
  1. 据报告,目前全世界CNTs的年产量已达上千亿吨。

    According to the reports , up to a hundred billion of CNTs are produced in the world every year .

  2. 这些工具还有助于削减health-care产业中惊人的保险欺骗损失,仅在美国这个损失就高达上千亿美元。保险公司现在能够发现任何欺诈行为。

    These tools are also helping slash the staggering cost of insurance fraud in the health-care industry , which is a hundred-billion-dollar problem in the United States alone . Insurance companies can now spot every billion practices .

  3. 而在最近与微软的交易结束之前,Skype又开除了8名高管,这样一来,这8名高管将损失高达上百万美元的期权支出。这8名高管的离职曾引起了不小的轰动。

    ( In contrast , the recent firing of eight executives before the closing of the Microsoft ( MSFT ) deal they 'll lose their chance at million-dollar payouts caused quite a stir . )

  4. 目前公司主要客户产品规格达上百种。

    At present the company mainly product specifications customers hundreds of Tatsu .

  5. 据报道,失踪在泛滥洪水中的人数已达上百人。

    The widespread flooding has led to hundreds of missing person reports .

  6. 北极熊的体温可以高达上百华氏度,比高烧严重的得多。

    A polar bear 's temperature climbs to a fever 's hundred degrees .

  7. 我们还推出了高达上千位的自动总线命令。

    We 've also introduced an automatic bus command up to thousands of bits .

  8. 每年全球由这种害虫所造成的损失达上亿美元。

    The loss caused by the pest over one hundred million dollars in the world each year .

  9. 中国北方黄土高原地区堆积了晚新近纪以来厚达上百米的风成红粘土-黄土序列,是古环境、古气候信息的良好载体。

    Aeolian red clay and loess deposited in northern China since late Neogene is an ideal palaeoclimate recorder .

  10. 通过紫外光展现出的这篇相对寒冷而黑暗的区域也还是有高达上千摄氏度的高温。

    Shown in ultraviolet light , the relatively cool dark regions have temperatures of thousands of degrees Celsius .

  11. 延参法师在新浪微博拥有众多粉丝,他的微博转发量达上千次之多。

    He drew a large following on his Sina Weibo , with his posts being forwarded thousands of times .

  12. 一个二十五岁的青年如此年轻身价就高达上亿美元

    for a 25 year old , to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars when he was still young .

  13. 几年来,这家公司发展迅猛,营业收入已达上亿美元,而且数次实现盈利。

    In a few years , the company has surged and generated hundreds of millions in revenues and has at times been profitable .

  14. 计算机拼图教育游戏软件的实现与应用,其软件系统的代码量达上万行。

    The implementation , application of CNU JPT software , the system software codes amount to more than 10,000 code lines . 3 .

  15. 据估计我们国家每年花在雪茄上的费用高达上千亿,这是巨大的浪费。

    It is estimated that tens of billions of pounds is spent on cigarettes every year in our country , which is a huge waste .

  16. 家蚕微粒子病对养蚕业是一种毁灭性病害,我国每年因微粒子病和带毒种造成的直接经济损失高达上千万元。

    Pebrine is devastating for sericulture industry , and the economic losses caused by the disease in China are up to millions of yuan annually .

  17. 人造板主要包括胶合板、刨花(碎料)板和纤维板等三大类产品,其延伸产品和深加工产品达上百种。

    Wood based panel includes plywood panel , particle board , fiber board . There are hundreds of its extension products and deep processing products .

  18. 经报道已经研究过的糖尿病和高血压候选基因分别达上百个,但是目前尚无一致结果。

    At present , the number of candidate genes of diabetes and hypertension was more than one hundred respectively , yet there were no consistent results .

  19. 就本文的研究对象吉林油田公司而言,从目前的生产规模来讲,每年的资金收支高达上千亿元。

    This paper is the research object of jilin oilfield companies , from the current production scale speaking , the annual capital payments up to billions .

  20. 文本聚类有助于专利分析人员更好地分析专利文献,传统的聚类方法只能应用维数较低的对象,面对维数高达上千维的专利文本,聚类方法无法获得良好的结果。

    Traditional clustering method can only apply in low-dimensional objects , but in the face dimension of high-dimensional objects such as text , clustering methods cannot get good results .

  21. 到2007年,中国的内衣市场年销售额已经达到1000亿以上,且每年以近20%的速度增长,年利润达上亿元。

    In 2007 , the sale of Chinese domestic achieves 100 billion , and the increasing speed is near upon 20 % , the annual profit achieves a hundred million .

  22. 工业环境中,因电机开关、静电放电或者邻近电弧闪击,常常会产生高达上百甚至上千伏特的冲击电压。

    In industrial environment , due to the motor switch , electrostatic discharge or adjacent arc strike , they often can produce up to hundreds or even thousands of volts .

  23. 结果显示,厦门西海域或同安湾其总氮和总磷每年环境容量的总价值达上亿元,50年的总价值高达几十亿。

    The result shows : the total value of marine environmental capacity in Xiamen West Sea and Tong'an Bay accounts for billion Yuan in one year and tens of billion Yuan in50 years .

  24. 参与策划、设计、编辑的各类图书达上千种,荣获过国家图书奖、五个一工程奖、冰心儿童图书奖等多种奖项。

    He has created , designed and edited thousands of book and won many awards like National Book Award , National Five Top Project Award , Bingxin Children 's Literature Award and so on .

  25. 据公安部统计,去年国庆假期,我国共发生6.8万多起交通事故,导致了764人丧生,每日发生交通事故达上百起。

    More than 68000 road accidents , resulting in 794 deaths , more than 100 a day , occurred in China during the last National Day holiday , according to the Ministry of Public Security .

  26. 另一个29岁模特琳娜马鲁兰达上个月自杀,同样让人心碎的是最漂亮的海报女孩爱米诺也可能香消玉勋。

    Another model , Lina Marulanda , killed herself last month at the age of29.And now there is the heartbreaking news of what Noemi Lenoir , the most beautiful of the M & S poster girls , is going through .

  27. 电力安全监督部门的统计数据显示,全国的变电站设备每年因为温度过高引发的重大事故达上千起,给生产和经营造成了重大经济损失。

    Statistical data offered by Electrical safety supervision Department suggests every year thousands of major accidents happen on the substation equipment across the country , because the temperature of equipment is too high , causing heavy economic losses to production and management .

  28. 范小青是当代文学史上一位重要而独具特色的作家,凭借其独特视野、自身体验和对苏州文化的阐释,创作出大量优秀的作品,字数达上千万。

    Xiao-Qing Fan is an important and unique contemporary literature writers , by virtue of his unique vision , her own experience and interpretation of the Suzhou culture , create a large number of excellent works , up to tens of millions of words .

  29. 地方电视台的利润更是高达50%上。

    Local TV stations can boast margins North of50 percent .

  30. 我现在必须将注意力集中在云达不莱梅上。

    I have to focus on Werder right now .