
dá ěr wén
  • Darwin;Charles Robert Darwin
达尔文 [dá ěr wén]
  • [Charles Robert Darwin] (1809--1882)英国生物学家

达尔文[dá ěr wén]
  1. 达尔文的语言无论对专家还是非专业人士而言都明白易懂。

    The language of Darwin was intelligible to experts and non-experts alike

  2. 达尔文市的魅力一部分在于它靠近亚洲。

    Part of the attraction is Darwin 's proximity to Asia

  3. 达尔文最终提出了生物进化的模型。

    Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution

  4. 一想到冒他之名所做下的那些事,达尔文在九泉之下一定不得安宁。

    Darwin must be turning in his grave at the thought of what is being perpetrated in his name .

  5. 在澳大利亚达尔文附近的梅尔维尔岛,住着叫tiwi的土著居民。

    In Melville island near darwin , australia , lives a race of aborigines called the tiwi .

  6. 赫胥黎是达尔文进化论的解释者。

    Huxlay was an exponent of darwin 's theory of evolution .

  7. 我们自然而然地把达尔文的名字与进化论联系在一起。

    We naturally associate the name of Darwin with the doctrine of evolution .

  8. 达尔文对许多事实加以归纳,得出了他对于人类起源的观点。

    Darwin generalized from many facts to reach his idea about the origin of man .

  9. 达尔文写这封信是为了感谢美国的一位地质学家费迪纳得·万德韦尔·海登博士,感谢他给自己寄送的个区域地质研究的复印件,该区域后来成为黄石公园。

    The letter was written by Darwin to thank an American geologist , Dr. Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden , for sending him copies of his research into the geology of the region that would become Yellowstone National Park .

  10. 查尔斯?达尔文首先提出的物竞天择理论

    the theory of natural selection , first propounded by Charles Darwin

  11. 遗传算法(GA即GeneticAlgorithm的简称)是一种由达尔文自然生物进化论改良而来的搜索问题的最优解方法。

    Genetic Algorithm ( GA ) is an improvement of search optimal solution method on the Darwinian natural biological evolution .

  12. 在罗伯特弗兰克的新书《达尔文经济学》(thedarwineconomy)中,他写到了现代社会中各种类似“麋鹿角”的事例。

    In a new book , the Darwin economy , Robert Frank sees elk antlers everywhere he looks in modern society .

  13. 19世纪许多伟大的发现都是出自那些拥有独立财富的人&查尔斯•达尔文(CharlesDarwin)就是个典型例子。

    Many of the great 19th-century discoveries were made by men who had independent wealth - Charles Darwin is the prototype .

  14. 多数科学家举出查尔斯?达尔文(CharlesDarwin)1872年的著作《人与动物的情绪表达》(TheExpressionoftheEmotionsinManandAnimals)作为证据,证明面部表情是自然选择的通用产物。

    Most scientists point to Charles Darwin 's The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals ( 1872 ) for proof that facial expressions are universal products of natural selection .

  15. OASIS达尔文信息分类体系结构(DITA)是一个基于XML的技术文档框架,用于映射及发布关于给定主题的信息。

    The OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture ( DITA ) is an XML-based technical documentation framework used to map and then publish information on a given topic .

  16. 行为AI和演化计算则基于达尔文进化论思想,从与环境实时互动联系的角度,实现对传统AI局限的突破。

    Behavior AI and evolution calculation based on the theory of evolution , broke out the limit of tradition AI , by the way of inter connection with environment .

  17. 查尔斯•达尔文(CharlesDarwin)的《物种的起源》(1859)一书曾提到马德拉岛的原始景观和550种甲虫。

    Madeira 's ancient landscape , together with its 550 species of beetle , merits mention by Charles Darwin in On the Origin of Species ( 1859 ) .

