
  • 网络Darling River;Darling;Murray-Darling;Murray-Darling River
  1. 反对者和赞成者势均力敌,此前澳大利亚各部长未能与来自南澳大利亚的独立参议员尼克•色诺芬(NickXenophon)达成协议。他要求对该法案进行修改,以便资助修缮境况不佳的墨累-达令河水利体系。

    The vote was tied after ministers failed to reach a deal with Nick Xenophon , an independent senator from South Australia , who had demanded amendments to the bill to finance improvements to the ailing Murray - Darling river system .

  2. 昆士兰州并没有多少参与这场争吵,因为其境内的达令河河段在当时人烟稀少。

    Queensland played little part in the row , since its stretch of the Darling was sparsely populated at the time .

  3. 墨累河和达令河在阿得雷德以东汇合。

    The River Murray and the river darling join east of adelaide .

  4. 但在今年早些时候,尽管正在干旱,它仍然给沃里戈(达令河的一个支流)的农民授予了新的用水权。

    But earlier this year , despite the ongoing drought , it awarded new water-use rights to farmers on the Warrego , one of the tributaries of the Darling .

  5. 昆州政府觉得,它有权增加州内达令河河段沿岸的灌溉量,来使本州的农业发展程度赶上其它州。

    The state government felt it had a right to promote irrigation along its stretch of the Darling to bring Queensland to the same level of agricultural development as the other states .

  6. 结果,墨累河最长的支流&达令河的流量变化巨大,它能小到长期平均值的0.04%,也能大到平均值的911%。

    As a result , the flow of the Darling , the longest tributary of the Murray , varies wildly , from as little as0.04 % of the long-term average to as much as911 % .