
  • 网络hobart;Horbart;HBA
  1. 霍巴特发现要出版自己的第一本书很不容易。

    Hobart found it difficult to get her first book published

  2. SweetEnvy坐落在北霍巴特郊区一处安静的住宅区街道上。

    Sweet Envy lies on a quiet residential street in the suburb of North Hobart .

  3. 谦逊有礼的邓恩戴着副眼镜,来这里之前是一名杂志编辑。他和妻子塞芙琳(Severine)在离霍巴特一个小时车程的一处旧校舍里创立了AgrarianKitchen烹饪学校。

    Unassuming and bespectacled , Mr. Dunn was a magazine editor before he and his wife , Severine , decamped to Tasmania and set up Agrarian Kitchen in a former schoolhouse an hour 's drive from Hobart .

  4. MasaakiKoyama生在日本长在日本,并在那里学习了寿司制作技艺。他和霍巴特西南部休恩峡谷(HuonValley)的一名女子结婚后就移居到了这里,并把做高端寿司的手艺也带了过来。

    Born and brought up in Japan , where he studied sushi-making , Masaaki Koyama moved to Tasmania 's Huon Valley , southwest of Hobart , after marrying a local . He brought along his expertise in high-end hand rolls .

  5. 58岁的霍巴特先生被烟熏倒了。

    Mr hobart , 58 , was overcome by the fumes .

  6. 单程租金之间也允许斯顿和霍巴特。

    One-way rentals are also permitted between Launceston and Hobart .

  7. 安娜·雷诺兹是澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚州首府霍巴特的市长。

    Anna Reynolds is the mayor of Hobart in Tasmania .

  8. 你和霍巴特上校有一个约会。

    You have an appointment with captain hobart .

  9. 霍巴特上校正在来这里的路上。

    Captain hobart 's on his way here .

  10. 她在论坛上表示,一年后霍巴特市内将完全禁止使用任何一次性塑料包装。

    At the forum , she said that her city is single-use plastics by next year .

  11. 这艘船被困在澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚州首府霍巴特以南大约1500海里的地方。

    The ship is stranded about 1,500 nautical miles south of Hobart , the capital of Australia 's Tasmania state .

  12. 我是霍巴特公司的财务经理,这是一家美国公司。

    I am the manager of the financial department in Hobart company , which is an American company in China .

  13. 瑟琳娜威廉斯里沸腾的愤怒被淘汰之后,在国际的霍巴特举行的澳洲公开赛。

    Serena Williams was seething with anger after being knocked out of the Hobart international in the run-up to the Australian open .

  14. 1936年的今天,叫作本杰明的最后一只(母)袋狼,在澳大利亚的塔斯马尼亚州的霍巴特动物园中死去。

    1936-The last surviving member of the thylacine species , Benjamin , dies alone in her cage at the Hobart Zoo in Tasmania .

  15. 一个人日出时在阿拉斯加写了一封荒诞的电子邮件,用不着等到日落,他就会被从赫尔辛基到霍巴特的所有人嘲笑。

    A man may write an ill-judged email in Alaska at dawn , and be laughed at from Helsinki to Hobart by sunset .

  16. 它们分布在从岛南端的首府霍巴特到北边的朗塞斯顿的各个地方。

    They 're scattered around Tasmania , from Hobart , the capital city on the southern tip , to Launceston in the north .

  17. D'Meure葡萄园位于霍巴特以南20英里开外的地方,具有典型的塔斯马尼亚风格:规模非常小,手工操作。

    D'Meure vineyard , just over 20 miles south of Hobart , is typical of the tiny , hands-on operations that characterize Tasmania 's winemaking scene .

  18. 澳大利亚的顶尖大学遍布全国,从西部的珀斯到东部的布里斯班,从北部的达尔文到南部的霍巴特。

    The best Australian universities are spread across the country , from Perth in the west to Brisbane in the east , Darwin in the north to Hobart in the south .

  19. 问我这个问题的霍巴特和威廉姆史密斯学院的物理学家斯佩克特博士告诉我,他推测和超新星相关的数字时的经验法则是:不管你认为超新星有多大,它们其实比你以为的更大。

    Dr.Spector , the Hobart and William Smith Colleges physicist who asked me thisquestion , told me his rule of thumb for estimating supernova-related numbers : However big you think supernovae are , they 're bigger than that .

  20. 它值得你驱车一个小时从霍巴特来到这里亲自品尝他的手艺,最出名的是他的酸酵母面包和其他家庭烘焙品,还有各种开胃小菜和果酱,其中许多原料均取自附近的苹果园和樱桃园。

    It 's well worth the hourlong drive from Hobart to experience his cooking for yourself -- Mr. Cumper is known for his sourdough breads and other homestyle baked goods , as well as relishes and jams , many of whose ingredients are sourced from nearby apple and cherry orchards .