通过储蓄率、储蓄-投资的转化比率以及资本的边际生产率影响经济增长的内生机制模型。

    Section II and III present models of endogenous growth . Mechanism between economic growth and financial development lie on three aspects : saving , the ratio of investment and capital marginal productivity .

  12. 论知识的边际收益递增与经济的持续增长

    On Marginal Gradual Income Increase of Knowledge and Continuous Growth of Economy

  13. 露天矿边际品位最优化的经济分析

    The Economic Analysis of Open Pit Cutoff Grade Optimization

  14. 油价下跌从边际上推动了经济增长。

    At the margin , cheaper oil provides a boost to the economy .

  15. 最后,本文对从边际生产率角度实现经济收敛提出了简要的政策建议。

    Finally , this paper raises some brief countermeasures to how to achieve economic convergence from marginal product .

  16. 理论模型表明,金融发展主要是通过影响储蓄率、储蓄向投资的转化比率和资本边际效率来影响经济增长的。

    Theoretical model shows that financial development does affect economic growth through saving ratio , ratio saving channeled to investment and capital marginal efficiency .

  17. 在混合经济中,政府可以通过公共资本的增加来提高私人资本的边际生产力,促使经济在最优状态下实现持续增长。

    In mixed economy , the government can raise the marginal productivity by increasing public capital , so as to promote a continuous economic development under its optimum condition .

  18. 作为1994年分税制改革基础的税制改革加剧了地区之间的税收负担差异,实证分析表明边际税率与区域经济增长之间负相关,结果是税制改革进一步拉大了地区经济发展差距。

    Taxation system reform in 1994 which tax-division system reform in 1994 was based on aggravated the differences of tax burden , leading to the the expansion of the gap of regional disparity .

  19. 本文用经济学的效用理论、边际均衡原理及经济增长理论研究西部开发中能源开发、能源配置问题及能源对经济增长的影响。

    By using utility theory , marginal equilibrium principle and economic growth theory , this dissertation studies the exploitation and configuration of energy in the western development strategy and the impact on economy growth .

  20. 在分析了六轴四联动数控高速滚齿机模块化设计的技术先进性与经济性间辨证关系的基础上,提出了产品开发过程中以边际成本法进行经济分析的方法。

    By analyzing dialectical relationship of technical advance and reasonable economy for the development and modular design of high-speed CNC gear hobbing machine in 6-axis with four coordinated , the analysing method for economy of the product according to the marginal cost method is raised .

  21. 本文从传统经济的边际效益递减规律入手,阐述了网络经济是边际收益递增的经济及其原因,并指出网络经济中存在边际效益递增规律的例外。

    Starting with the progressive decreasing theory of marginal utility in traditional economy , this paper points out that the network economy is marginal utility progressive increasing economy and discusses the reason for it . Then the exceptions are also indicated .

  22. 对外贸易对国民经济的促进作用与对外贸易乘数的大小有关,对外贸易乘数的大小与边际消费倾向、边际税率、边际投资倾向、边际政府购买支出倾向和边际进口倾向等经济参数有关。

    Foreign trade promoting effect on economy development depends on foreign trade multiplier . Foreign trade multiplier is closely related to marginal propensity to consume , marginal propensity to import , marginal tax rate , marginal propensity to government expenditure , and so on .

  23. 中国在难采边际储量的开发方面进行了大量的研究和现场试验,积累了一些成功的经验,初步建立难采边际油田经济有效的开发技术。

    A large amount of in-door researches and field pilot tests on marginal oil fields have been carried out in China . Successful experiences have been accumulated and the cost-effective technology for the development of marginal fields established .