  • side;section;edge;margin
  • along;while
  • 物体的周围部分,外缘:~缘。~沿。

  • 国家或地区交界处:~疆。~界。~防。~境。~陲(边境)。

  • 几何学上指夹成角或围成多角形的直线:等~三角形。

  • 旁侧,近旁:身~。~锋。

  • 方面:~干(gàn )~学。

  • 表示方位:上~。外~。

  • 姓。


(几何图形上夹成角的直线或围成多边形的线段) side; section:

  • 几何图形的一条边

    one side of a geometric figure


(边缘) edge; margin; outer regions; side:

  • 岸边

    near the bank;

  • 田边地头

    edges of fields;

  • 街道两边

    both sides of the street;

  • 每页边上都有批注。

    There are notes in the margin on every page.

  • 湖边有座扬水站。

    There is a pumping station on the edge of the lake.


(镶在或画在边缘上的条状饰物) brim; rim:

  • 花边儿


  • 碗边儿

    the rim of a bowl;

  • 裙边儿

    the hem of a dress;

  • 宽边草帽

    a straw hat with a broad brim


(边界; 边境) border; boundary; frontier:

  • 拓边

    expand frontiers;

  • 戍边

    garrison a border region;

  • 边城

    border [frontier] town;

  • 边寨

    borderland village


(界限) bound; limit:

  • 无边


  • 不着边

    not to the point;

  • 这话可太没边儿了。

    That's just absurd.


(旁侧; 近旁) near-by place; by the side of; close by:

  • 旁边

    at the side; near by;

  • 身边

    at [by] one's side;

  • 手边没有纸笔

    have no pen or paper at hand;

  • 他身边有两个好徒弟。

    He has two good apprentices working with him.

  • 党的教导在她耳边回响。

    The Party's teachings were ringing in her ears.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 边韶

    Bian Shao


(表示动作同时进行) along; while:

  • 他边工作边唱歌。

    He sang while (he was) working.; He sang over his work.

  • 他们边喝茶边闲谈。

    They had a chat over a cup of tea.

  1. 熔化了的蜡一滴滴从蜡烛边上流下。

    Melted wax dribbled down the side of the candle .

  2. 保罗笨拙地游到池子边。

    Paul swam in his ungainly way to the side of the pool .

  3. 杯子放在椅子边上。

    The cup was poised on the edge of the chair .

  4. 城边上横七竖八的建筑不再蔓延,田野展现出来。

    The town straggled to an end and the fields began .

  5. 他们驾车穿过了17号公路边上的棉田。

    They drove through the cotton fields that flanked Highway 17 .

  6. 鸟儿飞来飞去,然后落在池塘边上。

    The birds flew around and then resettled on the pond .

  7. 他们沿河边闲逛,一路谈笑风生。

    They dawdled along by the river , laughing and talking .

  8. 她将就坐在桌边上,非常难受。

    She perched uncomfortably on the edge of the table .

  9. 他紧急刹车,汽车向侧边打滑。

    The car skidded as he jammed on the brakes .

  10. 他边用力边哼声,使出更大的力气拉绳子。

    He pulled harder on the rope , grunting with the effort .

  11. 这几栋农舍构成一个正方形的三个边。

    The farm buildings form three sides of a square .

  12. 他懒洋洋地靠着椅背坐在炉火边。

    He lolled back in his chair by the fire .

  13. 他们一起边走边聊着回去的。

    They walked back together , talking all the while .

  14. 我沿着田边走,又经过了那座桥。

    I skirted around the field and crossed the bridge .

  15. 他边唱边拨着吉他。

    As he sang , he strummed his guitar .

  16. 小路沿树林边延伸约一英里。

    The lane follows the edge of a wood for about a mile .

  17. 对对情侣手牵手沿河边散步。

    Couples walked hand in hand along the front .

  18. 联合收割机把庄稼绕田边割了一长条。

    The combine had cut a swathe around the edge of the field .

  19. 她的头发是从前边往后梳的。

    Her hair was swept back from her face .

  20. 几条狗边叫边向着我们的脚后跟咬来。

    The dogs snarled and snapped at our heels .

  21. 切莫靠近悬崖边。

    Keep away from the edge of the cliff .

  22. 别把那只玻璃杯放在离桌边太近的地方。

    Don 't put that glass so near the edge of the table .

  23. 我喜欢边熨衣服边听收音机。

    I like listening to the radio when I 'm doing the ironing .

  24. 这青肿块不在伤口边上。

    The bruising was not contiguous to the wound .

  25. 我们沿湖边散步。

    We went for a walk by the lakeside .

  26. 把厚木板的一端用夹具固定在桌子的边上。

    Clamp one end of the plank to the edge of the table .

  27. 她边唱边弹吉他。

    As she sang she strummed on a guitar .

  28. 用锋利的刀将参差不齐的边切齐。

    Trim rough edges with a sharp knife .

  29. 她穿着镶白色网眼纱边的衣服美极了。

    She was a vision in white lace .

  30. 你打算投哪边的票?

    Which way are you going to vote ?