
  • 网络lntv;Liaoning TV
  1. 本文借助于管理学中的SWOT分析模型,对辽宁卫视广告经营的优势、劣势、机会、威胁进行了深入的分析和挖掘。

    With the SWOT analysis management model , the author carried out in-depth analysis and mining of Liaoning TV advertising business strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats .

  2. 据悉,美国流行乐组合后街男孩将参加辽宁卫视春晚的录制。而去年以一曲《江南Style》红遍全球的“鸟叔”也将亮相上海东方卫视春晚,“鸟叔”将在现场教林志玲跳“骑马舞”。

    such as the Backstreet Boys who will perform on China 's Liaoning Province Television 's Spring Festival Gala and " Gangnam Style " singer Psy , who is set for Shanghai 's Dragon TV 's Spring Festival Gala with Taiwanese supermodel Lin Chi-ling 。