  18. 为此我读了大量自然历史方面的书&达尔文(Darwin)的书、一些早期地质学家的书和很多道德哲学家的书。

    I read a fair amount of natural history as background & Darwin , some of the early geologists , a lot of the moral philosophers .

  19. 进化论领域专家道金斯(R.Dawkins)认为进化稳定性(evolutionarystability)是自达尔文(Darwin)以来最重要的进展之一。

    Smith in his work 《 Evolution and the Theory of Games 》 . The expert R. Dawkins in the field of evolution thought " Evolutionary stability was one of the most important progresses since Darwin " .

  20. 我相信“信息进化论”,但是我们不能指望投资人也像达尔文一样,去预测某家公司的CEO会选在哪一天、选择哪个平台去发布消息。

    I believe in information evolution , but am not so Darwinian as to think that investors should be expected to divine which outlet a company CEO will choose to utilize on a given day .

  21. 10月22日,当哈特里询问ACE的进展时,达尔文不得不承认“邮政实验室的帮助没有想象中那么大。”

    On 22 October , when Hartree enquired about progress on the ACE , Darwin had to confess that ' Post Office assistance had not been as great as was expected . '

  22. ID运动没有全盘的否定达尔文主义,也不否定进化现象的存在,而是批评达尔文及其追随者把自然选择和随机突变作为进化现象最主要的、甚至唯一的根源。

    The ID movement neither completely denied Darwinism , nor denied the existence of evolution , however , it mostly criticized Darwin and his adherents regard natural selection and random mutation as the uppermost and only root of evolution .

  23. 瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院的RenatoParo教授认为这与达尔文的进化论并不矛盾。

    ETH professor Renato Paro does not believe that this opposes Darwin 's theory of evolution .

  24. 这份报告建议,应该设立足够的这类“达尔文奖学金”(darwinfellowships),用来每年从亚洲为英国引入200名年轻、事业处于中间阶段的研究人员。

    The report suggests there should be enough of these " Darwin fellowships " to bring 200 young and mid-career researchers a year from Asia to Britain .

  25. RANGER矿位于达尔文东部260km,是澳大利亚北部地区的首府。

    The Ranger Mine is located about 260 kilometres east of Darwin , the capital city of the Northern Territory , Australia .

  26. 在他的研究中,达尔文援引了法国神经学家GuillaumeDuchenne的研究,他通过给面部肌肉做电颤刺激来产生微笑。

    In his study , Darwin actually cited a French neurologist , Guillaume Duchenne , who sent electric jolts to facial muscles to induce and stimulate smiles .

  27. 第一部分介绍达尔文体系及Eigen模型,包括适应面概念、Fisher的自然选择理论、准物种模型的解析解、微扰近似和数值解。

    The first part deals with the Darwinian system and Eigen model , including the concept of fitness landscape , Fisher 's theory , and the analytical solution , perturbation approximation and numerical solution for quasi-species model .

  28. 达尔文和哈特里对于蒙巴顿的这场演讲感到十分尴尬,一是因为他犯了许多科学错误,二是因为他说ACE将会具有“人类的选择和决策能力”。

    Darwin and Hartree were embarrassed not only by Mountbatten getting the wrong ends of the technical sticks , but also by his perfectly correct assertion that the ACE would exercise ' hitherto human prerogatives of choice and judgment ' .

  29. 如果真的有这类行星存在,NASA的类地行星搜寻者,以及ESA的达尔文计画等任务,将得以探测它们的大气,寻找象徵生命存在的气体。

    If such planets exist , these missions NASA 's Terrestrial Planet Finder and ESA 's Darwin should be able to scan their atmospheres for the presence of gases that would indicate the existence of life .

  30. 当初沃默斯利向达尔文报告关于建造ACE的提议时,他说这个项目在科学研究、行政和国家防务领域有着至关重要的作用,

    A few days later Womersley reported to Darwin with proposals for the building of the machine , which he held to be ' of supreme importance ... in the fields of scientific research , administration , and national defence ' .